The Washington Nationals are the World Champions of baseball. It's the 1st time in the 51 seasons of the franchise known as the Montreal Expos from 1969 to 2004, and the 1st time in 95 years that a D.C.-based team won, since the 1924 Washington Senators.
Halloween is the demarcation line. It's the end of October, the last month of the baseball season. It can get cold by October 31, and even sooner. It can even snow: We had snow in Central Jersey on October 29, 2011. And, of course, Hurricane Sandy clobbered us on October 29, 2012.
But, even on a wet, raw day like today (which may hold down the number of trick-or-treaters), with the falling leaves being very slick and raising the potential for accidents (pedestrian and vehicular), no bad-weather day in October feels as bad as a bad-weather day in November, which starts tomorrow.
The best way to analogize this is to use a line from DC Comics writer Dennis O'Neil, comparing the hometowns of Superman and Batman: "Metropolis is Manhattan between 14th and 100th Streets on the brightest, sunniest day of the year. Gotham City is Manhattan below 14th Street at 11 minutes past midnight on the coldest night in November."
So now, the weather is colder, which intensifies any rain that may come. And the brightly colored leaves are no longer on the trees, they're on the ground. And they can be wet and slippery.
And it is easy to see why Autumn is also called "Fall."
October 31, 1451: This is the traditional date given for the birth of Christoforo Colombo, in Genoa, Italy. The English-speaking world knows him as Christopher Columbus. Whether you treat him as a great explorer or a sadistic slavemaker is up to you. "Nice Peter" Shukoff played him in Epic Rap Battles of History, against "Epic Lloyd" Ahlquist as Star Trek's James T. Kirk.
October 31, 1517: Martin Luther writes Disputation on the Power of Indulgences, challenging some Roman Catholic Church doctrines as being contradictory to Christian teaching, and sends them to Albert of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz. This paper becomes known as the Ninety-five Theses, and sparks the Protestant Reformation.
Apparently, the fact that it was October 31, All Hallows Eve or "Hallowe'en," as the day was once written, had nothing to do with it.
According to legend, he also nailed a copy of his paper to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenburg, a.k.a. the Schlosskirche (Castle Church). If this happened, it was not on this date, more likely a few days later. No account from Luther's lifetime quotes him as having admitted that the story of him nailing the Theses to the church door is true. The 1st written account of the story comes from a man writing after Luther's death, and who had not arrived in Wittenberg until the year after the event.
Luther was persecuted by his superiors in the Church for years, leading to a trial in Worms (pronounced "Verms"), outside Frankfurt. On April 18, 1521, he told his accusers, "I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen."
As with the nailing of the Theses to the door, there is no contemporary evidence that he preceded, "May God help me. Amen" with, "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders" -- which, depending on who's translating it from Medieval German into Modern English, becomes either "Here I stand. I can do no other" or "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise."
He was convicted on May 25. His literature was banned, it was made a crime for anyone in Germany to give him food or shelter, and it was made legal to kill him. Some Christians, huh?
He was sheltered, taken to Wartburg Castle at Eisenach, in Thuringia. He was said to have disappeared, possibly been murdered. But he kept writing, including translating the New Testament from ancient Greek not into Latin, the language of the Catholic Church, but German. William Tyndale would be executed in England for translating the Bible into English in 1536, 15 years later.
Luther stayed there for 10 months, until March 1522. Eventually, his conviction was essentially set aside. In 1525, he married a former nun, Katharina von Bora. He was 41, she was 26, and they would go on to have 3 sons and 3 daughters. He lived until 1546, at the age of 62.
Above and beyond the Ninety-five Theses being the birth certificate of Protestantism, leading to my own Methodist faith, this is an important moment to me for another reason: The 95 Theses have been called "The First Blog."
October 31, 1740: William Paca is born in Abingdon, Maryland. He signed the Declaration of Independence, and later served Maryland as a State Senator (1777-79) and Governor (1782-85). He was a federal Judge when he died in 1799.
October 31, 1795: John Keats (no middle name) is born in Moorgate, in what is now Central London. One of the finest poets who ever lived, he died of tuberculosis in 1821, only 25 years old.
October 31, 1795: John Keats (no middle name) is born in Moorgate, in what is now Central London. One of the finest poets who ever lived, he died of tuberculosis in 1821, only 25 years old.
October 31, 1800: America holds its 4th Presidential election. John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States and the Federalist Party's nominee, becomes the 1st President ever to be defeated for re-election. He gets 65 Electoral Votes, to the 73 of the Democratic-Republican Party's nominee, his old friend from the Continental Congress, now his arch-rival, outgoing Vice President Thomas Jefferson.
Except, under the law of the time, Jefferson's Vice Presidential nominee, Aaron Burr, former Senator from New York, also got 73 Electoral Votes, and claimed an equal right to be President, since he was tied with Jefferson for 1st place. The election was thus, as constitutionally prescribed, sent to the U.S. House of Representatives, resulting in tie vote after tie vote.
Finally, Alexander Hamilton, who had been the nation's 1st Secretary of the Treasury under George Washington (while Jefferson was the 1st Secretary of State), and the leader of the Federalists -- but, being foreign-born, ineligible for the Presidency himself -- decided that Jefferson, a man he personally liked but politically despised, was a better choice than Burr, whom he considered unsuitable on all levels. Hamilton told his supporters to support Jefferson, and they did, electing Jefferson the 3rd President on February 17, 1801.
That was not why Burr ultimately challenged Hamilton to a duel, but it didn't help. In 1804, after the 12th Amendment was ratified, and Electoral Votes for President and Vice President were counted separately, Jefferson dumped Burr from the ticket. Burr ran for Governor of New York, but Hamilton, also a New Yorker, campaigned against him, and he lost the nomination.
Accusation and counter-accusation made the feud irreconcilable, and that's why the duel happened. It happened across the Hudson River in Weehawken, New Jersey, not far from what's now the Jersey entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, because dueling was legal in New Jersey but not in New York.
It was July 11, 1804. Hamilton didn't actually want to kill Burr, but, since it was a matter of honor, he couldn't refuse the duel. So Hamilton fired his shot into the air. Burr fired directly at Hamilton, who was hit, and died in agony the next day.
October 31, 1819, 200 years ago: Alexander Williams Randall is born outside Albany in Ames, New York. An ardent abolitionist and one of the earliest Republican Party politicians, he was elected Governor of Wisconsin in 1857, and left office in 1862 after President Abraham Lincoln, grateful that Randall had raised more troops for the Union Army than he'd asked for, appointed him U.S. Ambassador to the Papal States (Italy not yet having been unified). He would later serve as U.S. Postmaster General, and died in 1872, age 52.
The training site for the troops he raised, in the State capital of Madison, was named Camp Randall. Camp Randall Stadium, home field for the University of Wisconsin football team, and the Wisconsin Field House were built on the site in 1917.
October 31, 1828: Voting begins in a Presidential election. Andrew Jackson, victorious General of the War of 1812, former military Governor of Florida Territory, and servant of Tennessee in both houses of Congress, gets his revenge on incumbent President John Quincy Adams for the 1824 election and its "corrupt bargain," when Jackson finished 1st in both the popular vote and the Electoral Vote, by 3rd place finisher Henry Clay threw his support to Adams in exchange for the post of Secretary of State.
This time, Adams had to run on his record, which was not well-received, and the election wasn't close enough to steal. Jackson, the nominee of the Democratic-Republican Party (soon to be renamed simply the Democratic Party), got 56 percent of the vote, carrying 15 States for 178 Electoral Votes. Adams, the nominee of the National Republican Party (later to "evolve" into the Whig Party), got less than 44 percent, carrying 9 States for 83 Electoral Votes. Jackson becomes the 7th President of the United States.
But the election was as nasty as any we've ever had, with Jackson, his wife Rachel, and even his long-dead mother being libeled by the National Republicans and their partisan newspapers. Rachel soon dies of a heart attack at age 61, the only woman who lived to see her husband elected President, but did not become First Lady.
Jackson never forgives his opponents, and, while his Presidency had some achievements, he did a great deal of governing by spite. Sound familiar? No so fast: Jackson was always faithful to his wife, and he was a brave soldier who defended his country against all comers, and he was not a criminal, and he was thin. So he was not another Donald Trump.
October 31, 1831: José Antonio Romualdo Pacheco, Jr. is born in Santa Barbara, Mexico -- which, when he was 16, became part of the United States, and then, when he was 19, part of the State of California.
A Democrat who turned Republican over the issue of slavery, he was elected Treasurer of California in 1863, and Lieutenant Governor in 1871. On February 27, 1875, when Governor Newton Booth resigned to accept a seat in the U.S. Senate, Romualdo Pacheco became Governor -- and he remains the only Hispanic ever to hold that office.
He did not run for a term of his own, instead being elected to Congress in 1876, 1878 and 1880. Because of his background, President Benjamin Harrison appointed him U.S. Minister to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Indeed, from May 21, to October 13, 1891, he held all 5 posts at the same time, which wasn't hard to do with all 5 countries close to each other. He died in 1899.
October 31, 1835: Adelbert Ames is born in Rockland, Maine. He was a Union General in the American Civil War, and served as Governor of Mississippi (1868-70 and 1874-76) and U.S. Senator from that State (1870-74). He died in 1933, making him the next-last living Civil War General, behind Aaron Daggett, who lived until 1938.
October 31, 1837: Procter & Gamble is founded in Cincinnati. English-born candlemaker William Procter had married Olivia Norris. Irish-born soapmaker James Gamble had married Elizabeth Norris, Olivia's sister, and were thus brothers-in-law. The sisters' father, Alexander Norris, suggested that, since their trades were similar, they should go into business together. They launched Ivory soap, and the rest is history.
Procter lived until 1884, Gamble until 1891. Both are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, as are Yankee Hall-of-Famers Miller Huggins (who played in Cincinnati for the Reds) and Waite Hoyt (who broadcast for them).
A great-grandson of Gamble's, James Gamble Nippert, played football at the University of Cincinnati, and died as a result of an in-game injury in 1923. His grandfather, James Gamble, donated the money needed to build the school a new football stadium, which still bears the name Nippert Stadium.
October 31, 1853: Stephen W. McKeever -- I can find no record of what the W stands for -- is born in Brooklyn. He and his brother Ed bought a half-share of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1912, with Charles Ebbets keeping the other half.
The McKeever brothers had a construction business, and, with Ebbets' money backing it, they (along with their workers) literally built Ebbets Field. Ebbets died in 1925, and Ed caught a cold at the funeral, which developed into pneumonia, and he died 12 days after Ebbets did.
Steve lived on until 1938. His death threw the Dodgers' ownership into doubt, and the result was the rise of Walter O'Malley.
October 31, 1860: Hugh Andrew Montagu Allan is born in Montreal. Like his father before him, he was a titan of business in his hometown, and upon his death in 1951, he left McGill University his home in his will to be used for their medical school, the Allan Memorial Institute.
When the Stanley Cup was restricted to competition between professional ice hockey clubs, amateur teams no longer had a championship to which they could aspire. Allan was a well-known hockey enthusiast, and in 1908 he donated the Allan Cup, a trophy that would represent the highest level of achievement for amateur hockey teams across Canada.
The Allan Cup is awarded annually to the National Senior Amateur Men's Ice Hockey Champions of Canada, and is still competed for to this day. Like the Stanley Cup, the Allan Cup was originally a challenge trophy, meaning teams could issue challenges to the reigning champion hoping to defeat them and earn the status of champion for themselves. But when challenges for the Allan Cup grew so frequent that they became unmanageable the format was altered in 1914 so that regional champions would compete for this prestigious national trophy.
Beginning in 1920, when hockey was first introduced to the Olympic Games, the reigning Allan Cup champion was chosen to represent Canada. This continued until Father David Bauer introduced a National Hockey program that produced a team of selects at the 1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria.
For his contribution to the sport of Ice Hockey, in 1945 Allan was made a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame in the Builders category. His cousin, Brenda Allan, Lady Meredith (1867–1959), donated the Lady Meredith Cup in 1920, which was the first ice hockey trophy to be competed for among women in Canada.
For his contribution to the sport of Ice Hockey, in 1945 Allan was made a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame in the Builders category. His cousin, Brenda Allan, Lady Meredith (1867–1959), donated the Lady Meredith Cup in 1920, which was the first ice hockey trophy to be competed for among women in Canada.
October 31, 1863: William Gibbs McAdoo Jr. is born outside Atlanta in Marietta, Georgia. A Southern lawyer who didn't have much luck in his home region, he found better luck as a New York investor. He became President of the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, and directed the building of the Hudson Tubes, which opened in 1908, connecting Midtown and Lower Manhattan with Jersey City, Hoboken, and Newark, New Jersey. Today, they form the bulk of the PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) system.
In 1912, he joined the Presidential campaign of Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, like him a Southerner who made good in the Northeast. When Wilson won, he not only appointed McAdoo to be Secretary of the Treasury, he also let McAdoo marry his daughter Eleanor. They had 2 daughters.
As Secretary, McAdoo built the Federal Reserve System, and also closed down the New York Stock Exchange on the eve of World War I in July 1914, to prevent the European countries from taking their assets out of America, possibly saving America from a depression. This remains the longest shutdown in the Exchange's history, as it was not fully reopened until December.
In 1920, bowing to the idea that his fragile health would prevent him from seeking a 3rd term, Wilson supported McAdoo for the Democratic nomination for President. He was certainly qualified, accomplished and admired. But he was also responsible for instituting many of Wilson's Jim Crow policies that rolled back racial progress, and also supported Prohibition.
Because of these 2 stances, the Northern delegates wouldn't accept him. He stepped aside at the Convention, probably because he knew the Democratic nominee, whoever it was, would lose, as Wilson had made the Democrats unpopular. Governor James M. Cox of Ohio was clobbered by Senator Warren Harding, also of Ohio.
He tried again in 1924, after Wilson's death, and refused to step aside, deadlocking the Convention, until a compromise was reached, on former Congressman and Ambassador John W. Davis, who got wiped out by President Calvin Coolidge. (Harding had died in 1923.)
Only once did he ever win an elective office, for U.S. Senator from California. He was elected in the Franklin Roosevelt landslide of 1932, and defeated in the anti-Roosevelt landslide of 1938. He died in 1941.
October 31, 1864: Nevada is admitted to the Union as the 36th State, a.k.a. the Silver State. President Abraham Lincoln wanted its silver revenues to win the American Civil War. Turns out, he didn't need them.
Nevada has been a part of the Union for a century and a half. But, due to gambling and other issues, no Nevada city, including Las Vegas, had ever been granted a team in any major sports league -- not even MLS or the WNBA (if you consider those "major").
That changed last year, as the NHL granted its 31st franchise to Las Vegas and its new arena, the T-Mobile Center, to begin play this season, as the Vegas Golden Knights. The the owners' 1st choice, "Black Knights," was rejected because it would be too close to that of the Chicago Blackhawks. Also, the Monty Python references would never have stopped.
In addition, Mark Davis, owner of the Oakland Raiders since the death of his father Al, has gotten permission from the NFL to move them to Vegas as the Las Vegas Raiders in 2019. He has already received the copyright on the name. He says he wants to "make the Silver State the Silver & Black State."
October 31, 1874: Harry Thomas Smith is born in York, England, but grows up in Salem, Salem County, New Jersey. He was a "good-field, no-hit" catcher, and an original member of the Athletics franchise when it debuted in Philadelphia in 1901. He briefly managed in the major leagues, in 1909, with the team then known as the Boston Doves (named for their owners, the brothers George and John Dovey), now the Atlanta Braves. He died in 1933.
October 31, 1879, 140 years ago: Joseph Hooker dies in Garden City, Long Island, New York. The retired Major General known as Fighting Joe was 64, and was buried in his wife's hometown, Cincinnati, in the same cemetery as Yankee Hall-of-Famers Miller Huggins and Waite Hoyt.
He won the Battle of Williamsburg in 1862 -- meaning that Virginia city has a connection to both the American Revolution and the Civil War -- but lost the Battle of Chancellorsville the next year. He assisted William Tecumseh Sherman in his conquest of Georgia the following year, and led Abraham Lincoln's funeral procession the year after that.
The native of Hadley, Massachusetts has a statue outside the State House in Boston. The legend that the word "hooker" meaning "prostitute" derives from his name appears to be untrue, as it first appeared in print in 1845, well before he became a public figure. Nevertheless, it may have been popularized as a result of its connection to the band of prostitutes that followed him, known as "Hooker's Division."
On occasion in the 1970s, when the "definitive answer" to a Match Game blank was "a prostitute," panelist Brett Somers would try to get around the CBS censors by answering, "A rugmaker, or hooker."
October 31, 1883: Anthony Frederick Wilding is born in Christchurch, New Zealand. Tony Wilding was a first-class cricketer, but his best sport was tennis. He is the only native of his country ever to win a Grand Slam singles title, taking the Australian Open in 1906 and 1909, and Wimbledon 4 straight times, 1910 to 1913. In 1906, he won 23 tournaments, still a single-year record.
He was killed in action in World War I. during the Battle of Aubers Ridge at Neuve-Chapelle, France, on May 9, 1915. He was only 31 years old. In 1978, he was elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
October 31, 1887: Édouard Cyrille Lalonde is born in Cornwall, the easternmost city in Ontario, bordering Quebec. "Newsy" (from working in a newspaper plant) was one of early hockey's greatest stars, winning 7 scoring titles and Captaining the Montreal Canadiens to their first Stanley Cup in 1916.
On December 29, 1917, in the 1st-ever NHL game, he scored a goal on route to the Canadiens' 7-4 victory over the Ottawa Senators. In 1922, the Canadiens angered him and a lot of their fans by trading him to the Pacific Coast Hockey Association's Saskatoon Sheiks, but the Habs got future Hall-of-Famer Aurel Joliat in the deal. From his retirement in 1927 until Maurice Richard surpassed him in 1954, his 455 combined goals in all leagues in which he played stood as a pro record.
He was also the best lacrosse player of his era, and in 1950, he was named athlete of the half-century in lacrosse. He was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1950, the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 1965, and the Sports Hall of Fame of Canada. He had lit the torch when the Sports Hall of Fame opened in Toronto in August, 1955. He lived to see all of these achievements, living until 1970.
In 1998, 72 years after he played his last NHL game, he was ranked number 32 on The Hockey News' list of the 100 Greatest Hockey Players, making him the highest-ranking player on the list who had played in a professional league before the founding of the NHL. He was the 1st Canadiens player to wear Number 4, and Joliat got it after the trade, but it was retired for later star Jean Béliveau.
October 31, 1891: The University of Kansas and the University of Missouri play each other in football for the 1st time, and Kansas wins, 22-10. This becomes the most-played college football rivalry west of the Mississippi River.
Originally called the Border War, and evoking memories of proslavery raids before and during the Civil War, by the 2004 the schools agreed to rename it the Border Showdown in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq War. (Colorado State and Wyoming, however, still call their rivalry the Border War. CSU fans would rather beat Wyoming than Colorado.)
In 2007, a T-shirt created by a Missouri alumnus gained national attention. It depicted the 1863 burning of Lawrence, seat of KU ("UK" is correct, but "KU" is preferred) following the raid of Confederate guerrilla William Quantrill and his Bushwhackers, who included Jesse and Frank James. The image of Lawrence burning was paired with the word "Scoreboard" and a Mizzou logo. On the back of the shirts, Quantrill was quoted, saying, "Our cause is just, our enemies many." Some Kansas fans interpreted these shirts as supporting slavery. KU supporters returned fire with a shirt depicting abolitionist John Brown, perpetrator of the anti-slavery Pottawottamie Massacre, with the words, "Kansas: Keeping America Safe From Missouri Since 1854."
Missouri's move from the Big 12 Conference to the Southeastern Conference (I'm guessing Colonel Quantrill and his latter-day apologists would approve) ended the football edition of the rivalry after the 2011 season. The current all-time results are disputed, due to a controversial ruling on the 1960 game: Missouri say they lead 57-54-9, while Kansas give themselves 1 more win, thus giving Missouri a slim lead of 56-55-9.
Then he became one of the 1st stars of the NFL, playing with the Canton Bulldogs as the League began in 1920, and winning the Championship with them in 1922, 1923 and 1924. He won another title with the Giants in 1927. He was named to the College and Pro Football Halls of Fame and the NFL's 1920s All-Decade Team. He was later the head coach at W&J, and died from diabetes in 1952, only 54 years old.
October 31, 1900: Ban Johnson, founder and President of the American League, writes a letter to National League President Nick Young. In it, he offers a deal for peaceful coexistence: Accept the AL as a "major league," and it won't pursue NL players. This was possible because the NL had contracted from 12 to 8 teams for the 1900 season. Johnson was willing to let his 8 teams leave the NL teams alone and respect their contracts.
Young refused the deal. In retaliation, Johnson defined this as Young being willing to let any of his League's players be raided, and authorized his teams' owners to raid any NL team for any player they wanted. These ended up including future Hall-of-Famers Cy Young, Jimmy Collins, Napoleon Lajoie, Sam Crawford, Elmer Flick, Clark Griffith, Jack Chesbro and Willie Keeler.
The "war" between the Leagues raged for 2 years, until the NL, with a new President, Harry Pulliam, accepted the AL in 1903. After this deal, Johnson agreed to accept the reserve clause and respect all NL contracts.
Also on this day, Robert Calvin Hubbard is born in Keytesville, Missouri. Cal Hubbard is unique: The only man in the Baseball and Pro Football Halls of Fame. He's also in the College Football Hall of Fame. That makes it sound like he was a great player in 2 sports.
Actually, he was a great player in only 1: He was elected to Canton as perhaps the greatest tackle of his era (playing on offense and defense), and to Cooperstown as an umpire. At 6-foot-2 and 253 pounds, he was huge for his era of football, and few baseball players dared to argue with him.
He was a 4-time All-Pro, and a member of 4 NFL Champions: The 1927 Giants, and the 1929, '30 and '31 Green Bay Packers. Grantland Rice named him to his All-Time All-America team for how he starred at Centenary College in Louisiana. He was named to the Sports Halls of Fame of both Missouri and Louisiana, to the Packers' team Hall of Fame, and to the NFL's 1920s All-Decade Team and to its 50th and 75th Anniversary Teams.
October 31, 1903: A train carrying the Purdue University football team to its annual game with in-State rival Indiana University hits a coal train on the north side of Indianapolis, killing 17 people, including 14 players. The game is canceled.
The uninjured tried to help the others. Some got out and got the stationmaster to send a warning to the next train coming down the track, saving many more lives. Among these heroes were the President of Purdue University, Winthrop E. Stone.
Purdue's football and baseball captain, Harry Leslie, was pronounced dead at the scene. At the funeral home, the mortician was ready to begin the embalming process, when he found a pulse: Leslie was alive. He teetered on the brink of death for weeks, but recovered, becoming a folk hero. With some irony, he went to Indiana University's law school, became a bank president, Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, and in 1928 was elected Governor. But he was a Herbert Hoover Republican, and did very little to help during the Depression, and was voted out in 1930. He died for sure in 1937.
Aside from the World War I years of 1918 and '19, 1903, the year of the Purdue Wreck, was the only time Purdue and Indiana have not met in football since the rivalry began in 1891. Since 1925, they have played each other for a trophy known as the Old Oaken Bucket. Purdue leads the rivalry, 74-41-6. In just the "Bucket Games," Purdue leads 60-31-3.
Also on this day, the University of Michigan football team comes to Minneapolis to play the University of Minnesota. Michigan coach Fielding Yost, while a football genius, was a bit paranoid, and thought opposing fans might poison his water. So he sent student manager Thomas B. Roberts to buy something and bring it to him. He went to a local variety store and spent 30 cents on a 5-gallon earthenware jug. The game ended in a 6-6 tie.
Afterward, Minnesota custodian Oscar Munson discovered, in his Scandinavian accent, "Yost left his yug." Supposedly, they contacted Yost and said, "Come and win it back." They didn't even try until 1909, when they did win it back.
Ever since, the jug -- which is not little and not brown -- has been painted maize & blue with Michigan's winning scores on one side, and maroon & gold with Minnesota's winning scores on the other, and gone to the winner. Michigan dominates the rivalry 75-25-3, including the battle for the Little Brown Jug 71-23-2.
This rivalry means little to Michigan, because they have absolutely dominated it. Michigan went 18-2-1 from 1895 to 1932, 14-2-1 from 1943 to 1959, and has gone 44-4 since 1968, including 18 straight from 1987 to 2004. Minnesota won 9 straight from 1934 to 1942.
Also on this day, Hampden Park opens in Glasgow, and becomes Scotland's national stadium. The previous facility with the name had been home to Queen's Park Football Club, the 1st professional sports team in Scotland, since 1873.
Queen's Park have played on the current site since 1903, the Scottish Cup Final has been held there since 1904, the national team has used it as their main home since 1906, and the Scottish Claymores of NFL Europe played there from 1998 to 2004.
The east and north stands of the stadium were redeveloped as all-seater in 1994, in time for Glasgow team Celtic to use Hampden while their own Celtic Park was redeveloped in the 1994-95 season. The rest of the stadium was upgraded by 1999. A record crowd of 149,415 saw a Scotland vs. England game in 1937, but the capacity is now 51,866.
Hampden hosted the Final of the European Cup in 1960 (Real Madrid beating Eintracht Frankfurt), 1976 (Bayern Munich beating Saint-Étienne), and 2002 (by which point the tournament had been renamed the UEFA Champions League, with Real Madrid beating Bayer Leverkusen). It has been chosen as a venue for Euro 2020.
October 31, 1912: Lucille Wood Smith is born in Uvalde, Texas. As a baby, her name was changed to Frances Octavia Smith. She was a real Westerner, unlike her husband, Leonard Franklin Slye. What's that? You never heard of Leonard Franklin Slye and Frances Octavia Smith? Perhaps you know them by their stage names: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.
Roy was actually Dale's 4th husband, and she was his 3rd wife. Nevertheless, from 1944 onward -- they were married on New Year's Eve 1947 -- they appeared in so many movies together, and from 1951 to 1957 on The Roy Rogers Show on NBC, it has become impossible to think of one without the other, even though both were already radio and movie stars before they met. Roy died in 1998, Dale in 2001.
October 31, 1913: The Lincoln Highway, America's 1st coast-to-coast highway, is dedicated, running from Times Square in New York to Lincoln Park in San Francisco.
In New Jersey, this included the New York Central Railroad's ferry to the Weehawken Terminal (replaced by the Lincoln Tunnel in 1937); Pershing Road, 5th Street (now 49th Street), Hudson Blvd. (now John F. Kennedy Blvd.) and Communipaw Avenue in Jersey City; the Newark Plank Road (now Truck Route 1 & 9) in Kearny; Ferry Street, Market Street, Broad Street and Frelinghuysen Avenue in Newark; what's now New Jersey Route 27 through Elizabeth, Linden, Rahway, Woodbridge, Edison, Metuchen, Highland Park, New Brunswick, North Brunswick, South Brunswick, Franklin, Plainsboro and Princeton; and U.S. Route 206 in Princeton, Lawrence, and Trenton, where the Highway turns and crosses the Delaware River into Pennsylvania via the Calhoun Street Bridge.
It goes down into Philadelphia. From there, what was the Lincoln Highway pretty much becomes concurrent with U.S. Route 30 all the way out to Wyoming, including Pittsburgh, Chicago and Omaha.
The federal highway system -- the "U.S. Routes," indicated by black numbers on a white shield on a black background -- pretty much took the place of the early American highways in the 1920s. By the 1950s, the Interstate Highway System pretty much replaced those, and Interstate 80, essentially connecting the George Washington and San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridges, has taken the New York-to-San Francisco role formerly held by the Lincoln Highway.
October 31, 1915: Luella Jane Nossett is born in Vincennes, Indiana, and grows up in Gary, Indiana. We knew her as Jane Jarvis.
She played the organ at Braves games at Milwaukee County Stadium, and was hired by the Mets, playing from Shea Stadium's opening in 1964 until 1980. She played the team's theme song, "Meet the Mets," as they took the field to start the game. Before "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and "God Bless America" (and, in the Mets' case, "Lazy Mary" by Lou Monte) became staples of the 7th inning stretch, she played "The Mexican Hat Dance" to get the fans to clap along.
Despite her advanced age, she returned for Shea's finale in 2008, and died in 2010.
October 31, 1916: Nicholas Young dies in Washington, D.C. at age 76. In the 1860s, he made the increasingly popular transition of switching from cricket to baseball, as a right fielder with a Washington team, having moved there from Central New York State to serve in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
In 1871, he organized the 1st professional baseball league, the National Association. He served as league secretary, managed its Washington team from 1871 to 1873, and served as an umpire. At that stage of baseball's development, conflicts of interest were unavoidable and understandable.
In 1876, William Hulbert founded the National League, because there were several things he didn't like about the NA. One thing he did like was Young, and asked him to be its secretary and its treasurer. In 1885, without having to give up either of those jobs, he was elected League President by the team owners. He oversaw the 1890 fight with the Players' League, and the semi-merger with the American Association in 1892. He resigned in 1902, thinking he wasn't the right man to help in making peace with the fledgling American League. He should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, but isn't.
Also on this day, Kenneth Frederick Keltner is born in Milwaukee. A 3rd baseman, he batted .276 from 1937 to 1950, mostly with the Cleveland Indians. He was a 7-time All-Star, and helped them win the 1948 World Series. He is best known for 2 diving stops he made to help end Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak in 1941.
He later served as a scout for the Indians and the Boston Red Sox. He was named to the Indians' team Hall of Fame, the 100 Greatest Cleveland Indians, and the Ohio Baseball Hall of Fame. He died in 1991.
October 31, 1917: The Battle of Beersheba is fought in Ottoman Syria. British Empire forces commanded by General Philip Chetwode defeat a combined German Empire and Ottoman Empire force. The city is now in the State of Israel.
October 31, 1919, 100 years ago: John Sylvester White Jr. is born in Philadelphia, and grows up in the Washington suburb of Colmar Manor, Maryland. Dropping the Junior suffix for his stage name, he kept the middle name for it. He was "one of those actors who's on every show" before becoming best known as Michael Woodman, the diminutive, grumpy, dismissive principal at the fictional James Buchanan High School in Brooklyn on the 1975-79 ABC sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter. He died in 1988.
The attacking midfielder (sometimes forward) played his entire career, 1937 to 1959, for F.C. Kaiserslautern (currently in Germany's 2nd division), except for 1942 to 1945, when he was in the Wehrmacht. He was captured by the Soviets, but a Hungarian prison guard had seen him play, and lied to his superiors, saying that Fritz was actually from the Saar Territory (given to France after World War I before Germany reclaimed it), and thus not fully German, and so they didn't send him to a gulag in Siberia.
After the war, Fritz captained FCK (I know, but that's their initials) to the German championship in 1951 and 1953. He was the Captain of the West Germany team at the 1954 World Cup in Berne, Switzerland, 1 of 5 FCK players on it.
Those 5 -- Walter, his brother Ottmar Walter, Werner Liebrich, Werner Kohlmeyer and Horst Eckel -- are now honored with a statue outside their home ground, which has been renamed the Fritz-Walter-Stadion. They won the Final, an upset of the Ferenc Puskas-led Hungary team, "the Mighty Magyars," a victory that became known as "The Miracle of Berne." It was said to be the first time since World War II that Germans could be proud of their country.
Fritz also helped West Germany reach the Semifinals of the 1958 World Cup, despite being 37 years old. When the Hungarian Revolution happened in 1956, their national team was caught out of the country and couldn't return, Walter paid them back for their countryman saving his life, backing them financially and even managing them for 2 years (while still an active player in Germany).
Fritz was disappointed when Kaiserslautern was not selected as one of the German cities to host the 1974 World Cup, but was overjoyed when it was selected as one for 2006. Sadly, he didn't live to see it, dying in 2002.
Kaiserslautern is home to a large U.S. military base (as seen in the James Bond film Octopussy), and FCK has signed several American players and thus has attracted many American servicemen as fans. When the U.S. played Italy at Fritz-Walter-Stadion in the World Cup on the anniversary of his death, June 17, 2006, a moment of silence was held for old Number 16. It had been 61 years since the end of The War, and America was playing one of its wartime enemies, and saluting a player from another, all now allies. However, FCK is now in Germany's 3rd division.
On the same day that Fritz Walter was born, Johan Gunnar Gren is born in Gothenburg, Sweden. A forward, he led hometown club IFK Göteborg to the League title in 1941, and Sweden to the Gold Medal at the 1948 Olympics in London.
That got the attention of Italian giants A.C. Milan, who signed 3 players from that Sweden team: Gren, IFK Norrköping forward Gunnar Nordahl, and Norrköping midfielder Nils Liedholm. Together, the Italian fans called them "Gre-No-Li." They led Milan to the Serie A title in 1951, and also won the Latin Cup, the closest thing then available to a continental club championship, the same year.
Gren and Liedholm would still be playing for Sweden when it hosted the 1958 World Cup, and they reached the Final, but lost. No shame in this loss on home soil: It was Brazil, led by Garrincha and the teenage Pelé, that beat them. (Ironically, both countries prefer to wear yellow shirts, and, as the home team, Sweden chosen yellow, so Brazil had to wear blue.)
Gren died in 1991. When Göteborg's stadium, the Gamla Ullevi, was reopened in 2009 after a complete reconstruction, a statue of Gren was placed outside.
Also on this day, Richard Stanley Francis is born in Lawrenny, Pembrokeshire, Wales. After serving in Britain's Royal Air Force during World War II, he returned to horse racing. For whatever reason, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother appointed him to ride the racehorses she owned, but during the 1956 Grand National, he was close to winning aboard Devon Loch when the horse fell.
A year later, he retired as a jockey, and began writing mystery novels, with his "detectives" being men who worked in the horse racing industry. There were 44 Dick Francis novels, and my grandmother, a fan of horse racing, murder mysteries, and her ancestral England (though Francis himself was Welsh), had many of them.
Dick wrote many of the novels with help from his wife Mary. After her death in 2000, their son Felix began helping, and when the father died in 2010, the son inherited the franchise, and has now published 6 Dick Francis novels.
October 31, 1924: A postseason barnstorming tour brings baseball's greatest hitter, Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees, and baseball's greatest pitcher, Walter Johnson of the newly-crowned World Champion Washington Senators, to Brea, Orange County, California.
Also making the trip: Yankees Bob Meusel and Ernie Johnson, St. Louis Browns star Ken Williams, and, since he lived nearby, retired Detroit Tigers' star Sam Crawford, who would join the Babe and the Big Train in the Hall of Fame.
Johnson, born in Kansas but raised in Orange County, pitched for a team of all-stars under the name of the Anaheim Elks. Ruth, who hadn't pitched in a major league game in 3 years, started for a team called, without much imagination, the Babe Ruth All-Stars.
Johnson was the hometown favorite, but the Bambino spoiled the party. Not only did he pitch a complete game, he hit a towering drive off Johnson, said to have gone about 550 feet. Ruth's All-Stars won, 12-1. In the 94 years since, housing has been built on the site of the field.
Also on this day, Marcelino Huerta Jr. is born in Tampa. A pilot for a B-24 bomber over Nazi territory in World War II, he was an All-American guard at the University of Florida. He went into coaching, at the University of Tampa and later Wichita State University. In 1963 he led WSU to the Missouri Valley Conference title. He finished with a record of 104-53-2. He died in 1985, and was posthumously elected to the College Football and Florida Sports Halls of Fame.
October 31, 1927: Pianist Hoagland Howard "Hoagy" Carmichael records his composition "Stardust." It becomes one of the most popular American songs.
It is 3 days before a Presidential election. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the incumbent Democrat, is running for re-election. The Republican nominee is the Governor of Kansas, Alfred M. Landon. Landon is not the problem: His campaign was rather inoffensive.
Considerably more offensive are the charges that many have made against Roosevelt and his series of programs for lifting the country out of the Great Depression, programs he put under the umbrella term "The New Deal." FDR summarized these, in a more palatable way, in a speech to the nation over the radio networks of the time, a.k.a. one of his "Fireside Chats," on June 28, 1934:
A few timid people, who fear progress, will try to give you new and strange names for what we are doing. Sometimes they will call it "Fascism," sometimes "Communism," sometimes "Regimentation," sometimes "Socialism." But, in so doing, they are trying to make very complex and theoretical something that is really very simple and very practical.
As Prime Minister Winston Churchill put it, in a radio speech on August 20, 1940, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
How few? The Royal Air Force recognizes 2,936 pilots flying at least 1 authorized operational sortie. This includes 145 Poles, 127 New Zealanders, 112 Canadians, 88 Czechoslovaks, 32 Australians, 28 Belgians, 25 South Africans, 13 French, 10 Irish, 9 Americans, 3 Southern Rhodesians (from the colony that is now known as the nation of Zimbabwe), and 1 each from Jamaica and Mandatory Palestine (now Israel).
Of those 2,936 men, 1,495 were killed, just over half. Only 4 of "The Few" are still alive: Flight Lieutenant William Clark, 98, Wing Commander Paul Farnes, 100, Flying Officer John Hemmingway, 99 and Flight Lieutenant Maurice Moundson, 100.
Also on this day, Harvey Pulford dies in Ottawa at age 65. An all-around athlete who won Canadian national championships in football, boxing, lacrosse, paddling and rowing, he was best known for hockey. He played for the Ottawa Hockey Club, later known as the Silver Seven and the Senators, from 1892 to 1908.
In 1893, he played against the Montreal Hockey Club in the 1st Stanley Cup game. It took them a while, but they finally won the Cup in 1903, and held it until 1906. In 1945, he was posthumously named one of the charter inductees into the Hockey Hall of Fame. Apparently, he was not related to 1960s Toronto Maple Leafs star Bob Pulford.
October 31, 1941: Lucious Brown Jackson is born in San Marcos, Texas. A forward, Luke Jackson was an Olympic Gold Medalist for the U.S. at Tokyo in 1964, an NBA All-Star in 1965, and a member of the 1967 NBA Champion Philadelphia 76ers. He is still alive.
Also on this day, Edward Wayne Spiezio is born outside Chicago in Joliet, Illinois. A 3rd baseman, he was a member of the St. Louis Cardinals' World Series winners of 1964 and 1967 and their Pennant winners of 1968. He was left unprotected in the 1969 expansion draft, and hit the 1st home run in San Diego Padres history. He remained with the Padres until 1972, and then finished his career that year with the Chicago White Sox.
He is 1 of 14 surviving members of the 1967 World Champions, and attended a ceremony honoring them on their 50th Anniversary at Busch Stadium last season. His son Scott Spiezio was an infielder who won World Series with the 2002 Anaheim Angels and the 2006 Cardinals. As far as I know, Ed and Scott Spiezio are the only father and son to have both won the World Series with the same team.
Also on this day, Ronnie Wickers is born in Chicago. He's been going to Chicago Cubs games since he was a boy, and around 1958 or so, he started his familiar, "Cubs, woo! Cubs, woo!" chant. He has become known as Ronnie Woo Woo, and is a Chicago icon. He has lived long enough to see the Cubs win a World Series, and still goes to games.
Also on this day, Lincoln Borglum admits defeat, and declares that his father Gutzon Borglum's masterwork, Mount Rushmore outside Rapid City, South Dakota, is finished. The faces of Presidents (left to right) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, had been finished (in, respectively, 1934, 1936, 1939 and 1937), but the rest of it, which was meant to include them down to the waist, was not, except for the lapels on Washington's jacket. Gutzon had died earlier in the year, and there just wasn't enough money to do it all.
Also on this day, the USS Reuben James, a destroyer named for a U.S. Navy hero of the First Barbary War in 1804, is sunk by a German U-boat off the coast of Iceland. There were 100 deaths, and only 44 survivors.
This was an act of war, as America had not yet entered World War II, but it did not move Congress to declare war on Nazi Germany. Folksinger Woody Guthrie wrote "The Sinking of the Reuben James" about it.
On April 1, 1943, a new destroyer named Reuben James was christened. It was decommissioned only 4 years later, after the War ended. A 3rd ship with the name, a frigate, served from 1982 to 2013.
Also on this day, More Fun Comics #73 is published, debuting the character of Roy Harper, teenage sidekick to the costumed crimefighter Green Arrow. Harper is also an expert archer, and yet his superhero name, Speedy, suggests he should be a sidekick to the Flash. Oliver Queen gave him the name because he managed to stop a couple of crooks before Ollie could even put his Green Arrow costume on. October 31 is later retconned as the character's birthday.
In 1967, Speedy joined the Teen Titans, along with other teenage sidekicks: Dick Grayson (Batman's Robin), Donna Troy (Wonder Woman's Wonder Girl), Wally West (the Flash's Kid Flash) and Garth Curry (Aquaman's Aqualad).
In August 1971, in Green Lantern #85 -- the comic usually showed team-ups between the title hero and Green Arrow -- Harper was revealed to have a drug addiction, and this was considered a landmark moment in comic book history. It was a 2-part story: The 1st part was titled "Snowbirds Don't Fly," the 2nd "They Say It'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When."
The preceding May, The Amazing Spider-Man #96 introduced a drug story, without the approval of The Comics Code Authority, taking a risk of a huge backlash. It didn't happen, so DC did the Speedy story, and got the Authority's approval.
In 1983, Roy Harper fell in love with Jade Nguyen, a Eurasian assassin known as Cheshire, instead of capturing her. Cheshire gave birth to his daughter, Lian Harper. Roy changed his superhero name to Arsenal in 1993 (the North London soccer team of that name, also wearing red, did not publicly comment)and Red Arrow in 2005, becoming a full member of the Justice League under that last name.
October 31, 1942: Maurice Richard makes his NHL debut. Wearing Number 15 for the Montreal Canadiens -- just like Gordie Howe with the Detroit Red Wings 4 years later, each taking on their iconic Number 9 in their 2nd season -- he plays in the Habs' 3-2 win over the Boston Bruins at the Montreal Forum.
The man eventually known as the Rocket would score the 1st of his 544 goals 8 days later, against the New York Rangers. Playing from 1942 to 1960, he held the NHL career scoring record from 1952, when he passed Nels Stewart with 325, until 1963, when Gordie Howe surpassed him, and Howe's 801 was surpassed by Wayne Gretzky in 1994, and he finished with 894. However, it's important to note that Gretzky played in seasons of 80 to 84 games. Richard began playing 50-game seasons, going to 60 in 1946-47, and going to 70 in 1949-50. He died in 2000, age 78.
Also on this day, David Arthur McNally is born in Billings, Montana. Dave McNally pitched a complete game to clinch the 1966 World Series for the Baltimore Orioles, and won another game and hit a grand slam in it to help them win it in 1970. His career won-lost record was a sterling 184-119.
But he's best known as one of the two pitchers, along with Andy Messersmith, who played the 1975 season without a contract to test the legality of the reserve clause. McNally, by then with the Montreal Expos, had been injured, had a successful ranch in his native Montana, and was ready to retire anyway, so he was an ideal player to make the test, since he didn't need the money. The clause was overturned.
McNally retired to his ranch and a car dealership, and wrote a memoir, A Whole Different Ball Game. He was a member of the Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame and the Montana Sports Hall of Fame, and died of cancer in 2002.
Also on this day, Bing Crosby hits Number 1 with "White Christmas." On Halloween. And you thought the Christmas season started too early these days! The song will remain Number 1 until January 16, 1943.
Also on this day, David Ogden Stiers is born in Peoria, Illinois. Best known as Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, the fabulously wealthy, pompous but sometimes surprisingly human surgeon on M*A*S*H, he has spent much of the last few years doing voiceovers for PBS documentaries – in his real voice, not in Charles' Boston Brahmin accent. Stiers died earlier this year.
The 1980 episode "A War for All Seasons" depicted life at the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital from December 31, 1950 to January 1, 1952 -- not the only episode to wreak havoc with the show's continuity. One plot was a bet that Corporal Max Klinger (Jamie Farr), the company clerk, had with the commanding officer, Colonel Sherman Potter (Harry Morgan), that Klinger's favorite major league team, the Brooklyn Dodgers (not to be confused with his hometown minor-league team, the Toledo Mud Hens), would win the National League Pennant, rather than Potter's favorite team, his fellow Eastern Missourians the St. Louis Cardinals.
Since they hope the Korean War will be over by the 4th of July, a date on which, according to superstition (fact frequently did not hold that up), the team leading goes on to win the Pennant, the bet is that the Dodgers will be ahead of the Cards on that date. They were. Indeed, Dem Bums led the whole Senior Circuit by 8 1/2 games.
Properly paid, but acknowledging that they'd still be in Korea by October, Klinger then offers Potter 2-1 odds, the Dodgers against the entire League for the Pennant. Potter offers a bet that Klinger can't cover. Winchester, having no interest in baseball despite being a Bostonian, does have an interest in money, and notes that Klinger's predictions have come true thus far. So he covers Klinger's bet. Which becomes bets with several other soldiers in camp.
As the Dodgers stretch their lead to 13 1/2 games on August 11, Charles gets greedy, raising the odds to 6-1. Potter raises his bid to $100, or $600 to Charles -- about $5,848 in today's money, so this was a tidy sum, even by the standards of a Winchester. And that was just to Potter, not what he stood to owe in total.
When the New York Giants catch the Dodgers and force a Playoff, everyone's listening to Armed Forces Radio, and Winchester paces the compound wearing a Brooklyn Dodger cap -- not an easy thing for a soldier stationed overseas to get in 1951, even a rich one, and rich men tended not to be Dodger fans. After Bobby Thomson hits the home run that means, "The Giants win the Pennant!" Winchester swears revenge on Klinger. We never find out of if he gets it.
October 31, 1943: Louis Brian Piccolo is born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, but grows up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, making him a Southerner by osmosis. Dropping his first name, the All-American running back from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina overcame his natural prejudice to help his black Chicago Bears teammate Gale Sayers come back from a devastating knee injury, then developed lung cancer and died at age 26.
Shortly before Piccolo's death, Sayers was given the NFL's Most Courageous Man award for winning the 1969 rushing title on a knee with no cartilage in it. At the award ceremony, he said he didn't deserve the award, because Piccolo was showing more courage. "I love Brian Piccolo," he said, "and tonight, when you get down on your knees to pray, I want you to ask God to love him, too."
The Bears retired Piccolo's Number 41. In the 1971 film Brian's Song, Piccolo was played by James Caan, and Sayers by Billy Dee Williams, career-making roles for both men.
October 31, 1946: Stephen Rea (no middle name) is born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He starred in The Crying Game and was nominated for an Oscar for it. He's best known in the U.S. as Inspector Eric Finch, a good guy who figures out, to his horror, that the guys he's working for are really the bad guys, in V for Vendetta.
It was because of that film that he was the only actor besides Colin Firth that I recognized from the original, British soccer, version of Fever Pitch. He played a school governor who was, as he is in real life, an Arsenal fan.
October 31, 1947: Frank Charles Shorter is born in Munich, Germany, where his father was serving with the U.S. Army. He grew up in Middletown, Orange County, New York, and won the Olympic marathon in 1972 -- in Munich. He finished 2nd in Montreal in 1976.
Like his coach Yogi Berra, Mickey is something of a wacky philosopher. His best known line is, "Ain't no sense worrying 'bout things you got control over. 'Cause, if you got control, ain't no sense worrying. And ain't no sense worrying 'bout things you got no control over. 'Cause, if you got no control, ain't no sense worrying." I can't argue with that. I wouldn't know how.
He debuted with the team then known as the California Angels in 1970. In 1974, he led the American League in triples. In 1975, he led in triples again, and also in stolen bases, swiping 70. That remains the highest total of any player for a California-based baseball team other than Maury Wills and Rickey Henderson.
On December 11, 1975, general manager Gabe Paul pulled off one of the greatest trades in Yankee history, sending unhappy superstar Bobby Bonds to the Angels, and getting Rivers and Ed Figueroa. Instantly, he'd gotten rid of a malcontent and gained a superb leadoff man who would bat .299 with 93 stolen bases in nearly 4 years as a Yankee, and a solid starting pitcher who would win 55 games over the next 3 years. The same day, Paul swung Willie Randolph, Dock Ellis and Ken Brett from the Pittsburgh Pirates for Doc Medich. Good day for the Yankees.
In 1976, Mick and finished 3rd in the AL Most Valuable Player voting, and batted .348 in the AL Championship Series against the Royals, sparking the Yankees to their 1st Pennant in 12 years. In 1977, he hit .391 in the ALCS, also against the Royals. He tailed off in 1978, but hit .455 in yet another ALCS against Kansas City, making 3 straight Pennants. And this time, unlike in the '76 and '77 Fall Classics, he batted .333 in the '78 World Series, to get the Yankees to back-to-back titles.
If the ESPN miniseries The Bronx Is Burning, about the 1977 Yankees, in which he was played by standup comedian Leonard Robinson, is any indication, Mick had serious money problems, due to lavish spending and gambling. If this had been publicly known at the time, it could have been very bad.
On July 30, 1979, the Yankees traded him to the Texas Rangers for lefty slugger Oscar Gamble. He played for the Rangers through the 1984 season, and retired. Since then, he has turned his love of betting on racehorses into training them. He and his wife Mary had a son, Mickey Jr., who played in the Rangers organization, and a daughter, Rhonda, who's a teacher. He still comes back to Yankee Stadium for Old-Timers' Day nearly every season, and remains a fan favorite.
October 31, 1950: The Rochester Royals defeat the Washington Capitols, 78-70, at the Edgerton Park Arena in Rochester. (It was demolished in the late 1950s.) Arnie Risen scores 20 for the home team, as they begin a season that will bring their 1st NBA Championship.
They had previously won the title in the National Basketball League in 1945. They will become the Cincinnati Royals in 1957, the Kansas City Kings in 1972, and the Sacramento Kings in 1985. Their long-term future in Sacramento is now settled, as they've just opened a new arena.
Earl Lloyd, a forward wearing Number 11, scores 2 baskets and 2 free throws for the Capitols, for a total of 6 points. It doesn't sound like much, but his mere presence in the game makes him the NBA's 1st black player.
Chuck Cooper had been the 1st black player drafted, by the Boston Celtics, but, the way the schedule worked out, Lloyd beat him to the court by 1 day. He should not be confused with another early black star, Charles "Tarzan" Cooper, who played for the New York Renaissance (a.k.a. the Rens) in the 1930s. Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton, formerly of the Rens and the Harlem Globetrotters, had been the 1st black player actually signed, by the New York Knicks, but Lloyd beat him to the court by 4 days.
Born in 1928 in Alexandria, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., Lloyd's hometown team, having fired coach Red Auerbach in 1949, was 10-25 on January 9, 1951, and folded, leaving the nation's capital without an NBA team for the next 22 years. Lloyd was then drafted, and served in the Korean War.
Discharged in 1952, "the Big Cat" (also the nickname of Baseball Hall-of-Famer Johnny Mize, then wrapping up his career with the Yankees) played for the Syracuse Nationals until 1958, and the Detroit Pistons from then until his retirement in 1960. He averaged 8.4 points per game in his 9 NBA seasons. The Pistons then hired him as a scout. In 1968, they named him the 1st black assistant coach in the NBA, and the 2nd black head coach (after Bill Russell of the Celtics) and 1st non-playing black head coach in 1972. But the Pistons were awful then, and his career coaching record was just 22-55.
He worked for the Detroit school system, helping students find jobs, then did the same thing for a company run by Pistons Hall-of-Famer Dave Bing. He retired to Tennessee. In 2003, the Basketball Hall of Fame elected him as a "contributor," for his historical prominence. In 2007, T.C. Williams High School, the integrated Alexandria school into which his former all-black school, Parker-Gray, had been consolidated (a tale told in the football-themed film Remember the Titans), named their new gym's court after him. He was also elected to the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame, and died last year, a few weeks short of his 87th birthday.
Also on this day, John Franklin Candy is born in Newmarket, Ontario, outside Toronto. In the closing minutes of Super Bowl XXIII, when the Cincinnati Bengals had just scored to take the lead, the San Francisco 49ers were nervous, when quarterback Joe Montana pointed out of the huddle to the stands and said, "Isn't that John Candy?" The question relaxed the players, and Montana drove them for the winning touchdown.
Candy played Cubs broadcaster Cliff Murdoch in Rookie of the Year, and I give him a lot of credit for playing someone similar to, but not a total caricature of, Cubs broadcasting legend Harry Caray. On the other side of Chicago, he shot a scene at the old Comiskey Park in its closing days for Only the Lonely. Considering his weight, I'm not surprised that he died young (43), but I'm still sorry about it. He gave us a lot, but he had a lot more to give.
Also on this day, Margaret Jane Pauley is born in Indianapolis. Dropping her first name, she was the longtime co-host of The Today Show on NBC, and is married to Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau. She recently took over for the retiring Charles Osgood as the host of CBS Sunday Morning.
October 31, 1951: Nicholas Lou Saban Jr. is born in Fairmont, West Virginia. The son of legendary football coach Lou Saban, Nick hasn't yet moved around to as many coaching jobs, but he has moved around with considerably less ethics than his father.
He did, however, lead Louisiana State to the 2003 National Championship, and Alabama to the 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2017 editions. He's won 8 Southeastern Conference Championships, in 2001 and 2003 at LSU; and in 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 at Alabama. (Alabama lost, oddly, to LSU in 2011, thus denying them a place in the SEC Championship Game, but because they were Number 2 in the final rankings, they still got into the National Championship Game.) He and Bear Bryant, with Kentucky and Alabama, are the only coaches to win SEC Championships at 2 different schools. He also won a Mid-American Conference at the University of Toledo in 1990.
His career record currently stands at 240-63-1. Alabama is currently 8-0, holding the Number 1 ranking all season long thus far. The closest they've come to losing so far is a 47-28 win over then-Number 24 Texas A&M.
Also on this day, David Michael Trembley is born in Carthage, Jefferson County, New York, up by the St. Lawrence River. He never played in the major leagues. His 1st coaching job was at a Catholic school in Los Angeles, Daniel Murphy High School. (No, it was not named for the Washington Nationals star formerly with the Mets.)
He was first hired by a major league team in 1984, by the Chicago Cubs, as a coach at their lowest farm team. He worked his way up to the majors, and managed the Baltimore Orioles from 2007 to 2010. He is now director of player development for the Atlanta Braves.
October 31, 1952: Joseph Henry West is born in Asheville, North Carolina, and grows up across the State in Greeneville. "Cowboy Joe" was a quarterback at North Carolina's Elon College, and also played baseball. He started umpiring while still in college, and was hired for the National League staff in 1976, remaining for the combined MLB staff in 2000.
The high points of Joe West's 44-season big-league umpiring career: He was on the field for Willie McCovey's 500th home run in 1978. He was behind the plate for Nolan Ryan's 5th career no-hitter in 1981. He worked the 1987 All-Star Game. He ejected the Dodgers' Jay Howell from a 1988 NLCS game against the Mets, for having pine tar on his glove. He worked the 1992 World Series, throwing Atlanta Braves manager Bobby Cox out of a game for throwing a batting helmet onto the field. He worked Kent Mercker's no-hitter in 1994. He worked the 1997 World Series.
He worked both the All-Star Game and the World Series in 2005, as crew chief for the latter. He worked the 2009 World Series. He worked Felix Hernandez' perfect game and the World Series in 2012. He worked the NL Wild Card Game in 2013 and 2014. He worked last year's World Series, when the Chicago Cubs finally won. And he worked this year's All-Star Game.
He has worked 7 Division Series, 9 LCS and 5 World Series, and is now the longest-serving umpire ever, current or otherwise. And he designed the West Vest, the chest protector now approved by MLB for all umpires.
The low points: In 1983, he pushed Atlanta Braves manager Joe Torre during an argument. In 1990, he threw pitcher Dennis Cook to the ground while attempting to break up a fight. In 2010, after a Yankees-Red Sox game, he publicly complained about the slow pace of the game -- something about which he could have directly done something. In 2014, he ejected Jonathan Papelbon, then grabbed Papelbon's jersey, claiming that Papelbon had touched him first, something video replay proved didn't happen, thus earning him a 1-game suspension.
In Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS, with Torre managing the Yankees, West was chief of the crew that initially ruled in the Yankees' favor on the Alex Rodriguez "Slap Play," then correctly enforced the interference rule by calling A-Rod out -- but then screwed up by sending Derek Jeter, who would have reached 2nd base no matter what, back to 1st base, thus helping to kill a Yankee rally that would have tremendously changed the baseball history that we know from the last 11 years. In 2018, he was suspended 3 games for making inappropriate remarks to Adrián Beltré.
In a 2011 poll of players, West was named the best umpire by 5 percent of players -- and the worst umpire by 41 percent of players. Both Yankee Fans and Met fans tend to think he's a lousy umpire. That can't be good. Aside from Mike Bloomberg, Osama bin Laden, and several New England-based athletes, there aren't many people who are that hated by both the Bleacher Creatures and the 7 Line Army.
October 31, 1953: John Harding Lucas II is born in Durham, North Carolina. At the University of Maryland, he was an All-American in both basketball and tennis. He was a member of the Houston Rockets' 1986 NBA Western Conference Champions. His overcoming of drug addiction led him to become an addiction counselor.
October 31, 1879, 140 years ago: Joseph Hooker dies in Garden City, Long Island, New York. The retired Major General known as Fighting Joe was 64, and was buried in his wife's hometown, Cincinnati, in the same cemetery as Yankee Hall-of-Famers Miller Huggins and Waite Hoyt.
He won the Battle of Williamsburg in 1862 -- meaning that Virginia city has a connection to both the American Revolution and the Civil War -- but lost the Battle of Chancellorsville the next year. He assisted William Tecumseh Sherman in his conquest of Georgia the following year, and led Abraham Lincoln's funeral procession the year after that.
The native of Hadley, Massachusetts has a statue outside the State House in Boston. The legend that the word "hooker" meaning "prostitute" derives from his name appears to be untrue, as it first appeared in print in 1845, well before he became a public figure. Nevertheless, it may have been popularized as a result of its connection to the band of prostitutes that followed him, known as "Hooker's Division."
On occasion in the 1970s, when the "definitive answer" to a Match Game blank was "a prostitute," panelist Brett Somers would try to get around the CBS censors by answering, "A rugmaker, or hooker."
October 31, 1883: Anthony Frederick Wilding is born in Christchurch, New Zealand. Tony Wilding was a first-class cricketer, but his best sport was tennis. He is the only native of his country ever to win a Grand Slam singles title, taking the Australian Open in 1906 and 1909, and Wimbledon 4 straight times, 1910 to 1913. In 1906, he won 23 tournaments, still a single-year record.
He was killed in action in World War I. during the Battle of Aubers Ridge at Neuve-Chapelle, France, on May 9, 1915. He was only 31 years old. In 1978, he was elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
October 31, 1887: Édouard Cyrille Lalonde is born in Cornwall, the easternmost city in Ontario, bordering Quebec. "Newsy" (from working in a newspaper plant) was one of early hockey's greatest stars, winning 7 scoring titles and Captaining the Montreal Canadiens to their first Stanley Cup in 1916.
On December 29, 1917, in the 1st-ever NHL game, he scored a goal on route to the Canadiens' 7-4 victory over the Ottawa Senators. In 1922, the Canadiens angered him and a lot of their fans by trading him to the Pacific Coast Hockey Association's Saskatoon Sheiks, but the Habs got future Hall-of-Famer Aurel Joliat in the deal. From his retirement in 1927 until Maurice Richard surpassed him in 1954, his 455 combined goals in all leagues in which he played stood as a pro record.
He was also the best lacrosse player of his era, and in 1950, he was named athlete of the half-century in lacrosse. He was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1950, the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 1965, and the Sports Hall of Fame of Canada. He had lit the torch when the Sports Hall of Fame opened in Toronto in August, 1955. He lived to see all of these achievements, living until 1970.
In 1998, 72 years after he played his last NHL game, he was ranked number 32 on The Hockey News' list of the 100 Greatest Hockey Players, making him the highest-ranking player on the list who had played in a professional league before the founding of the NHL. He was the 1st Canadiens player to wear Number 4, and Joliat got it after the trade, but it was retired for later star Jean Béliveau.
October 31, 1891: The University of Kansas and the University of Missouri play each other in football for the 1st time, and Kansas wins, 22-10. This becomes the most-played college football rivalry west of the Mississippi River.
Originally called the Border War, and evoking memories of proslavery raids before and during the Civil War, by the 2004 the schools agreed to rename it the Border Showdown in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq War. (Colorado State and Wyoming, however, still call their rivalry the Border War. CSU fans would rather beat Wyoming than Colorado.)
In 2007, a T-shirt created by a Missouri alumnus gained national attention. It depicted the 1863 burning of Lawrence, seat of KU ("UK" is correct, but "KU" is preferred) following the raid of Confederate guerrilla William Quantrill and his Bushwhackers, who included Jesse and Frank James. The image of Lawrence burning was paired with the word "Scoreboard" and a Mizzou logo. On the back of the shirts, Quantrill was quoted, saying, "Our cause is just, our enemies many." Some Kansas fans interpreted these shirts as supporting slavery. KU supporters returned fire with a shirt depicting abolitionist John Brown, perpetrator of the anti-slavery Pottawottamie Massacre, with the words, "Kansas: Keeping America Safe From Missouri Since 1854."
Missouri's move from the Big 12 Conference to the Southeastern Conference (I'm guessing Colonel Quantrill and his latter-day apologists would approve) ended the football edition of the rivalry after the 2011 season. The current all-time results are disputed, due to a controversial ruling on the 1960 game: Missouri say they lead 57-54-9, while Kansas give themselves 1 more win, thus giving Missouri a slim lead of 56-55-9.
October 31, 1892: Arthur Conan Doyle publishes The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, a collection of his stories, previously serialized in magazines.
October 31, 1896: Ethel Waters (no middle name) is born outside Philadelphia in Chester, Pennsylvania. She became one of the top jazz singers of all time. In 1950, ABC made her the 1st black actress to star in a TV series, Beulah. She quit after one season, finding the scripts degrading. For a 1961 guest appearance on Route 66, she became the 1st black person of either gender to be nominated for an Emmy Award in a dramatic role, and the 1st black woman to be nominated for any Emmy. She lived until 1977.
October 31, 1897: Wilbur Francis Henry is born in Mansfield, Ohio. Known as Pete Henry or Fats Henry, he was an All-American tackle at Washington & Jefferson University in the Pittsburgh suburbs in 1918 and 1919.
October 31, 1896: Ethel Waters (no middle name) is born outside Philadelphia in Chester, Pennsylvania. She became one of the top jazz singers of all time. In 1950, ABC made her the 1st black actress to star in a TV series, Beulah. She quit after one season, finding the scripts degrading. For a 1961 guest appearance on Route 66, she became the 1st black person of either gender to be nominated for an Emmy Award in a dramatic role, and the 1st black woman to be nominated for any Emmy. She lived until 1977.
October 31, 1897: Wilbur Francis Henry is born in Mansfield, Ohio. Known as Pete Henry or Fats Henry, he was an All-American tackle at Washington & Jefferson University in the Pittsburgh suburbs in 1918 and 1919.
Then he became one of the 1st stars of the NFL, playing with the Canton Bulldogs as the League began in 1920, and winning the Championship with them in 1922, 1923 and 1924. He won another title with the Giants in 1927. He was named to the College and Pro Football Halls of Fame and the NFL's 1920s All-Decade Team. He was later the head coach at W&J, and died from diabetes in 1952, only 54 years old.
October 31, 1900: Ban Johnson, founder and President of the American League, writes a letter to National League President Nick Young. In it, he offers a deal for peaceful coexistence: Accept the AL as a "major league," and it won't pursue NL players. This was possible because the NL had contracted from 12 to 8 teams for the 1900 season. Johnson was willing to let his 8 teams leave the NL teams alone and respect their contracts.
Young refused the deal. In retaliation, Johnson defined this as Young being willing to let any of his League's players be raided, and authorized his teams' owners to raid any NL team for any player they wanted. These ended up including future Hall-of-Famers Cy Young, Jimmy Collins, Napoleon Lajoie, Sam Crawford, Elmer Flick, Clark Griffith, Jack Chesbro and Willie Keeler.
The "war" between the Leagues raged for 2 years, until the NL, with a new President, Harry Pulliam, accepted the AL in 1903. After this deal, Johnson agreed to accept the reserve clause and respect all NL contracts.
Also on this day, Robert Calvin Hubbard is born in Keytesville, Missouri. Cal Hubbard is unique: The only man in the Baseball and Pro Football Halls of Fame. He's also in the College Football Hall of Fame. That makes it sound like he was a great player in 2 sports.
Actually, he was a great player in only 1: He was elected to Canton as perhaps the greatest tackle of his era (playing on offense and defense), and to Cooperstown as an umpire. At 6-foot-2 and 253 pounds, he was huge for his era of football, and few baseball players dared to argue with him.
He was a 4-time All-Pro, and a member of 4 NFL Champions: The 1927 Giants, and the 1929, '30 and '31 Green Bay Packers. Grantland Rice named him to his All-Time All-America team for how he starred at Centenary College in Louisiana. He was named to the Sports Halls of Fame of both Missouri and Louisiana, to the Packers' team Hall of Fame, and to the NFL's 1920s All-Decade Team and to its 50th and 75th Anniversary Teams.
October 31, 1903: A train carrying the Purdue University football team to its annual game with in-State rival Indiana University hits a coal train on the north side of Indianapolis, killing 17 people, including 14 players. The game is canceled.
The uninjured tried to help the others. Some got out and got the stationmaster to send a warning to the next train coming down the track, saving many more lives. Among these heroes were the President of Purdue University, Winthrop E. Stone.
Purdue's football and baseball captain, Harry Leslie, was pronounced dead at the scene. At the funeral home, the mortician was ready to begin the embalming process, when he found a pulse: Leslie was alive. He teetered on the brink of death for weeks, but recovered, becoming a folk hero. With some irony, he went to Indiana University's law school, became a bank president, Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, and in 1928 was elected Governor. But he was a Herbert Hoover Republican, and did very little to help during the Depression, and was voted out in 1930. He died for sure in 1937.
Aside from the World War I years of 1918 and '19, 1903, the year of the Purdue Wreck, was the only time Purdue and Indiana have not met in football since the rivalry began in 1891. Since 1925, they have played each other for a trophy known as the Old Oaken Bucket. Purdue leads the rivalry, 74-41-6. In just the "Bucket Games," Purdue leads 60-31-3.
Also on this day, the University of Michigan football team comes to Minneapolis to play the University of Minnesota. Michigan coach Fielding Yost, while a football genius, was a bit paranoid, and thought opposing fans might poison his water. So he sent student manager Thomas B. Roberts to buy something and bring it to him. He went to a local variety store and spent 30 cents on a 5-gallon earthenware jug. The game ended in a 6-6 tie.
Afterward, Minnesota custodian Oscar Munson discovered, in his Scandinavian accent, "Yost left his yug." Supposedly, they contacted Yost and said, "Come and win it back." They didn't even try until 1909, when they did win it back.
Ever since, the jug -- which is not little and not brown -- has been painted maize & blue with Michigan's winning scores on one side, and maroon & gold with Minnesota's winning scores on the other, and gone to the winner. Michigan dominates the rivalry 75-25-3, including the battle for the Little Brown Jug 71-23-2.
This rivalry means little to Michigan, because they have absolutely dominated it. Michigan went 18-2-1 from 1895 to 1932, 14-2-1 from 1943 to 1959, and has gone 44-4 since 1968, including 18 straight from 1987 to 2004. Minnesota won 9 straight from 1934 to 1942.
Also on this day, Hampden Park opens in Glasgow, and becomes Scotland's national stadium. The previous facility with the name had been home to Queen's Park Football Club, the 1st professional sports team in Scotland, since 1873.
Queen's Park have played on the current site since 1903, the Scottish Cup Final has been held there since 1904, the national team has used it as their main home since 1906, and the Scottish Claymores of NFL Europe played there from 1998 to 2004.
The east and north stands of the stadium were redeveloped as all-seater in 1994, in time for Glasgow team Celtic to use Hampden while their own Celtic Park was redeveloped in the 1994-95 season. The rest of the stadium was upgraded by 1999. A record crowd of 149,415 saw a Scotland vs. England game in 1937, but the capacity is now 51,866.
Hampden hosted the Final of the European Cup in 1960 (Real Madrid beating Eintracht Frankfurt), 1976 (Bayern Munich beating Saint-Étienne), and 2002 (by which point the tournament had been renamed the UEFA Champions League, with Real Madrid beating Bayer Leverkusen). It has been chosen as a venue for Euro 2020.
October 31, 1912: Lucille Wood Smith is born in Uvalde, Texas. As a baby, her name was changed to Frances Octavia Smith. She was a real Westerner, unlike her husband, Leonard Franklin Slye. What's that? You never heard of Leonard Franklin Slye and Frances Octavia Smith? Perhaps you know them by their stage names: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.
Roy was actually Dale's 4th husband, and she was his 3rd wife. Nevertheless, from 1944 onward -- they were married on New Year's Eve 1947 -- they appeared in so many movies together, and from 1951 to 1957 on The Roy Rogers Show on NBC, it has become impossible to think of one without the other, even though both were already radio and movie stars before they met. Roy died in 1998, Dale in 2001.
October 31, 1913: The Lincoln Highway, America's 1st coast-to-coast highway, is dedicated, running from Times Square in New York to Lincoln Park in San Francisco.
In New Jersey, this included the New York Central Railroad's ferry to the Weehawken Terminal (replaced by the Lincoln Tunnel in 1937); Pershing Road, 5th Street (now 49th Street), Hudson Blvd. (now John F. Kennedy Blvd.) and Communipaw Avenue in Jersey City; the Newark Plank Road (now Truck Route 1 & 9) in Kearny; Ferry Street, Market Street, Broad Street and Frelinghuysen Avenue in Newark; what's now New Jersey Route 27 through Elizabeth, Linden, Rahway, Woodbridge, Edison, Metuchen, Highland Park, New Brunswick, North Brunswick, South Brunswick, Franklin, Plainsboro and Princeton; and U.S. Route 206 in Princeton, Lawrence, and Trenton, where the Highway turns and crosses the Delaware River into Pennsylvania via the Calhoun Street Bridge.
It goes down into Philadelphia. From there, what was the Lincoln Highway pretty much becomes concurrent with U.S. Route 30 all the way out to Wyoming, including Pittsburgh, Chicago and Omaha.
The federal highway system -- the "U.S. Routes," indicated by black numbers on a white shield on a black background -- pretty much took the place of the early American highways in the 1920s. By the 1950s, the Interstate Highway System pretty much replaced those, and Interstate 80, essentially connecting the George Washington and San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridges, has taken the New York-to-San Francisco role formerly held by the Lincoln Highway.
October 31, 1915: Luella Jane Nossett is born in Vincennes, Indiana, and grows up in Gary, Indiana. We knew her as Jane Jarvis.
She played the organ at Braves games at Milwaukee County Stadium, and was hired by the Mets, playing from Shea Stadium's opening in 1964 until 1980. She played the team's theme song, "Meet the Mets," as they took the field to start the game. Before "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and "God Bless America" (and, in the Mets' case, "Lazy Mary" by Lou Monte) became staples of the 7th inning stretch, she played "The Mexican Hat Dance" to get the fans to clap along.
Despite her advanced age, she returned for Shea's finale in 2008, and died in 2010.
October 31, 1916: Nicholas Young dies in Washington, D.C. at age 76. In the 1860s, he made the increasingly popular transition of switching from cricket to baseball, as a right fielder with a Washington team, having moved there from Central New York State to serve in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
In 1871, he organized the 1st professional baseball league, the National Association. He served as league secretary, managed its Washington team from 1871 to 1873, and served as an umpire. At that stage of baseball's development, conflicts of interest were unavoidable and understandable.
In 1876, William Hulbert founded the National League, because there were several things he didn't like about the NA. One thing he did like was Young, and asked him to be its secretary and its treasurer. In 1885, without having to give up either of those jobs, he was elected League President by the team owners. He oversaw the 1890 fight with the Players' League, and the semi-merger with the American Association in 1892. He resigned in 1902, thinking he wasn't the right man to help in making peace with the fledgling American League. He should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, but isn't.
Also on this day, Kenneth Frederick Keltner is born in Milwaukee. A 3rd baseman, he batted .276 from 1937 to 1950, mostly with the Cleveland Indians. He was a 7-time All-Star, and helped them win the 1948 World Series. He is best known for 2 diving stops he made to help end Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak in 1941.
He later served as a scout for the Indians and the Boston Red Sox. He was named to the Indians' team Hall of Fame, the 100 Greatest Cleveland Indians, and the Ohio Baseball Hall of Fame. He died in 1991.
October 31, 1917: The Battle of Beersheba is fought in Ottoman Syria. British Empire forces commanded by General Philip Chetwode defeat a combined German Empire and Ottoman Empire force. The city is now in the State of Israel.
October 31, 1919, 100 years ago: John Sylvester White Jr. is born in Philadelphia, and grows up in the Washington suburb of Colmar Manor, Maryland. Dropping the Junior suffix for his stage name, he kept the middle name for it. He was "one of those actors who's on every show" before becoming best known as Michael Woodman, the diminutive, grumpy, dismissive principal at the fictional James Buchanan High School in Brooklyn on the 1975-79 ABC sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter. He died in 1988.
October 31, 1920: Two legendary soccer players are born. Friedrich Walter (no middle name) is born in Kaiserslautern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. With the coming of Franz Beckenbauer in the 1960s, Fritz Walter was no longer be the greatest German soccer player, but he remains the most important.
The attacking midfielder (sometimes forward) played his entire career, 1937 to 1959, for F.C. Kaiserslautern (currently in Germany's 2nd division), except for 1942 to 1945, when he was in the Wehrmacht. He was captured by the Soviets, but a Hungarian prison guard had seen him play, and lied to his superiors, saying that Fritz was actually from the Saar Territory (given to France after World War I before Germany reclaimed it), and thus not fully German, and so they didn't send him to a gulag in Siberia.
After the war, Fritz captained FCK (I know, but that's their initials) to the German championship in 1951 and 1953. He was the Captain of the West Germany team at the 1954 World Cup in Berne, Switzerland, 1 of 5 FCK players on it.
Those 5 -- Walter, his brother Ottmar Walter, Werner Liebrich, Werner Kohlmeyer and Horst Eckel -- are now honored with a statue outside their home ground, which has been renamed the Fritz-Walter-Stadion. They won the Final, an upset of the Ferenc Puskas-led Hungary team, "the Mighty Magyars," a victory that became known as "The Miracle of Berne." It was said to be the first time since World War II that Germans could be proud of their country.
Fritz also helped West Germany reach the Semifinals of the 1958 World Cup, despite being 37 years old. When the Hungarian Revolution happened in 1956, their national team was caught out of the country and couldn't return, Walter paid them back for their countryman saving his life, backing them financially and even managing them for 2 years (while still an active player in Germany).
Fritz was disappointed when Kaiserslautern was not selected as one of the German cities to host the 1974 World Cup, but was overjoyed when it was selected as one for 2006. Sadly, he didn't live to see it, dying in 2002.
Kaiserslautern is home to a large U.S. military base (as seen in the James Bond film Octopussy), and FCK has signed several American players and thus has attracted many American servicemen as fans. When the U.S. played Italy at Fritz-Walter-Stadion in the World Cup on the anniversary of his death, June 17, 2006, a moment of silence was held for old Number 16. It had been 61 years since the end of The War, and America was playing one of its wartime enemies, and saluting a player from another, all now allies. However, FCK is now in Germany's 3rd division.
On the same day that Fritz Walter was born, Johan Gunnar Gren is born in Gothenburg, Sweden. A forward, he led hometown club IFK Göteborg to the League title in 1941, and Sweden to the Gold Medal at the 1948 Olympics in London.
That got the attention of Italian giants A.C. Milan, who signed 3 players from that Sweden team: Gren, IFK Norrköping forward Gunnar Nordahl, and Norrköping midfielder Nils Liedholm. Together, the Italian fans called them "Gre-No-Li." They led Milan to the Serie A title in 1951, and also won the Latin Cup, the closest thing then available to a continental club championship, the same year.
Gren and Liedholm would still be playing for Sweden when it hosted the 1958 World Cup, and they reached the Final, but lost. No shame in this loss on home soil: It was Brazil, led by Garrincha and the teenage Pelé, that beat them. (Ironically, both countries prefer to wear yellow shirts, and, as the home team, Sweden chosen yellow, so Brazil had to wear blue.)
Gren died in 1991. When Göteborg's stadium, the Gamla Ullevi, was reopened in 2009 after a complete reconstruction, a statue of Gren was placed outside.
Also on this day, Richard Stanley Francis is born in Lawrenny, Pembrokeshire, Wales. After serving in Britain's Royal Air Force during World War II, he returned to horse racing. For whatever reason, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother appointed him to ride the racehorses she owned, but during the 1956 Grand National, he was close to winning aboard Devon Loch when the horse fell.
A year later, he retired as a jockey, and began writing mystery novels, with his "detectives" being men who worked in the horse racing industry. There were 44 Dick Francis novels, and my grandmother, a fan of horse racing, murder mysteries, and her ancestral England (though Francis himself was Welsh), had many of them.
Dick wrote many of the novels with help from his wife Mary. After her death in 2000, their son Felix began helping, and when the father died in 2010, the son inherited the franchise, and has now published 6 Dick Francis novels.
October 31, 1924: A postseason barnstorming tour brings baseball's greatest hitter, Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees, and baseball's greatest pitcher, Walter Johnson of the newly-crowned World Champion Washington Senators, to Brea, Orange County, California.
Also making the trip: Yankees Bob Meusel and Ernie Johnson, St. Louis Browns star Ken Williams, and, since he lived nearby, retired Detroit Tigers' star Sam Crawford, who would join the Babe and the Big Train in the Hall of Fame.
Johnson, born in Kansas but raised in Orange County, pitched for a team of all-stars under the name of the Anaheim Elks. Ruth, who hadn't pitched in a major league game in 3 years, started for a team called, without much imagination, the Babe Ruth All-Stars.
Johnson was the hometown favorite, but the Bambino spoiled the party. Not only did he pitch a complete game, he hit a towering drive off Johnson, said to have gone about 550 feet. Ruth's All-Stars won, 12-1. In the 94 years since, housing has been built on the site of the field.
Also on this day, Marcelino Huerta Jr. is born in Tampa. A pilot for a B-24 bomber over Nazi territory in World War II, he was an All-American guard at the University of Florida. He went into coaching, at the University of Tampa and later Wichita State University. In 1963 he led WSU to the Missouri Valley Conference title. He finished with a record of 104-53-2. He died in 1985, and was posthumously elected to the College Football and Florida Sports Halls of Fame.
October 31, 1927: Pianist Hoagland Howard "Hoagy" Carmichael records his composition "Stardust." It becomes one of the most popular American songs.
So did his songs "Georgia on My Mind" (even though Carmichael was a native of Bloomington, Indiana), "Heart and Soul," "Ole Buttermilk Sky" and "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening," the latter of which had lyrics by Johnny Mercer, and won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1951, for its inclusion in the film Here Comes the Groom, in which it was sung by Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman.
Carmichael died in 1981, at ag e 82. When Ian Fleming created the secret agent James Bond for his books, he said he imagined Agent 007 looking like Hoagy Carmichael.
Also on this day, Robert Miller (no middle name) is born in Macomb, Illinois. Red Miller went from coaching in high school and college to the AFL and the NFL. In 1977, he became the head coach of the Denver Broncos, and guided them to their 1st AFC Championship. Unfortunately, they lost to the Dallas Cowboys.
He didn't get them into another one, and was fired after the 1980 season. In 1983, he returned to Mile High Stadium as the head coach of the USFL's Denver Gold, but feuded with management, and resigned before the season was out. He died last year, shortly after it was announced that he would be inducted into the Denver Broncos Ring of Fame at Sports Authority Field at Mile High.
October 31, 1928: José de la Caridad Méndez dies in the Cuban capital of Havana, only 41 years old. I cannot find a cause for his death. Known as El Diamante Negro, "the Black Diamond," he was a star pitcher for Havana team Almandares ("Scorpions").
He would pitch for all-black baseball teams in America, including the Brooklyn Royal Giants in 1908 (yes, a team named "Giants" in Brooklyn), the Manhattan-based Cuban Stars from 1909 to 1912, and, his longest tenure on our shores, for the Kansas City Monarchs from 1920 to 1926. In 2006, when a special committee looked for overlooked pre-integration black players who should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, José Méndez was one of their selections.
Also on this day, Angelo Drossos is born in San Antonio, Texas. In 1973, he bought the ABA's Dallas Chaparrals, moved them to his hometown, and renamed the the San Antonio Spurs. He got them through the ABA-NBA merger in 1976, won NBA Executive of the Year in 1978, and (as could be expected of a former ABA team executive) was instrumental in getting the other owners to approve the 3-point field goal in 1979.
He sold the Spurs in 1988, before their revival under Gregg Popovich and David Robinson, and died in 1997, before Coach Pop, the Admiral and Tim Duncan could bring the city its 1st World Championship in any sport. He is not in the Basketball Hall of Fame, but he should be.
October 31, 1930: Michael Collins (no middle name) is born in Rome, Italy, the son of a U.S. Army General stationed there. He grew up all around the world as his father was reassigned. Michael, a brother and an uncle would also rise to the rank of General.
The others all did so in the Army, while Michael did so in the U.S. Air Force. To get there, he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in 1952 -- there was no separate U.S. Air Force Academy until 1954), was selected as an astronaut, flew on Gemini 10 in 1966, and was the pilot of the command module Columbia on Apollo 11. On July 20, 1969, Collins set a record: Most isolated human being who has ever lived. The next-closest people, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, were on the surface of the Moon, and every other person was back on Earth, about 240,000 miles away.
In Ball Four, his diary of the 1969 season with baseball's ill-fated Seattle Pilots, Jim Bouton quoted fellow pitcher John Gelnar as musing that NASA should have "provided three germ-free broads" for the Apollo 11 crew.
Collins, now 89 and a retired Major General, later served as the director of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, which has the command module Columbia. His daughter Kate Collins played Natalie Marlowe on the soap opera All My Children.
October 31, 1931: Daniel Irvin Rather Jr. is born in Wharton, Texas, outside Houston. The longtime CBS News reporter, anchor of The CBS Evening News from 1981 to 2004, walked off the set in anger just before a remote broadcast from Miami, where Pope John Paul II had begun a rare U.S. tour, when a U.S. Open tennis match was being broadcast into the time scheduled for the newscast. He was upset that the news was being but into to make room for sports, and discussed it with the sports department.
The match, between Steffi Graf and Lori McNeil, ended at 6:32 PM, earlier than expected, but Rather had disappeared. So over 100 affiliates were forced to broadcast 6 minutes of dead air. The next day, Rather apologized for leaving the anchor desk.
The following year, when Rather asked then Vice President George H.W. Bush about his role in the Iran-Contra Affair during a live interview, Bush responded by saying, "Dan, how would you like it if I judged your entire career by those 7 minutes when you walked off the set in New York?"
Bush deflected. He was wrong: What Rather did embarrassed his network; but America deserved to know what Bush did, if anything in Iran-Contra. At age 87, Rather is still publicly opposed to Republican corruption -- more than ever, now that he doesn't have CBS' corporate-controlled sponsors looking over his shoulder.
Also on this day, Richard Gautier (no middle name) is born in the Los Angeles suburb of Culver City, California. Dick Gautier played Hymie the Robot on the 1960s sitcom Get Smart, and Robin Hood on the 1970s sitcom When Things Were Rotten. He later did voices for several cartoons, including the Transformers franchise. He died in 2017.
Also on this day, Everybody's Welcome premieres at the Shubert Theatre in New York. The musical, with songs by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain, is forgettable, except for one song, which becomes legend due to its inclusion in the 1942 film Casablanca: "As Time Goes By."
October 31, 1932: In an annual event to raise money for war veterans in both Britain and France, Arsenal Football Club of North London travel to play Racing Club Paris, and win 5-2.
On this same day, upon the request of Arsenal manager Herbert Chapman, the Gillespie Road station, the closest London Underground station to the club's Highbury stadium, is renamed Arsenal.
"The Gunners" are the only one of London's 12 clubs whose closest "tube" stop is named for the team. However, the tile with the station's former name can still be seen, motormen who are fans of their arch-rivals, Tottenham Hotspur, are known to still announce the station as "Gillespie Road."
There is no Underground station near the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. The closest are Seven Sisters and Tottenham Hale, both a mile and a half to the south. There is a British Rail station (commuter/national service or Amtrak equivalent) 3 blocks to the west, named for the street and the old Tottenham stadium, White Hart Lane. This year, it was announced that its name would be changed to "Tottenham Hotspur," but, as yet, it has not been.
October 31, 1933: Phillippe Joseph Georges Goyette is born in Lachine, now a part of the city of Montreal. Apparently, Halloween is a good day to be born if you want to become a Canadiens legend. Phil Goyette was a center who won 4. Stanley Cups with Les Habitantes. He is 1 of 5 surviving players from the 1957 Cup winners, 7 from 1958, 8 from 1959 and 7 from 1960.
He was the 1st coach of the New York Islanders in 1972-73, but was fired due to a poor record midway through the season. He has never coached again, but is still alive.
Also on this day, Eric Paul Nesterenko is born in Flin Flon, Manitoba. He is no longer the most famous hockey player from that town, long since surpassed by Bobby Clarke. But he was a pretty good one, playing 21 years in the NHL and 1 in the WHA. The center was a 2-time All-Star, and is a member of the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame.
He, Bobby Hull, Glenn Hall, Bill Hay and Wayne Hicks are the last 5 surviving players from the 1961 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks.
October 31, 1935: Dale Duward Brown is born in Minot, North Dakota. From 1972 to 1997, he was the basketball coach at Louisiana State University, succeeding Press Maravich, who'd recently coached his son, Pistol Pete, there. Brown guided LSU to Southeastern Conference Championships in 1979, 1981, 1985 and 1991; and to the Final Four in 1981 and 1986.
The NCAA investigated the program for infractions, finding only minor things that could not be connected to Brown, who called them "The Gestapo" for their intensity, and "hypocrites" for making massive sums off players who weren't allowed to receive a cent in pay. Lester Earl, the player whose 1997 admission that he had been paid $5,000 by an LSU booster led to the investigation that forced Brown (who had nothing to do with it) intro retirement, later publicly apologized to Brown, admitting that he was pressured into participating in what Brown had already called "a witch hunt."
No less a judge of character, and a college basketball coach, as UCLA's "Wizard of Westwood," John Wooden, once said, "If heads of state throughout this troubled world of ours had real concern and consideration for others as Dale Brown, I doubt if our racial, religious and political problems would be a major issue."
Brown has been married to his college girlfriend, Vonnie Ness, a folk dance instructor, since 1959, and has a daughter and 3 grandchildren. The basketball court at LSU is named the Dale Brown Court at Pete Maravich Assembly Center.
Also on this day, John B. Barrow (I can find no reference to what the B. stands for) is born in Delray Beach, Florida. A 2-way tackle, he was an All-Southeastern Conference selection at the University of Florida, and was drafted by the Detroit Lions. But the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League offered more money, and he signed with them.
A mistake? Maybe: The Lions won the NFL Championship in 1957, his rookie season. But the Ticats also won their League that season, and again in 1963, 1965 and 1967. That last year, as the nation celebrated its Centennial, Barrow was named Canadian football's Lineman of the Century. He made 6 CFL All-Star Teams, and later served as general manager of the Toronto Argonauts.
He was named to the University of Florida Athletic and Canadian Football Halls of Fame, and to the CFL's 50 Greatest Players by TSN (The Sports Network, Canada's version of ESPN) in 2006. He died in 2015, at age 79.
October 31, 1936: Madison Square Garden -- the 3rd one, on 8th Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, then still fairly knew, but known to my generation as "The Old Garden" -- hosts its greatest moment. And it had nothing to do with sports.October 31, 1928: José de la Caridad Méndez dies in the Cuban capital of Havana, only 41 years old. I cannot find a cause for his death. Known as El Diamante Negro, "the Black Diamond," he was a star pitcher for Havana team Almandares ("Scorpions").
He would pitch for all-black baseball teams in America, including the Brooklyn Royal Giants in 1908 (yes, a team named "Giants" in Brooklyn), the Manhattan-based Cuban Stars from 1909 to 1912, and, his longest tenure on our shores, for the Kansas City Monarchs from 1920 to 1926. In 2006, when a special committee looked for overlooked pre-integration black players who should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, José Méndez was one of their selections.
Also on this day, Angelo Drossos is born in San Antonio, Texas. In 1973, he bought the ABA's Dallas Chaparrals, moved them to his hometown, and renamed the the San Antonio Spurs. He got them through the ABA-NBA merger in 1976, won NBA Executive of the Year in 1978, and (as could be expected of a former ABA team executive) was instrumental in getting the other owners to approve the 3-point field goal in 1979.
He sold the Spurs in 1988, before their revival under Gregg Popovich and David Robinson, and died in 1997, before Coach Pop, the Admiral and Tim Duncan could bring the city its 1st World Championship in any sport. He is not in the Basketball Hall of Fame, but he should be.
October 31, 1930: Michael Collins (no middle name) is born in Rome, Italy, the son of a U.S. Army General stationed there. He grew up all around the world as his father was reassigned. Michael, a brother and an uncle would also rise to the rank of General.
The others all did so in the Army, while Michael did so in the U.S. Air Force. To get there, he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in 1952 -- there was no separate U.S. Air Force Academy until 1954), was selected as an astronaut, flew on Gemini 10 in 1966, and was the pilot of the command module Columbia on Apollo 11. On July 20, 1969, Collins set a record: Most isolated human being who has ever lived. The next-closest people, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, were on the surface of the Moon, and every other person was back on Earth, about 240,000 miles away.
In Ball Four, his diary of the 1969 season with baseball's ill-fated Seattle Pilots, Jim Bouton quoted fellow pitcher John Gelnar as musing that NASA should have "provided three germ-free broads" for the Apollo 11 crew.
Collins, now 89 and a retired Major General, later served as the director of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, which has the command module Columbia. His daughter Kate Collins played Natalie Marlowe on the soap opera All My Children.
October 31, 1931: Daniel Irvin Rather Jr. is born in Wharton, Texas, outside Houston. The longtime CBS News reporter, anchor of The CBS Evening News from 1981 to 2004, walked off the set in anger just before a remote broadcast from Miami, where Pope John Paul II had begun a rare U.S. tour, when a U.S. Open tennis match was being broadcast into the time scheduled for the newscast. He was upset that the news was being but into to make room for sports, and discussed it with the sports department.
The match, between Steffi Graf and Lori McNeil, ended at 6:32 PM, earlier than expected, but Rather had disappeared. So over 100 affiliates were forced to broadcast 6 minutes of dead air. The next day, Rather apologized for leaving the anchor desk.
The following year, when Rather asked then Vice President George H.W. Bush about his role in the Iran-Contra Affair during a live interview, Bush responded by saying, "Dan, how would you like it if I judged your entire career by those 7 minutes when you walked off the set in New York?"
Bush deflected. He was wrong: What Rather did embarrassed his network; but America deserved to know what Bush did, if anything in Iran-Contra. At age 87, Rather is still publicly opposed to Republican corruption -- more than ever, now that he doesn't have CBS' corporate-controlled sponsors looking over his shoulder.
Also on this day, Richard Gautier (no middle name) is born in the Los Angeles suburb of Culver City, California. Dick Gautier played Hymie the Robot on the 1960s sitcom Get Smart, and Robin Hood on the 1970s sitcom When Things Were Rotten. He later did voices for several cartoons, including the Transformers franchise. He died in 2017.
Also on this day, Everybody's Welcome premieres at the Shubert Theatre in New York. The musical, with songs by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain, is forgettable, except for one song, which becomes legend due to its inclusion in the 1942 film Casablanca: "As Time Goes By."
October 31, 1932: In an annual event to raise money for war veterans in both Britain and France, Arsenal Football Club of North London travel to play Racing Club Paris, and win 5-2.
On this same day, upon the request of Arsenal manager Herbert Chapman, the Gillespie Road station, the closest London Underground station to the club's Highbury stadium, is renamed Arsenal.
"The Gunners" are the only one of London's 12 clubs whose closest "tube" stop is named for the team. However, the tile with the station's former name can still be seen, motormen who are fans of their arch-rivals, Tottenham Hotspur, are known to still announce the station as "Gillespie Road."
There is no Underground station near the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. The closest are Seven Sisters and Tottenham Hale, both a mile and a half to the south. There is a British Rail station (commuter/national service or Amtrak equivalent) 3 blocks to the west, named for the street and the old Tottenham stadium, White Hart Lane. This year, it was announced that its name would be changed to "Tottenham Hotspur," but, as yet, it has not been.
October 31, 1933: Phillippe Joseph Georges Goyette is born in Lachine, now a part of the city of Montreal. Apparently, Halloween is a good day to be born if you want to become a Canadiens legend. Phil Goyette was a center who won 4. Stanley Cups with Les Habitantes. He is 1 of 5 surviving players from the 1957 Cup winners, 7 from 1958, 8 from 1959 and 7 from 1960.
He was the 1st coach of the New York Islanders in 1972-73, but was fired due to a poor record midway through the season. He has never coached again, but is still alive.
Also on this day, Eric Paul Nesterenko is born in Flin Flon, Manitoba. He is no longer the most famous hockey player from that town, long since surpassed by Bobby Clarke. But he was a pretty good one, playing 21 years in the NHL and 1 in the WHA. The center was a 2-time All-Star, and is a member of the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame.
He, Bobby Hull, Glenn Hall, Bill Hay and Wayne Hicks are the last 5 surviving players from the 1961 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks.
October 31, 1935: Dale Duward Brown is born in Minot, North Dakota. From 1972 to 1997, he was the basketball coach at Louisiana State University, succeeding Press Maravich, who'd recently coached his son, Pistol Pete, there. Brown guided LSU to Southeastern Conference Championships in 1979, 1981, 1985 and 1991; and to the Final Four in 1981 and 1986.
The NCAA investigated the program for infractions, finding only minor things that could not be connected to Brown, who called them "The Gestapo" for their intensity, and "hypocrites" for making massive sums off players who weren't allowed to receive a cent in pay. Lester Earl, the player whose 1997 admission that he had been paid $5,000 by an LSU booster led to the investigation that forced Brown (who had nothing to do with it) intro retirement, later publicly apologized to Brown, admitting that he was pressured into participating in what Brown had already called "a witch hunt."
No less a judge of character, and a college basketball coach, as UCLA's "Wizard of Westwood," John Wooden, once said, "If heads of state throughout this troubled world of ours had real concern and consideration for others as Dale Brown, I doubt if our racial, religious and political problems would be a major issue."
Brown has been married to his college girlfriend, Vonnie Ness, a folk dance instructor, since 1959, and has a daughter and 3 grandchildren. The basketball court at LSU is named the Dale Brown Court at Pete Maravich Assembly Center.
Also on this day, John B. Barrow (I can find no reference to what the B. stands for) is born in Delray Beach, Florida. A 2-way tackle, he was an All-Southeastern Conference selection at the University of Florida, and was drafted by the Detroit Lions. But the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League offered more money, and he signed with them.
A mistake? Maybe: The Lions won the NFL Championship in 1957, his rookie season. But the Ticats also won their League that season, and again in 1963, 1965 and 1967. That last year, as the nation celebrated its Centennial, Barrow was named Canadian football's Lineman of the Century. He made 6 CFL All-Star Teams, and later served as general manager of the Toronto Argonauts.
He was named to the University of Florida Athletic and Canadian Football Halls of Fame, and to the CFL's 50 Greatest Players by TSN (The Sports Network, Canada's version of ESPN) in 2006. He died in 2015, at age 79.
It is 3 days before a Presidential election. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the incumbent Democrat, is running for re-election. The Republican nominee is the Governor of Kansas, Alfred M. Landon. Landon is not the problem: His campaign was rather inoffensive.
Considerably more offensive are the charges that many have made against Roosevelt and his series of programs for lifting the country out of the Great Depression, programs he put under the umbrella term "The New Deal." FDR summarized these, in a more palatable way, in a speech to the nation over the radio networks of the time, a.k.a. one of his "Fireside Chats," on June 28, 1934:
A few timid people, who fear progress, will try to give you new and strange names for what we are doing. Sometimes they will call it "Fascism," sometimes "Communism," sometimes "Regimentation," sometimes "Socialism." But, in so doing, they are trying to make very complex and theoretical something that is really very simple and very practical.
A story FDR liked to tell as he ran for a 2nd term in 1936 was this:
A wealthy man in a fine suit and top hat fell into deep water. He didn't know how to swim, and was on the verge of drowning. Hearing his cries, another man dove into the water, and saved him, as his top hat floated away. The man who had almost drowned regained his breath, and, for a moment, seemed grateful.
Three years later, though, he returned, and denounced his rescuer for not saving his hat, too!
The very rich, and their hired spokesmen, said FDR was trying to "destroy capitalism." Sound familiar? Their successors have said it about every Democratic Presidential nominee since, including Barack Obama and both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Whoever is nominated in 2020, they will say it about that person, too.
Presidential candidates have frequently held rallies close to the election, sometimes in New York, sometimes in their hometowns. John F. Kennedy had his at the Boston Garden in 1960. Bill Clinton, having already had the Democratic Convention at the 4th and current version of The Garden, had one at the Meadowlands Arena 2 days before.
FDR, from Hyde Park, in Dutchess County, actually closer to Albany than to Midtown Manhattan, did have a home in Manhattan, so New York, for practical purposes, could be called his hometown. And so he had his close-to-Election Day rally at The Garden, arguably already, even though it did not use the slogan for decades to come, the world's most famous arena.
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -- business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me -- and I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master! ...
Here is an amazing paradox! The very employers and politicians and publishers who talk most loudly of class antagonism and the destruction of the American system now undermine that system by this attempt to coerce the votes of the wage earners of this country. It is the 1936 version of the old threat to close down the factory or the office if a particular candidate does not win. It is an old strategy of tyrants to delude their victims into fighting their battles for them.
FDR went on in this vein for some time. Tweaking the details, this speech could be given by a Democratic leader today, 83 years later.
Today, the forces of selfishness, of greed, and of bigotry -- against women, various religions, gay people, and the poor in general -- are united behind Donald Trump.
Trump has, in the past, claimed to be a Yankee fan. Can we deport him to Red Sox Nation?
Also on this day, Eugene Maurice Orowitz is born in Forest Hills, Queens, and grows up in the Philadelphia suburb of Collingswood, Camden County, New Jersey. He was a track star at Collingswood High School, with the longest javelin throw by any high schooler in the country in 1954. He won a track scholarship to the University of Southern California, but hurt his shoulder, ending his track career
Already in Los Angeles anyway, he became an actor. We tend not to remember who won the Gold Medal in the javelin at the Olympics in 1956 (Egil Danielsen of Norway) or 1960 (Viktor Tsybulenko of the Soviet Union), but we remember "Ugy" Orowitz by the name he adopted by then: Michael Landon. Funny, but Little Joe Cartwright, Charles "Pa" Ingalls and angel John Smith didn't look Jewish!
He was also a frequent panelist on the original Match Game on NBC in the 1960s, and when it was revived on CBS, he was the 1st panelist introduced on the 1st show, on July 2, 1973. It was a bit odd to see his nameplate read "Mike." I'd never heard anyone call him "Mike Landon." Then again, I'd never heard anyone call him "Ugy Orowitz," either!
October 31, 1937: Thomas Richard Paxton is born in Chicago. Tom Paxton is a folksinger whose songs are better known than he is. "The Last Thing On My Mind," which he wrote and recorded in 1964, was the debut single for the country duet team of Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton, in 1967. That year, Paxton's "Bottle of Wine" was a hit by Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs, better known for their 1963 Number 1 hit "Sugar Shack."
In 1969, he wrote "Whose Garden Was This?" which became one of the earliest songs to address the environment. It became a hit for John Denver the next year.
October 31, 1939, 80 years ago: William Thomas Brooker is born in Demopolis, Alabama. An end and placekicker, he was a member of the University of Alabama team that won the 1961 National Championship, Bear Bryant's 1st while leading the Crimson Tide.
He was an AFL All-Star in 1964, and played his entire career with the Kansas City Chiefs franchise, winning the AFL Championship Game in 1962 (as the Dallas Texans) and 1966 (subsequently losing Super Bowl I). In his career, he attempted 149 points-after-touchdown, and made all of them. He was elected to the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, and died this past September 21, at age 79.
October 31, 1940: This is the date that Great Britain recognizes that the Battle of Britain ended, as it was the last day of large scale night bombing raids by Nazi Germany's Luftwaffe, which had begun on July 10. It was curtailed after this, and it had become clear that a Nazi invasion of the British Isles was not going to happen.A wealthy man in a fine suit and top hat fell into deep water. He didn't know how to swim, and was on the verge of drowning. Hearing his cries, another man dove into the water, and saved him, as his top hat floated away. The man who had almost drowned regained his breath, and, for a moment, seemed grateful.
Three years later, though, he returned, and denounced his rescuer for not saving his hat, too!
The very rich, and their hired spokesmen, said FDR was trying to "destroy capitalism." Sound familiar? Their successors have said it about every Democratic Presidential nominee since, including Barack Obama and both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Whoever is nominated in 2020, they will say it about that person, too.
Presidential candidates have frequently held rallies close to the election, sometimes in New York, sometimes in their hometowns. John F. Kennedy had his at the Boston Garden in 1960. Bill Clinton, having already had the Democratic Convention at the 4th and current version of The Garden, had one at the Meadowlands Arena 2 days before.
FDR, from Hyde Park, in Dutchess County, actually closer to Albany than to Midtown Manhattan, did have a home in Manhattan, so New York, for practical purposes, could be called his hometown. And so he had his close-to-Election Day rally at The Garden, arguably already, even though it did not use the slogan for decades to come, the world's most famous arena.
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -- business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me -- and I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master! ...
Here is an amazing paradox! The very employers and politicians and publishers who talk most loudly of class antagonism and the destruction of the American system now undermine that system by this attempt to coerce the votes of the wage earners of this country. It is the 1936 version of the old threat to close down the factory or the office if a particular candidate does not win. It is an old strategy of tyrants to delude their victims into fighting their battles for them.
FDR went on in this vein for some time. Tweaking the details, this speech could be given by a Democratic leader today, 83 years later.
Today, the forces of selfishness, of greed, and of bigotry -- against women, various religions, gay people, and the poor in general -- are united behind Donald Trump.
Trump has, in the past, claimed to be a Yankee fan. Can we deport him to Red Sox Nation?
Also on this day, Eugene Maurice Orowitz is born in Forest Hills, Queens, and grows up in the Philadelphia suburb of Collingswood, Camden County, New Jersey. He was a track star at Collingswood High School, with the longest javelin throw by any high schooler in the country in 1954. He won a track scholarship to the University of Southern California, but hurt his shoulder, ending his track career
Already in Los Angeles anyway, he became an actor. We tend not to remember who won the Gold Medal in the javelin at the Olympics in 1956 (Egil Danielsen of Norway) or 1960 (Viktor Tsybulenko of the Soviet Union), but we remember "Ugy" Orowitz by the name he adopted by then: Michael Landon. Funny, but Little Joe Cartwright, Charles "Pa" Ingalls and angel John Smith didn't look Jewish!
He was also a frequent panelist on the original Match Game on NBC in the 1960s, and when it was revived on CBS, he was the 1st panelist introduced on the 1st show, on July 2, 1973. It was a bit odd to see his nameplate read "Mike." I'd never heard anyone call him "Mike Landon." Then again, I'd never heard anyone call him "Ugy Orowitz," either!
October 31, 1937: Thomas Richard Paxton is born in Chicago. Tom Paxton is a folksinger whose songs are better known than he is. "The Last Thing On My Mind," which he wrote and recorded in 1964, was the debut single for the country duet team of Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton, in 1967. That year, Paxton's "Bottle of Wine" was a hit by Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs, better known for their 1963 Number 1 hit "Sugar Shack."
In 1969, he wrote "Whose Garden Was This?" which became one of the earliest songs to address the environment. It became a hit for John Denver the next year.
October 31, 1939, 80 years ago: William Thomas Brooker is born in Demopolis, Alabama. An end and placekicker, he was a member of the University of Alabama team that won the 1961 National Championship, Bear Bryant's 1st while leading the Crimson Tide.
He was an AFL All-Star in 1964, and played his entire career with the Kansas City Chiefs franchise, winning the AFL Championship Game in 1962 (as the Dallas Texans) and 1966 (subsequently losing Super Bowl I). In his career, he attempted 149 points-after-touchdown, and made all of them. He was elected to the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, and died this past September 21, at age 79.
As Prime Minister Winston Churchill put it, in a radio speech on August 20, 1940, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
How few? The Royal Air Force recognizes 2,936 pilots flying at least 1 authorized operational sortie. This includes 145 Poles, 127 New Zealanders, 112 Canadians, 88 Czechoslovaks, 32 Australians, 28 Belgians, 25 South Africans, 13 French, 10 Irish, 9 Americans, 3 Southern Rhodesians (from the colony that is now known as the nation of Zimbabwe), and 1 each from Jamaica and Mandatory Palestine (now Israel).
Of those 2,936 men, 1,495 were killed, just over half. Only 4 of "The Few" are still alive: Flight Lieutenant William Clark, 98, Wing Commander Paul Farnes, 100, Flying Officer John Hemmingway, 99 and Flight Lieutenant Maurice Moundson, 100.
Also on this day, Harvey Pulford dies in Ottawa at age 65. An all-around athlete who won Canadian national championships in football, boxing, lacrosse, paddling and rowing, he was best known for hockey. He played for the Ottawa Hockey Club, later known as the Silver Seven and the Senators, from 1892 to 1908.
In 1893, he played against the Montreal Hockey Club in the 1st Stanley Cup game. It took them a while, but they finally won the Cup in 1903, and held it until 1906. In 1945, he was posthumously named one of the charter inductees into the Hockey Hall of Fame. Apparently, he was not related to 1960s Toronto Maple Leafs star Bob Pulford.
October 31, 1941: Lucious Brown Jackson is born in San Marcos, Texas. A forward, Luke Jackson was an Olympic Gold Medalist for the U.S. at Tokyo in 1964, an NBA All-Star in 1965, and a member of the 1967 NBA Champion Philadelphia 76ers. He is still alive.
Also on this day, Edward Wayne Spiezio is born outside Chicago in Joliet, Illinois. A 3rd baseman, he was a member of the St. Louis Cardinals' World Series winners of 1964 and 1967 and their Pennant winners of 1968. He was left unprotected in the 1969 expansion draft, and hit the 1st home run in San Diego Padres history. He remained with the Padres until 1972, and then finished his career that year with the Chicago White Sox.
He is 1 of 14 surviving members of the 1967 World Champions, and attended a ceremony honoring them on their 50th Anniversary at Busch Stadium last season. His son Scott Spiezio was an infielder who won World Series with the 2002 Anaheim Angels and the 2006 Cardinals. As far as I know, Ed and Scott Spiezio are the only father and son to have both won the World Series with the same team.
Also on this day, Ronnie Wickers is born in Chicago. He's been going to Chicago Cubs games since he was a boy, and around 1958 or so, he started his familiar, "Cubs, woo! Cubs, woo!" chant. He has become known as Ronnie Woo Woo, and is a Chicago icon. He has lived long enough to see the Cubs win a World Series, and still goes to games.
Also on this day, Lincoln Borglum admits defeat, and declares that his father Gutzon Borglum's masterwork, Mount Rushmore outside Rapid City, South Dakota, is finished. The faces of Presidents (left to right) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, had been finished (in, respectively, 1934, 1936, 1939 and 1937), but the rest of it, which was meant to include them down to the waist, was not, except for the lapels on Washington's jacket. Gutzon had died earlier in the year, and there just wasn't enough money to do it all.
Also on this day, the USS Reuben James, a destroyer named for a U.S. Navy hero of the First Barbary War in 1804, is sunk by a German U-boat off the coast of Iceland. There were 100 deaths, and only 44 survivors.
This was an act of war, as America had not yet entered World War II, but it did not move Congress to declare war on Nazi Germany. Folksinger Woody Guthrie wrote "The Sinking of the Reuben James" about it.
On April 1, 1943, a new destroyer named Reuben James was christened. It was decommissioned only 4 years later, after the War ended. A 3rd ship with the name, a frigate, served from 1982 to 2013.
Also on this day, More Fun Comics #73 is published, debuting the character of Roy Harper, teenage sidekick to the costumed crimefighter Green Arrow. Harper is also an expert archer, and yet his superhero name, Speedy, suggests he should be a sidekick to the Flash. Oliver Queen gave him the name because he managed to stop a couple of crooks before Ollie could even put his Green Arrow costume on. October 31 is later retconned as the character's birthday.
In 1967, Speedy joined the Teen Titans, along with other teenage sidekicks: Dick Grayson (Batman's Robin), Donna Troy (Wonder Woman's Wonder Girl), Wally West (the Flash's Kid Flash) and Garth Curry (Aquaman's Aqualad).
In August 1971, in Green Lantern #85 -- the comic usually showed team-ups between the title hero and Green Arrow -- Harper was revealed to have a drug addiction, and this was considered a landmark moment in comic book history. It was a 2-part story: The 1st part was titled "Snowbirds Don't Fly," the 2nd "They Say It'll Kill Me... But They Won't Say When."
The preceding May, The Amazing Spider-Man #96 introduced a drug story, without the approval of The Comics Code Authority, taking a risk of a huge backlash. It didn't happen, so DC did the Speedy story, and got the Authority's approval.
In 1983, Roy Harper fell in love with Jade Nguyen, a Eurasian assassin known as Cheshire, instead of capturing her. Cheshire gave birth to his daughter, Lian Harper. Roy changed his superhero name to Arsenal in 1993 (the North London soccer team of that name, also wearing red, did not publicly comment)and Red Arrow in 2005, becoming a full member of the Justice League under that last name.
October 31, 1942: Maurice Richard makes his NHL debut. Wearing Number 15 for the Montreal Canadiens -- just like Gordie Howe with the Detroit Red Wings 4 years later, each taking on their iconic Number 9 in their 2nd season -- he plays in the Habs' 3-2 win over the Boston Bruins at the Montreal Forum.
The man eventually known as the Rocket would score the 1st of his 544 goals 8 days later, against the New York Rangers. Playing from 1942 to 1960, he held the NHL career scoring record from 1952, when he passed Nels Stewart with 325, until 1963, when Gordie Howe surpassed him, and Howe's 801 was surpassed by Wayne Gretzky in 1994, and he finished with 894. However, it's important to note that Gretzky played in seasons of 80 to 84 games. Richard began playing 50-game seasons, going to 60 in 1946-47, and going to 70 in 1949-50. He died in 2000, age 78.
Also on this day, David Arthur McNally is born in Billings, Montana. Dave McNally pitched a complete game to clinch the 1966 World Series for the Baltimore Orioles, and won another game and hit a grand slam in it to help them win it in 1970. His career won-lost record was a sterling 184-119.
But he's best known as one of the two pitchers, along with Andy Messersmith, who played the 1975 season without a contract to test the legality of the reserve clause. McNally, by then with the Montreal Expos, had been injured, had a successful ranch in his native Montana, and was ready to retire anyway, so he was an ideal player to make the test, since he didn't need the money. The clause was overturned.
McNally retired to his ranch and a car dealership, and wrote a memoir, A Whole Different Ball Game. He was a member of the Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame and the Montana Sports Hall of Fame, and died of cancer in 2002.
Also on this day, Bing Crosby hits Number 1 with "White Christmas." On Halloween. And you thought the Christmas season started too early these days! The song will remain Number 1 until January 16, 1943.
Also on this day, David Ogden Stiers is born in Peoria, Illinois. Best known as Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, the fabulously wealthy, pompous but sometimes surprisingly human surgeon on M*A*S*H, he has spent much of the last few years doing voiceovers for PBS documentaries – in his real voice, not in Charles' Boston Brahmin accent. Stiers died earlier this year.
The 1980 episode "A War for All Seasons" depicted life at the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital from December 31, 1950 to January 1, 1952 -- not the only episode to wreak havoc with the show's continuity. One plot was a bet that Corporal Max Klinger (Jamie Farr), the company clerk, had with the commanding officer, Colonel Sherman Potter (Harry Morgan), that Klinger's favorite major league team, the Brooklyn Dodgers (not to be confused with his hometown minor-league team, the Toledo Mud Hens), would win the National League Pennant, rather than Potter's favorite team, his fellow Eastern Missourians the St. Louis Cardinals.
Since they hope the Korean War will be over by the 4th of July, a date on which, according to superstition (fact frequently did not hold that up), the team leading goes on to win the Pennant, the bet is that the Dodgers will be ahead of the Cards on that date. They were. Indeed, Dem Bums led the whole Senior Circuit by 8 1/2 games.
Properly paid, but acknowledging that they'd still be in Korea by October, Klinger then offers Potter 2-1 odds, the Dodgers against the entire League for the Pennant. Potter offers a bet that Klinger can't cover. Winchester, having no interest in baseball despite being a Bostonian, does have an interest in money, and notes that Klinger's predictions have come true thus far. So he covers Klinger's bet. Which becomes bets with several other soldiers in camp.
As the Dodgers stretch their lead to 13 1/2 games on August 11, Charles gets greedy, raising the odds to 6-1. Potter raises his bid to $100, or $600 to Charles -- about $5,848 in today's money, so this was a tidy sum, even by the standards of a Winchester. And that was just to Potter, not what he stood to owe in total.
When the New York Giants catch the Dodgers and force a Playoff, everyone's listening to Armed Forces Radio, and Winchester paces the compound wearing a Brooklyn Dodger cap -- not an easy thing for a soldier stationed overseas to get in 1951, even a rich one, and rich men tended not to be Dodger fans. After Bobby Thomson hits the home run that means, "The Giants win the Pennant!" Winchester swears revenge on Klinger. We never find out of if he gets it.
October 31, 1943: Louis Brian Piccolo is born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, but grows up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, making him a Southerner by osmosis. Dropping his first name, the All-American running back from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina overcame his natural prejudice to help his black Chicago Bears teammate Gale Sayers come back from a devastating knee injury, then developed lung cancer and died at age 26.
Shortly before Piccolo's death, Sayers was given the NFL's Most Courageous Man award for winning the 1969 rushing title on a knee with no cartilage in it. At the award ceremony, he said he didn't deserve the award, because Piccolo was showing more courage. "I love Brian Piccolo," he said, "and tonight, when you get down on your knees to pray, I want you to ask God to love him, too."
The Bears retired Piccolo's Number 41. In the 1971 film Brian's Song, Piccolo was played by James Caan, and Sayers by Billy Dee Williams, career-making roles for both men.
October 31, 1946: Stephen Rea (no middle name) is born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He starred in The Crying Game and was nominated for an Oscar for it. He's best known in the U.S. as Inspector Eric Finch, a good guy who figures out, to his horror, that the guys he's working for are really the bad guys, in V for Vendetta.
It was because of that film that he was the only actor besides Colin Firth that I recognized from the original, British soccer, version of Fever Pitch. He played a school governor who was, as he is in real life, an Arsenal fan.
October 31, 1947: Frank Charles Shorter is born in Munich, Germany, where his father was serving with the U.S. Army. He grew up in Middletown, Orange County, New York, and won the Olympic marathon in 1972 -- in Munich. He finished 2nd in Montreal in 1976.
Thanks to his '72 win, the Boston Marathon was reborn as an event the whole country wanted to watch, and the New York City Marathon, which started the year before, took off. Along with Jim Fixx and his Jim Fixx's Book of Running, Shorter is probably more responsible than anyone for the rise of recreational running in America. I leave it to you to decide whether that's a good thing.
He has been elected to the United States Olympic Hall of Fame, the USA National Track and Field Hall of Fame, the National Distance Running Hall of Fame, and the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, home of the University of Colorado, where a statue of him stands outside the football stadium, Folsom Field. It's made of bronze, so, now, he has a Gold, a Silver and a Bronze. Since 1979, in that city, he has run a 10-kilometer race, the Bolder Boulder. And by "run," I mean he organizes it and participates in it.
October 31, 1948: John Milton Rivers is born in Miami. We know him as Mickey Rivers. Roger Kahn, an English major at New York University, and the author of The Boys of Summer, later wrote October Men, about the 1977 and '78 Yankees, of whom Mick the Quick was such a big part. Kahn wrote that Rivers might be the only man named for John Milton who has never heard of Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost.
Like his coach Yogi Berra, Mickey is something of a wacky philosopher. His best known line is, "Ain't no sense worrying 'bout things you got control over. 'Cause, if you got control, ain't no sense worrying. And ain't no sense worrying 'bout things you got no control over. 'Cause, if you got no control, ain't no sense worrying." I can't argue with that. I wouldn't know how.
He debuted with the team then known as the California Angels in 1970. In 1974, he led the American League in triples. In 1975, he led in triples again, and also in stolen bases, swiping 70. That remains the highest total of any player for a California-based baseball team other than Maury Wills and Rickey Henderson.
On December 11, 1975, general manager Gabe Paul pulled off one of the greatest trades in Yankee history, sending unhappy superstar Bobby Bonds to the Angels, and getting Rivers and Ed Figueroa. Instantly, he'd gotten rid of a malcontent and gained a superb leadoff man who would bat .299 with 93 stolen bases in nearly 4 years as a Yankee, and a solid starting pitcher who would win 55 games over the next 3 years. The same day, Paul swung Willie Randolph, Dock Ellis and Ken Brett from the Pittsburgh Pirates for Doc Medich. Good day for the Yankees.
In 1976, Mick and finished 3rd in the AL Most Valuable Player voting, and batted .348 in the AL Championship Series against the Royals, sparking the Yankees to their 1st Pennant in 12 years. In 1977, he hit .391 in the ALCS, also against the Royals. He tailed off in 1978, but hit .455 in yet another ALCS against Kansas City, making 3 straight Pennants. And this time, unlike in the '76 and '77 Fall Classics, he batted .333 in the '78 World Series, to get the Yankees to back-to-back titles.
If the ESPN miniseries The Bronx Is Burning, about the 1977 Yankees, in which he was played by standup comedian Leonard Robinson, is any indication, Mick had serious money problems, due to lavish spending and gambling. If this had been publicly known at the time, it could have been very bad.
On July 30, 1979, the Yankees traded him to the Texas Rangers for lefty slugger Oscar Gamble. He played for the Rangers through the 1984 season, and retired. Since then, he has turned his love of betting on racehorses into training them. He and his wife Mary had a son, Mickey Jr., who played in the Rangers organization, and a daughter, Rhonda, who's a teacher. He still comes back to Yankee Stadium for Old-Timers' Day nearly every season, and remains a fan favorite.
October 31, 1950: The Rochester Royals defeat the Washington Capitols, 78-70, at the Edgerton Park Arena in Rochester. (It was demolished in the late 1950s.) Arnie Risen scores 20 for the home team, as they begin a season that will bring their 1st NBA Championship.
They had previously won the title in the National Basketball League in 1945. They will become the Cincinnati Royals in 1957, the Kansas City Kings in 1972, and the Sacramento Kings in 1985. Their long-term future in Sacramento is now settled, as they've just opened a new arena.
Earl Lloyd, a forward wearing Number 11, scores 2 baskets and 2 free throws for the Capitols, for a total of 6 points. It doesn't sound like much, but his mere presence in the game makes him the NBA's 1st black player.
Chuck Cooper had been the 1st black player drafted, by the Boston Celtics, but, the way the schedule worked out, Lloyd beat him to the court by 1 day. He should not be confused with another early black star, Charles "Tarzan" Cooper, who played for the New York Renaissance (a.k.a. the Rens) in the 1930s. Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton, formerly of the Rens and the Harlem Globetrotters, had been the 1st black player actually signed, by the New York Knicks, but Lloyd beat him to the court by 4 days.
Born in 1928 in Alexandria, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., Lloyd's hometown team, having fired coach Red Auerbach in 1949, was 10-25 on January 9, 1951, and folded, leaving the nation's capital without an NBA team for the next 22 years. Lloyd was then drafted, and served in the Korean War.
Discharged in 1952, "the Big Cat" (also the nickname of Baseball Hall-of-Famer Johnny Mize, then wrapping up his career with the Yankees) played for the Syracuse Nationals until 1958, and the Detroit Pistons from then until his retirement in 1960. He averaged 8.4 points per game in his 9 NBA seasons. The Pistons then hired him as a scout. In 1968, they named him the 1st black assistant coach in the NBA, and the 2nd black head coach (after Bill Russell of the Celtics) and 1st non-playing black head coach in 1972. But the Pistons were awful then, and his career coaching record was just 22-55.
He worked for the Detroit school system, helping students find jobs, then did the same thing for a company run by Pistons Hall-of-Famer Dave Bing. He retired to Tennessee. In 2003, the Basketball Hall of Fame elected him as a "contributor," for his historical prominence. In 2007, T.C. Williams High School, the integrated Alexandria school into which his former all-black school, Parker-Gray, had been consolidated (a tale told in the football-themed film Remember the Titans), named their new gym's court after him. He was also elected to the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame, and died last year, a few weeks short of his 87th birthday.
Also on this day, John Franklin Candy is born in Newmarket, Ontario, outside Toronto. In the closing minutes of Super Bowl XXIII, when the Cincinnati Bengals had just scored to take the lead, the San Francisco 49ers were nervous, when quarterback Joe Montana pointed out of the huddle to the stands and said, "Isn't that John Candy?" The question relaxed the players, and Montana drove them for the winning touchdown.
Candy played Cubs broadcaster Cliff Murdoch in Rookie of the Year, and I give him a lot of credit for playing someone similar to, but not a total caricature of, Cubs broadcasting legend Harry Caray. On the other side of Chicago, he shot a scene at the old Comiskey Park in its closing days for Only the Lonely. Considering his weight, I'm not surprised that he died young (43), but I'm still sorry about it. He gave us a lot, but he had a lot more to give.
Also on this day, Margaret Jane Pauley is born in Indianapolis. Dropping her first name, she was the longtime co-host of The Today Show on NBC, and is married to Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau. She recently took over for the retiring Charles Osgood as the host of CBS Sunday Morning.
October 31, 1951: Nicholas Lou Saban Jr. is born in Fairmont, West Virginia. The son of legendary football coach Lou Saban, Nick hasn't yet moved around to as many coaching jobs, but he has moved around with considerably less ethics than his father.
He did, however, lead Louisiana State to the 2003 National Championship, and Alabama to the 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2017 editions. He's won 8 Southeastern Conference Championships, in 2001 and 2003 at LSU; and in 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 at Alabama. (Alabama lost, oddly, to LSU in 2011, thus denying them a place in the SEC Championship Game, but because they were Number 2 in the final rankings, they still got into the National Championship Game.) He and Bear Bryant, with Kentucky and Alabama, are the only coaches to win SEC Championships at 2 different schools. He also won a Mid-American Conference at the University of Toledo in 1990.
His career record currently stands at 240-63-1. Alabama is currently 8-0, holding the Number 1 ranking all season long thus far. The closest they've come to losing so far is a 47-28 win over then-Number 24 Texas A&M.
Also on this day, David Michael Trembley is born in Carthage, Jefferson County, New York, up by the St. Lawrence River. He never played in the major leagues. His 1st coaching job was at a Catholic school in Los Angeles, Daniel Murphy High School. (No, it was not named for the Washington Nationals star formerly with the Mets.)
He was first hired by a major league team in 1984, by the Chicago Cubs, as a coach at their lowest farm team. He worked his way up to the majors, and managed the Baltimore Orioles from 2007 to 2010. He is now director of player development for the Atlanta Braves.
October 31, 1952: Joseph Henry West is born in Asheville, North Carolina, and grows up across the State in Greeneville. "Cowboy Joe" was a quarterback at North Carolina's Elon College, and also played baseball. He started umpiring while still in college, and was hired for the National League staff in 1976, remaining for the combined MLB staff in 2000.
The high points of Joe West's 44-season big-league umpiring career: He was on the field for Willie McCovey's 500th home run in 1978. He was behind the plate for Nolan Ryan's 5th career no-hitter in 1981. He worked the 1987 All-Star Game. He ejected the Dodgers' Jay Howell from a 1988 NLCS game against the Mets, for having pine tar on his glove. He worked the 1992 World Series, throwing Atlanta Braves manager Bobby Cox out of a game for throwing a batting helmet onto the field. He worked Kent Mercker's no-hitter in 1994. He worked the 1997 World Series.
He worked both the All-Star Game and the World Series in 2005, as crew chief for the latter. He worked the 2009 World Series. He worked Felix Hernandez' perfect game and the World Series in 2012. He worked the NL Wild Card Game in 2013 and 2014. He worked last year's World Series, when the Chicago Cubs finally won. And he worked this year's All-Star Game.
He has worked 7 Division Series, 9 LCS and 5 World Series, and is now the longest-serving umpire ever, current or otherwise. And he designed the West Vest, the chest protector now approved by MLB for all umpires.
The low points: In 1983, he pushed Atlanta Braves manager Joe Torre during an argument. In 1990, he threw pitcher Dennis Cook to the ground while attempting to break up a fight. In 2010, after a Yankees-Red Sox game, he publicly complained about the slow pace of the game -- something about which he could have directly done something. In 2014, he ejected Jonathan Papelbon, then grabbed Papelbon's jersey, claiming that Papelbon had touched him first, something video replay proved didn't happen, thus earning him a 1-game suspension.
In Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS, with Torre managing the Yankees, West was chief of the crew that initially ruled in the Yankees' favor on the Alex Rodriguez "Slap Play," then correctly enforced the interference rule by calling A-Rod out -- but then screwed up by sending Derek Jeter, who would have reached 2nd base no matter what, back to 1st base, thus helping to kill a Yankee rally that would have tremendously changed the baseball history that we know from the last 11 years. In 2018, he was suspended 3 games for making inappropriate remarks to Adrián Beltré.
In a 2011 poll of players, West was named the best umpire by 5 percent of players -- and the worst umpire by 41 percent of players. Both Yankee Fans and Met fans tend to think he's a lousy umpire. That can't be good. Aside from Mike Bloomberg, Osama bin Laden, and several New England-based athletes, there aren't many people who are that hated by both the Bleacher Creatures and the 7 Line Army.
October 31, 1953: John Harding Lucas II is born in Durham, North Carolina. At the University of Maryland, he was an All-American in both basketball and tennis. He was a member of the Houston Rockets' 1986 NBA Western Conference Champions. His overcoming of drug addiction led him to become an addiction counselor.
He coached the San Antonio Spurs into the 1993 and '94 NBA Playoffs, and has also been head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers and Cleveland Cavaliers. He is now the Rockets' player development coach, and a member of the North Carolina and Maryland Sports Halls of Fame.
Like Dunleavy, he has a namesake son who played in the NBA, John Lucas III, who, unlike his father whose 1974 Maryland team was prevented under the rules of the time from playing in the NCAA Tournament due to its loss in the ACC Final, went to the 2004 Final Four with Oklahoma State. John III played in the NBA for several teams, and now holds the same post his father holds, player development coach, with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Another son, Jai Lucas, is now an assistant coach at his alma mater, the University of Texas.
Also on this day, Lynda Goodfriend (no middle name) is born in Miami. She played Lori Beth Allen, girlfriend and later wife of Richie Cunningham (Ron Howard), on Happy Days. She has mostly directed since that show concluded.
Also on this day, Megan Ruth Marshack is born in Los Angeles. She was a radio news reporter for the Associated Press, In 1975, she moved to Washington to work on the staff of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and kept working for him after his term ran out in 1977.
On January 26, 1979, Rockefeller, who had been Governor of New York for 4 terms, and 3 times a candidate for the Republican nomination for President, died of a heart attack at his desk at Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan. Or so the initial story told. Actually, he had died a few blocks away, at a townhouse he owned at 13 West 54th Street. Marshack was with him at the time. In bed. He was 70, she was 25.
Marshack tried to stay out of the public eye, but she soon began dating cartoonist Charles Addams, creator of The Addams Family, who lived in the same New York apartment building. In 1992, she was a news writer for WCBS-Channel 2. In 1994, she was promoted to producer. In 2008, she married a journalist and moved back to Los Angeles. She has never publicly commented on her relationship with Rockefeller.
October 31, 1954: The Chicago Bears beat the San Francisco 49ers 31-27 at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. 49er running back Hugh McElhenny injures his shoulder. This ruins the season of the 49ers' "Million Dollar Backfield": McElhenny, fellow running backs John Henry Johnson and Joe "the Jet" Perry, and quarterback Y.A. Tittle. All 4 would be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the only entire backfield so honored in NFL history.
Until that injury, the 49ers were 4-0-1. After it, they were 3-4, finishing 7-4-1, 2 games behind the Detroit Lions in the NFL Western Division. Indicative of this: The week before the injury, they beat the Lions 37-31 at Kezar; 2 weeks after it, at Briggs (Tiger) Stadium in Detroit, they got beat 48-7, a 47-point swing.
October 31, 1957: Brian Stokes Mitchell is born in Seattle. He played Dr. Justin "Jackpot" Jackson on Trapper John M.D. in the 1980s, but is now best known for starring in Broadway musicals, winning a Tony Award for Best Actor in a 2000 revival of Kiss Me, Kate.
October 31, 1959, 60 years ago: Louisiana State University hosts the University of Mississippi at Tiger Stadium in a foggy Baton Rouge. LSU comes into the game ranked Number 1, Ole Miss Number 3. Late in the 4th quarter, Ole Miss leads 3-0.
Jake Gibbs, Ole Miss' quarterback and punter, and later a catcher for the Yankees, punts, and Billy Cannon, who led LSU to the National Championship the year before, returns it 89 yards, breaking 7 tackles and running the last 60 yards untouched through the fog, for a touchdown that wins the game, 7-3. It becomes known as "Billy Cannon's Halloween Run," and it effectively clinches the Heisman Trophy for him.
But LSU lost to the University of Tennessee the next week, 14-13, as Cannon was stuffed on an attempt for a 2-point conversion, costing LSU a 2nd straight national title. A rematch with Ole Miss was set up for the Sugar Bowl, and Ole Miss won.
Also on this day, Mats Torsten Näslund is born in Timrå, Sweden. The 5-foot-7 left wing was known as Le Petit Viking (the Little Viking) when he played for the Canadiens, a tenure that included the 1985-86 Stanley Cup, in which he became the most recent Canadien to score 100 or more points in a season and helped them win the Stanley Cup.
He was named to 4 NHL All-Star Games, won the 1988 Lady Byng Trophy, and scored 251 goals in NHL play. He helped Sweden win the 1994 Olympic Gold Medal, and as general manager of the team, he built their 2006 Gold Medal-winning squad. He is not related to fellow Swedish former NHL All-Star Markus Näslund.
October 31, 1960: Michael Anthony Gallego is born in Whittier, California, outside Los Angeles. Mike Gallego was the starting 2nd baseman on the Oakland Athletics' 3 straight Pennants of 1988-90. In 1993, he was voted the 2nd baseman on their 25th Anniversary team (25 years since they'd moved to Oakland). He briefly played for the Yankees in the early 1990s, and is now the director of baseball development for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
Also on this day, Reza Pahlavi is born in Tehran. He was 18 years old and the Crown Prince of Iran when his father, the Emperor, Mohammed Reza Shah, was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Luckily for him, he was already in the U.S., training as a fighter pilot (much as was his cousin and fellow heir to a Middle Eastern throne, now King Abdullah II of Jordan).
He now lives in Potomac, Maryland, outside Washington. He is the founder and leader of the Iran National Council, a government-in-exile, having gotten a degree in political science from the University of Southern California. Unlike his father, who ran a brutally repressive, unofficially fascist regime, he has been an outspoken supporter of human rights, saying that in order to bring freedom to his homeland, "Idealism and realism, behavior change and regime change do not require different policies but the same: Empowering the Iranian people."
On his website, he calls for a separation of religion and state in Iran, and for free and fair elections "for all freedom-loving individuals and political ideologies." A follower of Shia Islam, he has stated that he believes that religion has a humanizing and ethical role in shaping individual character and infusing society with greater purpose.
His supporters have referred to him as "His Imperial Majesty Reza Shah II" since his father's death on July 27, 1980, but he officially calls himself "the former Crown Prince," and admits he has no realistic hope of the monarchy being restored, even when the Ayatollahs are finally and rightfully toppled. He has written 3 books about his homeland, and in 2014 he founded OfoghIran, a television and radio network.
Although he has been married for 32 years, his 3 children are all girls, so an older cousin, Patrick Ali Pahlavi, is next in line to the throne, followed by his son Davoud.
October 31, 1961: A federal judge rules that laws in the city of Birmingham‚ Alabama against integrated playing fields are illegal‚ eliminating the last barrier against integration in the Class AA Southern Association. Rather than allow black players, the SA team owners vote to be cowardly bastards and shut the league down.
In 1964, the original South Atlantic League (a.k.a. the SAL or "Sally League") filled the void, renaming itself the Southern League, and allowed integration. The Western Carolinas League became the new South Atlantic League.
Charlie Finley, a Birmingham native who, by this point, owned the Kansas City Athletics, put a new team in Birmingham's historic Rickwood Field, and named them the Birmingham A's. Many of the players who became part of the "Swingin' A's" dynasty of the early 1970s played in Birmingham, including Reggie Jackson, who says it was his first exposure to full-scale racism. The A's won the SL Pennant in 1967, but, by that time, Reggie had been promoted to the big-league club, which moved to Oakland the next season.
In 1976, the A's contract with Birmingham ran out, and baseball did not return to Rickwood Field until 1981, when the Detroit Tigers brought a team in, and brought back the name of the previous team, the Birmingham Barons.
Built in 1910, Rickwood is the oldest standing baseball stadium in the world, and still hosts games, including annual "throwback" games by the Barons and Negro League reenactors. Because of its old-time architecture, the films Cobb, Soul of the Game and 42 have all used it (the last of those using it as the CGI-aided base for all the 1947 National League parks, including Ebbets Field).
The Barons moved into suburban Hoover Metropolitan Stadium in 1988. While it still hosts the SEC baseball tournament, the Barons moved again in 2013, to Regions Field, downtown. They have won 13 Pennants: In the old Southern League in 1906, 1912, 1914, 1928, 1929, 1931 and 1958; in the new Southern League as the A's in 1967, and in 1983, 1987, 1993, 2002 and 2013. The Birmingham Black Barons, who also played at Rickwood, won Negro League Pennants in 1942 and 1948, the latter with a 17-year-old kid from the neighboring town of Fairfield, named Willie Mays.
Also on this day, Hurricane Hattie makes landfall in Central America, killing over 300 people.
Also on this day, Lawrence Joseph Mullen Jr. is born in Dublin, Ireland. Larry Mullen Jr. is the drummer for the band U2.
Also on this day, Peter Robert Jackson is born in Wellington, New Zealand. He directed the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, including winning the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director for the 2003 finale, The Return of the King. He also directed the 2005 remake of King Kong, and The Lovely Bones. He is currently working on The Beatles: Get Back, a documentary about the making of their album Let It Be, using footage from the previous documentary based on it, some of it not used.
October 31, 1962: William P. Fralic Jr. is born in the Pittsburgh suburb of Penn Hills, Pennsylvania. Bill Fralic was named by the Pennsylvania Football News as an offensive tackle on their All-Century Team of high school football players.
He starred at the University of Pittsburgh, blocking for quarterback Dan Marino, and was converted to a guard by the Atlanta Falcons, making All-Pro 4 times and being named to the NFL's 1980s All-Decade Team. He later broadcast for the Falcons and then Pitt, and runs an insurance company.
Also on this day, John Manfredo Giannini is born in Chicago. He coached Rowan University (formerly Glassboro State College) to the Division III National Championship in 1996. That got him hired as head coach at the University of Maine, and recently left the post of the head coach at La Salle University, one of Philadelphia's college basketball "Big 5."
October 31, 1963: A propane leak at a concession stand at the Indiana State Fair Coliseum causes an explosion that kills 74 people during a Holiday On Ice show.
Opened in 1939, the 6,800-seat building still stands, known as the Indiana Farmers Coliseum. It was the 1st home of the Indiana Pacers, from 1967 to 1974, and they won the American Basketball Association title there in 1970, 1972, and 1973.
It has also been home to a series of minor-league hockey teams. The Indianapolis Capitals won the Calder Cup, the championship of the American Hockey League, in 1942 and 1950. The Indianapolis Ice won the Turner Cup, the championship of the International Hockey League, in 1990; and the Ray Miron Cup, the championship of the Central Hockey League, in 2000. The Indiana Ice won the Clark Cup, the championship of the United States Hockey League, in 2009 and 2014. The current team is called the Indy Fuel.
Also on this day, Fredrick Stanley McGriff is born in Tampa. In 1982, the Yankees traded 1st baseman Fred McGriff, young pitcher Mike Morgan and outfielder Dave Collins to the Toronto Blue Jays for pitcher Dale Murray and 3rd baseman Tom Dodd. Dodd did play 1 year in the majors, but for Baltimore. Murray got hurt and never contributed to the Yankees, either. Collins was pretty much finished.
In contrast, in 2001, 19 years after the trade, Morgan pitched against the Yankees in the World Series for the Arizona Diamondbacks, and McGriff was also still active. By trading him, the Yankees essentially traded 493 home runs for nothing. It was a horrible trade.
Or was it? McGriff was 19 at the time, and did not reach the majors for another 4 years. Had he done so with the Yankees, he would have smacked right into Don Mattingly at his peak. And the Yankees seemed to be loaded with designated hitters and pinch-hitters at that time. They may not have had any place to put him.
McGriff was involved in some other big trades: The Jays traded him to the San Diego Padres in 1990, a trade which brought them Joe Carter and Roberto Alomar, key figures in their 1992 and '3 World Champions; and the Padres sent him to the Atlanta Braves as part of their 1993 "fire sale," a pure "salary dump."
McGriff hit the 1st home run at the Rogers Centre (then called the SkyDome) in 1989. With the Jays that season and the Padres in 1992, McGriff became the 1st player in the post-1920 Lively Ball Era to lead both leagues in home runs. He helped the Braves win the World Series in 1995, and later played for his hometown Tampa Bay Rays. He served as the head baseball coach at Jesuit High School in Tampa, Lou Piniella's alma mater, and now works in the Rays' front office and hosts a sports-themed radio show in Tampa.
He has been eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame since the election of January 2010. He has not yet made it. He fell just 7 homers short of the magic 500 Club, and has a career OPS+ of 134. He has never been seriously suspected of steroid use. Baseball-Reference.com's Hall of Fame Monitor, on which a score of 100 is a "Likely HOFer," has him at exactly 100, meaning he should make it. Their Hall of Fame Standards, on which a score of 50 matches the "Average HOFer," has him at 48, meaning he falls slightly short.
According to B-R, his 10 Most Similar Batters (weighted toward players of the same position) includes 5 HOFers: Willie McCovey, Willie Stargell, Jeff Bagwell, Frank Thomas and Billy Williams; a guy not yet eligible who has a decent shot, Paul Konerko; a guy now eligible who could get in, Carlos Delgado; and 3 guys who would probably make it if they weren't tainted by steroids: David Ortiz, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield. (At this point, Ortiz may make it in even though everybody knows he's a big fat lying cheater.)
He was always popular – ESPN's Chris Berman took the public-service-announcement character of "McGruff the Crime Dog" and nicknamed McGriff "Crime Dog." And he was on winning teams. So why hasn't he been elected? He is a member of the Florida Sports Hall of Fame, and his son Erick McGriff played wide receiver at the University of Kansas.
Also on this day, Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri is born in Ijui, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The soccer player was nicknamed "Dunga" by an uncle, Portuguese for "Dopey," since he was short and was expected to stay that way.
But the midfielder grew to 5-foot-9-1/2, and, being Brazilian by birth but Italian and German by ancestry, could have been expected to star in soccer. He did, for several Brazilian teams, with his longest tenure at Internacional (like the Milan club known as "Inter" for short) of Porto Alegre; for Fiorentina in Italy and Stuttgart in Germany.
Dunga was a member of Brazil's 1994 World Cup winners, but bombed as manager of the national team at the 2010 World Cup. Then he flopped as manager of Internacional. But when Brazil was slaughtered by Germany in the Semifinal of the 2014 World Cup, on home soil, the CBF (the Brazilian answer to the USSF or England's FA) hired him back. He washed out of the 2015 and 2016 Copa America tournaments, and was fired again.
Also on this day, Robert Michael Schneider is born in San Francisco. From 1990 to 1994, he was a castmember of Saturday Night Live, his best known character being Richard Laymer! The Richmeister! Watching people making copies! He also played the unrelated Fred Schneider, the lead singer of the rock band The B-52's.
In 1991, he played broadcaster Chuck Neiderman in the college football film Necessary Roughness. Sadly, that was the peak of his film comedy career, as he starred in such gross-out crap as the Deuce Bigalow movies, The Animal and The Hot Chick. His 1st wife was model London King, and their daughter is singer Elle King.
Like Dunleavy, he has a namesake son who played in the NBA, John Lucas III, who, unlike his father whose 1974 Maryland team was prevented under the rules of the time from playing in the NCAA Tournament due to its loss in the ACC Final, went to the 2004 Final Four with Oklahoma State. John III played in the NBA for several teams, and now holds the same post his father holds, player development coach, with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Another son, Jai Lucas, is now an assistant coach at his alma mater, the University of Texas.
Also on this day, Lynda Goodfriend (no middle name) is born in Miami. She played Lori Beth Allen, girlfriend and later wife of Richie Cunningham (Ron Howard), on Happy Days. She has mostly directed since that show concluded.
Also on this day, Megan Ruth Marshack is born in Los Angeles. She was a radio news reporter for the Associated Press, In 1975, she moved to Washington to work on the staff of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and kept working for him after his term ran out in 1977.
On January 26, 1979, Rockefeller, who had been Governor of New York for 4 terms, and 3 times a candidate for the Republican nomination for President, died of a heart attack at his desk at Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan. Or so the initial story told. Actually, he had died a few blocks away, at a townhouse he owned at 13 West 54th Street. Marshack was with him at the time. In bed. He was 70, she was 25.
Marshack tried to stay out of the public eye, but she soon began dating cartoonist Charles Addams, creator of The Addams Family, who lived in the same New York apartment building. In 1992, she was a news writer for WCBS-Channel 2. In 1994, she was promoted to producer. In 2008, she married a journalist and moved back to Los Angeles. She has never publicly commented on her relationship with Rockefeller.
October 31, 1954: The Chicago Bears beat the San Francisco 49ers 31-27 at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. 49er running back Hugh McElhenny injures his shoulder. This ruins the season of the 49ers' "Million Dollar Backfield": McElhenny, fellow running backs John Henry Johnson and Joe "the Jet" Perry, and quarterback Y.A. Tittle. All 4 would be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the only entire backfield so honored in NFL history.
Until that injury, the 49ers were 4-0-1. After it, they were 3-4, finishing 7-4-1, 2 games behind the Detroit Lions in the NFL Western Division. Indicative of this: The week before the injury, they beat the Lions 37-31 at Kezar; 2 weeks after it, at Briggs (Tiger) Stadium in Detroit, they got beat 48-7, a 47-point swing.
October 31, 1957: Brian Stokes Mitchell is born in Seattle. He played Dr. Justin "Jackpot" Jackson on Trapper John M.D. in the 1980s, but is now best known for starring in Broadway musicals, winning a Tony Award for Best Actor in a 2000 revival of Kiss Me, Kate.
October 31, 1959, 60 years ago: Louisiana State University hosts the University of Mississippi at Tiger Stadium in a foggy Baton Rouge. LSU comes into the game ranked Number 1, Ole Miss Number 3. Late in the 4th quarter, Ole Miss leads 3-0.
Jake Gibbs, Ole Miss' quarterback and punter, and later a catcher for the Yankees, punts, and Billy Cannon, who led LSU to the National Championship the year before, returns it 89 yards, breaking 7 tackles and running the last 60 yards untouched through the fog, for a touchdown that wins the game, 7-3. It becomes known as "Billy Cannon's Halloween Run," and it effectively clinches the Heisman Trophy for him.
But LSU lost to the University of Tennessee the next week, 14-13, as Cannon was stuffed on an attempt for a 2-point conversion, costing LSU a 2nd straight national title. A rematch with Ole Miss was set up for the Sugar Bowl, and Ole Miss won.
Also on this day, Mats Torsten Näslund is born in Timrå, Sweden. The 5-foot-7 left wing was known as Le Petit Viking (the Little Viking) when he played for the Canadiens, a tenure that included the 1985-86 Stanley Cup, in which he became the most recent Canadien to score 100 or more points in a season and helped them win the Stanley Cup.
He was named to 4 NHL All-Star Games, won the 1988 Lady Byng Trophy, and scored 251 goals in NHL play. He helped Sweden win the 1994 Olympic Gold Medal, and as general manager of the team, he built their 2006 Gold Medal-winning squad. He is not related to fellow Swedish former NHL All-Star Markus Näslund.
October 31, 1960: Michael Anthony Gallego is born in Whittier, California, outside Los Angeles. Mike Gallego was the starting 2nd baseman on the Oakland Athletics' 3 straight Pennants of 1988-90. In 1993, he was voted the 2nd baseman on their 25th Anniversary team (25 years since they'd moved to Oakland). He briefly played for the Yankees in the early 1990s, and is now the director of baseball development for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
Also on this day, Reza Pahlavi is born in Tehran. He was 18 years old and the Crown Prince of Iran when his father, the Emperor, Mohammed Reza Shah, was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Luckily for him, he was already in the U.S., training as a fighter pilot (much as was his cousin and fellow heir to a Middle Eastern throne, now King Abdullah II of Jordan).
He now lives in Potomac, Maryland, outside Washington. He is the founder and leader of the Iran National Council, a government-in-exile, having gotten a degree in political science from the University of Southern California. Unlike his father, who ran a brutally repressive, unofficially fascist regime, he has been an outspoken supporter of human rights, saying that in order to bring freedom to his homeland, "Idealism and realism, behavior change and regime change do not require different policies but the same: Empowering the Iranian people."
On his website, he calls for a separation of religion and state in Iran, and for free and fair elections "for all freedom-loving individuals and political ideologies." A follower of Shia Islam, he has stated that he believes that religion has a humanizing and ethical role in shaping individual character and infusing society with greater purpose.
His supporters have referred to him as "His Imperial Majesty Reza Shah II" since his father's death on July 27, 1980, but he officially calls himself "the former Crown Prince," and admits he has no realistic hope of the monarchy being restored, even when the Ayatollahs are finally and rightfully toppled. He has written 3 books about his homeland, and in 2014 he founded OfoghIran, a television and radio network.
Although he has been married for 32 years, his 3 children are all girls, so an older cousin, Patrick Ali Pahlavi, is next in line to the throne, followed by his son Davoud.
October 31, 1961: A federal judge rules that laws in the city of Birmingham‚ Alabama against integrated playing fields are illegal‚ eliminating the last barrier against integration in the Class AA Southern Association. Rather than allow black players, the SA team owners vote to be cowardly bastards and shut the league down.
In 1964, the original South Atlantic League (a.k.a. the SAL or "Sally League") filled the void, renaming itself the Southern League, and allowed integration. The Western Carolinas League became the new South Atlantic League.
Charlie Finley, a Birmingham native who, by this point, owned the Kansas City Athletics, put a new team in Birmingham's historic Rickwood Field, and named them the Birmingham A's. Many of the players who became part of the "Swingin' A's" dynasty of the early 1970s played in Birmingham, including Reggie Jackson, who says it was his first exposure to full-scale racism. The A's won the SL Pennant in 1967, but, by that time, Reggie had been promoted to the big-league club, which moved to Oakland the next season.
In 1976, the A's contract with Birmingham ran out, and baseball did not return to Rickwood Field until 1981, when the Detroit Tigers brought a team in, and brought back the name of the previous team, the Birmingham Barons.
Built in 1910, Rickwood is the oldest standing baseball stadium in the world, and still hosts games, including annual "throwback" games by the Barons and Negro League reenactors. Because of its old-time architecture, the films Cobb, Soul of the Game and 42 have all used it (the last of those using it as the CGI-aided base for all the 1947 National League parks, including Ebbets Field).
The Barons moved into suburban Hoover Metropolitan Stadium in 1988. While it still hosts the SEC baseball tournament, the Barons moved again in 2013, to Regions Field, downtown. They have won 13 Pennants: In the old Southern League in 1906, 1912, 1914, 1928, 1929, 1931 and 1958; in the new Southern League as the A's in 1967, and in 1983, 1987, 1993, 2002 and 2013. The Birmingham Black Barons, who also played at Rickwood, won Negro League Pennants in 1942 and 1948, the latter with a 17-year-old kid from the neighboring town of Fairfield, named Willie Mays.
Also on this day, Hurricane Hattie makes landfall in Central America, killing over 300 people.
Also on this day, Lawrence Joseph Mullen Jr. is born in Dublin, Ireland. Larry Mullen Jr. is the drummer for the band U2.
Also on this day, Peter Robert Jackson is born in Wellington, New Zealand. He directed the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, including winning the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director for the 2003 finale, The Return of the King. He also directed the 2005 remake of King Kong, and The Lovely Bones. He is currently working on The Beatles: Get Back, a documentary about the making of their album Let It Be, using footage from the previous documentary based on it, some of it not used.
October 31, 1962: William P. Fralic Jr. is born in the Pittsburgh suburb of Penn Hills, Pennsylvania. Bill Fralic was named by the Pennsylvania Football News as an offensive tackle on their All-Century Team of high school football players.
He starred at the University of Pittsburgh, blocking for quarterback Dan Marino, and was converted to a guard by the Atlanta Falcons, making All-Pro 4 times and being named to the NFL's 1980s All-Decade Team. He later broadcast for the Falcons and then Pitt, and runs an insurance company.
Also on this day, John Manfredo Giannini is born in Chicago. He coached Rowan University (formerly Glassboro State College) to the Division III National Championship in 1996. That got him hired as head coach at the University of Maine, and recently left the post of the head coach at La Salle University, one of Philadelphia's college basketball "Big 5."
October 31, 1963: A propane leak at a concession stand at the Indiana State Fair Coliseum causes an explosion that kills 74 people during a Holiday On Ice show.
Opened in 1939, the 6,800-seat building still stands, known as the Indiana Farmers Coliseum. It was the 1st home of the Indiana Pacers, from 1967 to 1974, and they won the American Basketball Association title there in 1970, 1972, and 1973.
It has also been home to a series of minor-league hockey teams. The Indianapolis Capitals won the Calder Cup, the championship of the American Hockey League, in 1942 and 1950. The Indianapolis Ice won the Turner Cup, the championship of the International Hockey League, in 1990; and the Ray Miron Cup, the championship of the Central Hockey League, in 2000. The Indiana Ice won the Clark Cup, the championship of the United States Hockey League, in 2009 and 2014. The current team is called the Indy Fuel.
Also on this day, Fredrick Stanley McGriff is born in Tampa. In 1982, the Yankees traded 1st baseman Fred McGriff, young pitcher Mike Morgan and outfielder Dave Collins to the Toronto Blue Jays for pitcher Dale Murray and 3rd baseman Tom Dodd. Dodd did play 1 year in the majors, but for Baltimore. Murray got hurt and never contributed to the Yankees, either. Collins was pretty much finished.
In contrast, in 2001, 19 years after the trade, Morgan pitched against the Yankees in the World Series for the Arizona Diamondbacks, and McGriff was also still active. By trading him, the Yankees essentially traded 493 home runs for nothing. It was a horrible trade.
Or was it? McGriff was 19 at the time, and did not reach the majors for another 4 years. Had he done so with the Yankees, he would have smacked right into Don Mattingly at his peak. And the Yankees seemed to be loaded with designated hitters and pinch-hitters at that time. They may not have had any place to put him.
McGriff was involved in some other big trades: The Jays traded him to the San Diego Padres in 1990, a trade which brought them Joe Carter and Roberto Alomar, key figures in their 1992 and '3 World Champions; and the Padres sent him to the Atlanta Braves as part of their 1993 "fire sale," a pure "salary dump."
McGriff hit the 1st home run at the Rogers Centre (then called the SkyDome) in 1989. With the Jays that season and the Padres in 1992, McGriff became the 1st player in the post-1920 Lively Ball Era to lead both leagues in home runs. He helped the Braves win the World Series in 1995, and later played for his hometown Tampa Bay Rays. He served as the head baseball coach at Jesuit High School in Tampa, Lou Piniella's alma mater, and now works in the Rays' front office and hosts a sports-themed radio show in Tampa.
He has been eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame since the election of January 2010. He has not yet made it. He fell just 7 homers short of the magic 500 Club, and has a career OPS+ of 134. He has never been seriously suspected of steroid use. Baseball-Reference.com's Hall of Fame Monitor, on which a score of 100 is a "Likely HOFer," has him at exactly 100, meaning he should make it. Their Hall of Fame Standards, on which a score of 50 matches the "Average HOFer," has him at 48, meaning he falls slightly short.
According to B-R, his 10 Most Similar Batters (weighted toward players of the same position) includes 5 HOFers: Willie McCovey, Willie Stargell, Jeff Bagwell, Frank Thomas and Billy Williams; a guy not yet eligible who has a decent shot, Paul Konerko; a guy now eligible who could get in, Carlos Delgado; and 3 guys who would probably make it if they weren't tainted by steroids: David Ortiz, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield. (At this point, Ortiz may make it in even though everybody knows he's a big fat lying cheater.)
He was always popular – ESPN's Chris Berman took the public-service-announcement character of "McGruff the Crime Dog" and nicknamed McGriff "Crime Dog." And he was on winning teams. So why hasn't he been elected? He is a member of the Florida Sports Hall of Fame, and his son Erick McGriff played wide receiver at the University of Kansas.
Also on this day, Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri is born in Ijui, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The soccer player was nicknamed "Dunga" by an uncle, Portuguese for "Dopey," since he was short and was expected to stay that way.
But the midfielder grew to 5-foot-9-1/2, and, being Brazilian by birth but Italian and German by ancestry, could have been expected to star in soccer. He did, for several Brazilian teams, with his longest tenure at Internacional (like the Milan club known as "Inter" for short) of Porto Alegre; for Fiorentina in Italy and Stuttgart in Germany.
Dunga was a member of Brazil's 1994 World Cup winners, but bombed as manager of the national team at the 2010 World Cup. Then he flopped as manager of Internacional. But when Brazil was slaughtered by Germany in the Semifinal of the 2014 World Cup, on home soil, the CBF (the Brazilian answer to the USSF or England's FA) hired him back. He washed out of the 2015 and 2016 Copa America tournaments, and was fired again.
Also on this day, Robert Michael Schneider is born in San Francisco. From 1990 to 1994, he was a castmember of Saturday Night Live, his best known character being Richard Laymer! The Richmeister! Watching people making copies! He also played the unrelated Fred Schneider, the lead singer of the rock band The B-52's.
In 1991, he played broadcaster Chuck Neiderman in the college football film Necessary Roughness. Sadly, that was the peak of his film comedy career, as he starred in such gross-out crap as the Deuce Bigalow movies, The Animal and The Hot Chick. His 1st wife was model London King, and their daughter is singer Elle King.
October 31, 1964: East Brunswick High School, later to be my high school, but at this point in only its 4th season of varsity football, plays on Halloween for the 1st time. This is also their 1st game against neighboring school Edison. EB wins, 29-0.
Also on this day, Marcel van Basten is born in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Better known as Marco van Basten, the striker starred for Ajax Amsterdam, winning League Championships in 1982, '83 and '85 and the Dutch Cup in '83, '86 and '87 – meaning they won "The Double" in 1983. He moved on to AC Milan in Italy, winning Serie A in 1988, '92 and '93, and back-to-back European Cups (now the Champions League) in 1989 and '90. He led the Netherlands to the European Championship in 1988.
Despite an ankle injury that essentially ended his career at age 28, 3 times he was named European Player of the Year, and the magazine France Football placed him 8th in a poll of the Football Players of the Century. He has managed both Ajax and the Netherlands national team, and is now a technical director at FIFA, the world governing body for the sport.
Also on this day, music superstar Ray Charles is arrested for possession of heroin at Logan International Airport in Boston. Deciding that he had to give up drugs for his children, the 33-year-old "Genius of Soul" went into rehab in a hospital outside Los Angeles, and went through 4 days of "cold turkey" withdrawal. He then pleaded guilty to reduced charges, and got a suspended sentence, probation and a fine, and resumed his career.
October 31, 1965: Theodore Edwards (no middle name) is born in Washington, D.C., and grows up in Snow Hill, North Carolina. A guard, "Blue" Edwards played 10 seasons in the NBA, mainly for the Utah Jazz and the Milwaukee Bucks. He is now the head coach at his alma mater in Snow Hill, Greene Central High School.
Also on this day, Denis Joseph Irwin is born in Cork, Ireland. A left back, he was a typically dirty Manchester United player, taking advantage of their foul play (including his own) to win 7 Premier League titles from 1993 to 2001, 3 FA Cups including "Doubles" in 1994 and 1996, the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1991, and the UEFA Champions League in 1999, making England's only European "Treble."
Since 2004, he has been back at Man U, working as a presenter at MUTV, has covered soccer with Irish TV network RTÉ, and writes a column for Ireland's Sunday World newspaper.
Also on this day, Marcel van Basten is born in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Better known as Marco van Basten, the striker starred for Ajax Amsterdam, winning League Championships in 1982, '83 and '85 and the Dutch Cup in '83, '86 and '87 – meaning they won "The Double" in 1983. He moved on to AC Milan in Italy, winning Serie A in 1988, '92 and '93, and back-to-back European Cups (now the Champions League) in 1989 and '90. He led the Netherlands to the European Championship in 1988.
Despite an ankle injury that essentially ended his career at age 28, 3 times he was named European Player of the Year, and the magazine France Football placed him 8th in a poll of the Football Players of the Century. He has managed both Ajax and the Netherlands national team, and is now a technical director at FIFA, the world governing body for the sport.
Also on this day, music superstar Ray Charles is arrested for possession of heroin at Logan International Airport in Boston. Deciding that he had to give up drugs for his children, the 33-year-old "Genius of Soul" went into rehab in a hospital outside Los Angeles, and went through 4 days of "cold turkey" withdrawal. He then pleaded guilty to reduced charges, and got a suspended sentence, probation and a fine, and resumed his career.
October 31, 1965: Theodore Edwards (no middle name) is born in Washington, D.C., and grows up in Snow Hill, North Carolina. A guard, "Blue" Edwards played 10 seasons in the NBA, mainly for the Utah Jazz and the Milwaukee Bucks. He is now the head coach at his alma mater in Snow Hill, Greene Central High School.
Also on this day, Denis Joseph Irwin is born in Cork, Ireland. A left back, he was a typically dirty Manchester United player, taking advantage of their foul play (including his own) to win 7 Premier League titles from 1993 to 2001, 3 FA Cups including "Doubles" in 1994 and 1996, the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1991, and the UEFA Champions League in 1999, making England's only European "Treble."
Since 2004, he has been back at Man U, working as a presenter at MUTV, has covered soccer with Irish TV network RTÉ, and writes a column for Ireland's Sunday World newspaper.
October 31, 1966: Michael Edward O’Malley is born in Boston. Mike, a comedian and actor, the star of the 2000s sitcom Yes, Dear, is a tremendous Boston Red Sox fan. But he's funny, so I forgive him.
October 31, 1967: After 11 seasons of the Cy Young Award being given to the most valuable pitcher in both Leagues, each League has a winner. The NL winner is announced as Mike McCormick of the San Francisco Giants. The AL's winner will be Jim Lonborg of the Pennant-winning Red Sox.
Also on this day, Robert Matthew Van Winkle is born in Dallas. In 1990, he created the persona of Vanilla Ice, a white gangbanging, drug-selling rapper from Miami. If he had simply said at the start that this was a character he was playing, he might have gotten away with it. But once it was revealed that he was a suburban kid who had actually ripped off Queen's "Under Pressure" for "Ice, Ice, Baby," the 1st rap song to hit Number 1 on Billboard magazine's Hot 100, he was doomed.
He has since "come back hard," recording hardcore rap and metal albums, to mixed results from critics and indifference from the public. In other words, no matter what form of music he records, he sucks.
But earlier this year, to celebrate the completion of the HBO series Game of Thrones, the YouTube channel JOE put together a series of clips where many of the characters seem to be singing "Ice, Ice, Baby." And while he had to replace "Miami" with "Winterfell," and make a few other adjustments, he found a way to make it sound like they were saying "bikinis" and "Lamboghinis," and other modern words and names. He called it, after the series of books by creator George R.R. Martin, "A Song of Vanilla Ice and Fire."
October 31, 1968: Antonio Lee Davis is born in Oakland, California. After going undrafted out of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), he played pro basketball in Athens and Milan before signing with the Indiana Pacers. He was an All-Star for the perennial Playoff contenders and Knick nemeses, although they didn't reach the NBA Finals until after he left. He played for the Knicks in the 2005-06 season. He is now an NBA studio analyst for ESPN.
His daughter Kaela Davis played basketball at South Carolina, helping them win this year's women's National Championship, and now plays for the WNBA's Dallas Wings. His son Antonio Davis Jr. plays at the University of Central Florida.
October 31, 1969, 50 years ago: Lee Artis Woodall is born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, hometown of the school for Native Americans that launched Jim Thorpe to stardom. Lee also became a football player, a linebacker who won Super Bowl XXIX as a rookie with the San Francisco 49ers and made 2 Pro Bowls.
Also on this day, Wal-Mart is incorporated in Benton, Arkansas. Eventually dropping the hypen and renaming itself Walmart, it is one of the most despicable companies in the world.
October 31, 1970: East Brunswick defeats Cedar Ridge of Old Bridge, 29-0. Cedar Ridge was in its 2nd season of varsity football, and had yet to win a game.
Also on this day, Stephen Christopher Trachsel is born in Oxnard, California. In 1996, the Chicago Cubs pitcher was named to the All-Star Team. On September 8, 1998, Steve gave up Mark McGwire's steroid-aided 62nd home run.
But just 20 days later, he was the winning pitcher for the Cubs over the San Francisco Giants in the Playoff for the NL Wild Card berth. Since the Cubs only made the Playoffs 4 times in the 61 seasons between 1946 and 2006, this makes him a Wrigleyville hero for all time. He also pitched for the Mets, winning the NL East with them in 2006. He now lives outside San Diego.
October 31, 1971: Ian Michael Walker is born in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. The goalkeeper, son of Watford goalkeeper Mike Walker, was a mainstay for North London soccer team Tottenham Hotspur, and kept a clean sheet in their win over Leicester City in the 1999 League Cup Final. He is now the goalkeeping coach for Shanghai SIPG, and helped them win China's league in 2018.
Only 1 "Spurs" goalie has won a trophy for them since, Paul Robinson in the 2008 League Cup.
October 31, 1972: The Philadelphia Phillies trade 3rd baseman Don Money and 2 others to the Milwaukee Brewers for 4 pitchers‚ including Jim Lonborg and Ken Brett. This was one of those rare baseball trades that works out well for both teams.
Lonborg was a key cog in the Phillies developing a pitching staff that would reach the Playoffs 6 times in 8 years from 1976 to 1983, though Lonborg retired after 1978. Money helped stabilize the Brewers and make them a contender by 1978 and a Pennant winner in 1982, and trading him allowed the Phillies to make room for the best player in the history of Philadelphia baseball, Mike Schmidt.
Also on this day, Gaylord Perry of the Cleveland Indians is named AL Cy Young Award winner. His brother Jim, of the Minnesota Twins, had won it 2 years earlier. The Perrys remain the only brothers to both win the Cy Young.
Also on this day, Bill Durnan dies of diabetes-induced kidney failure. He was only 56. He won 6 Vezina Trophies as the NHL's top goaltender, played in the 1st 3 official NHL All-Star Games starting in 1947, and won the Stanley Cup with the Montreal Canadiens in 1944 and 1946.
He lived long enough to be elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame while still alive. In 1998, The Hockey News named him Number 34 on their list of the 100 Greatest Hockey Players.
Also on this day, Matthew James Sutherland Dawson is born in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England. Matt Dawson played club rugby for Northampton Saints, and was a member of the England side that won the 2003 Rugby World Cup. He is now a pundit for the BBC.
October 31, 1973: David Michael Dellucci is born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The outfielder was a member of the Arizona Diamondbacks team that beat the Yankees in the 2001 World Series, and of the Yankee team that won the 2003 American League Pennant. He was released by the Toronto Blue Jays in 2009 and retired. He now works as a color commentator on baseball broadcasts, and is married to The Price Is Right model Rachel Reynolds.
Also on this day, Timothy Christopher Byrdak is born in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn, Illinois. He pitched for both teams involved in the 2015 World Series, debuting for the Royals in 1998 and concluding with the Mets in 2013. In between, he pitched for the Baltimore Orioles, Detroit Tigers and Houston Astros. He has now returned to the Chicago suburbs, and teaches and coaches in high school.
October 31, 1976: José María Gutiérrez Hernández is born in Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain. "Guti" was a midfielder who starred for Real Madrid as they won Spain's La Liga in 1997, 2001, '03, '07 and '08; and the Champions League in 1998, 2000 and '02. He later worked with Real Madrid's youth team, and is now an assistant coach with Istanbul, Turkey team Beşiktaş, with whom he played the 2010-11 season.
October 31, 1979, 40 years ago: Billy Cannon Jr. follows in his father's footsteps, sort of, 20 years to the day after his father's "Halloween Run." Playing for Broadmoor High School in Baton Rouge, he returned a punt 89 yards for a touchdown, leading them to a 20-18 win over... his father's alma mater, Istrouma High School.
A safety, he went to Texas A&M, and was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys. But his career ended 8 games into his rookie season, 1985, as a tackle he made damaged his neck and forcing him into early retirement at age 22. He sued the Cowboys for negligence, and the case was settled out of court.
Also on this day, Simão Pedro Fonseca Sabrosa is born in Constantim, Portugal. Better known by just his first name, pronounced like "Simon," Simão is a winger who led Lisbon's Benfica to the Taça de Portugal (Portuguese Cup) in 2004 and the Primeira Liga in 2005, Spain's Atlético Madrid to the UEFA Europa League in 2010, and Istanbul's Beşiktaş to the Turkish Cup in 2011.
He represented Portugal at the 2006 and 2010 World Cups. Now retired, he is a studio analyst for Portuguese network Sport TV.
October 31, 1980: "The Night the Cylons Landed." That's the title of this 2-part episode, which has a Halloween storyline, of Galactica 1980, the ill-fated sequel to the original version of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica, which aired on ABC on April 13 and 20, 1980.
As with E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial 2 years later, landing on Earth on or near Halloween helps to prevent a panic, since everyone believes the aliens are simply people in costumes. This also worked for the "transgenics" on a 2001 episode of Dark Angel, taking place in the year 2020.
October 31, 1981: Having already blown a shot at the Central Jersey Group IV Playoffs in last week's loss to Cedar Ridge, East Brunswick loses again, 29-22 to Edison, which was favored anyway, and ended up winning the Middlesex County Athletic Conference title.
Also on this day, Michael Anthony Napoli is born in the Miami suburb of Hollywood, Florida. Now the 1st baseman is best remembered for his time with the Red Sox, with whom he made the 2012 All-Star Game and won * the 2013 World Series. He also won an AL West title with the 2009 Los Angeles Angels, a Pennant with the Rangers in 2011, and a Pennant with the Indians in 2016. He is now under contract with the Cleveland Indians, but missed the 2018 season due to injury.
October 31, 1982: Tomáš Plekanec is born in Kladno, Czech Republic. A center, he played 15 seasons with the Montreal Canadiens. In 2014, he was named Captain of the Czech team at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. He is now playing in his hometown with Rytíři Kladno (Kladno Knights), whose owner, general manager and star player is the 47-year-old Jaromír Jágr.
Also on this day, William Daryl Bajema II is born in Oklahoma City. A tight end, Billy Bajema was a member of the Baltimore Ravens when they won Super Bowl XLVII. He is now the assistant coach at John Marshall High School in Oklahoma City (not his alma mater), under head coach Rashaun Woods, who was his teammate at Oklahoma State.
October 31, 1983: George Halas dies at age 88. He was the founder of the Chicago Bears, for all intents and purposes the founder of the NFL, and even a pretty good player by the standards of his time. As part of their 100th Season celebrations, the Bears named him to their 100 Greatest Players.
He was formerly the winningest coach in NFL history (324), and no coach in the history of professional football has won as many league championships, 8: 1921, 1932, 1933, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946 and 1963.
To put it another way: When he was first involved with the NFL, the President was Woodrow Wilson, Chicago was best known as the site of America's most famous fire, most people didn't yet have cars or telephones, there were no objects being launched into space by any nation, radio broadcasting was a few weeks away from being introduced, movies were silent, the Yankees had never won a Pennant, the NHL was new, there was no professional basketball to speak of, and professional football was a small-time thing.
When he was last involved with the NFL, the President was Ronald Reagan, there had been 4 different British monarchs and 7 different Popes, Chicago was known as the home of Al Capone and Mayor Richard J. Daley and his demonstrator-beating cops, pretty much everybody had telephones, pretty much everybody who didn't live in a city where it wasn't necessary had a car, many even had personal computers, space shuttles were being launched and returned, the Yankees had won 33 Pennants, the and NFL was a titan of television and America's favorite pro sports league.
One of his last acts as owner was to hire former Bears star Mike Ditka as head coach, and Ditka would lead them to a 9th World Championship in 1985. When asked by Bob Costas in the locker room after that Super Bowl XX if he thought of "Papa Bear," he said, "I always think of Coach Halas."
This was in spite of Halas having a reputation for being cheap, which led a younger Ditka to say, "George Halas throws nickels around like manhole covers." It was also Halas' cheapness that kept the Bears in Wrigley Field, with a football capacity of just 47,000, in spite of Soldier Field having over 65,000 seats and lights, because he didn't want to pay the rent the City of Chicago was demanding. The Bears didn't move there until 1971, when the money available to teams on Monday Night Football, which couldn't be played at then-lightless Wrigley, more than offset the cost of the rent.
In spite of his infamous penuriousness, when the aforementioned Brian Piccolo got sick, Halas paid all his medical expenses and for his funeral. He died on what would have been Piccolo's 40th birthday.
An NFL Films documentary from 1977, Their Deeds and Dogged Faith, showed Halas walking through the Bears' practice facility at suburban Lake Forest, Illinois (the main building is now named Halas Hall), and announcer John Facenda said it was "like visiting Mount Vernon and seeing George Washington still surveying the grounds."
The NFC Championship Trophy is named for him, and, after his death, the Bears put the initials GSH, for George Stanley Halas, on their left sleeves. Unique among NFL teams, they have retained this tribute to their founder on their uniforms. (Even the Pittsburgh Steelers didn't keep Art Rooney's initials on a patch for more than one season.)
He had planned to hand the team over to his son George Jr., but "Mugs" predeceased him in 1979. Upon Papa Bear's death, his daughter Virginia handed control to her husband, Ed McCaskey. Unfortunately, Big Ed handed a lot of control over to his and Virginia's son, George's grandson, Mike McCaskey, who ran the franchise into the ground before Big Ed took it back and handed it over to another son, George Halas McCaskey.
Big Ed has since died, but Virginia is still alive, and is the sole owner of Da Bears. At 95, she is, as was her father before her, the oldest owner in the NFL. She and son George McCaskey have entrusted team president Ted Phillips with operational control.
October 31, 1985: Luis Javier Guerra is born outside Dallas in Denton, Texas. A relief pitcher, Javy Guerra debuted with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2011, and has bounced around, until arriving this past August 4 with the Washington Nationals, whom he helped win the World Series. His career record currently stands at 11-12.
October 31, 1986: East Brunswick High School plays John P. Stevens High School of Edison in football. The last 2 years, Stevens had beaten EB in the Central Jersey Group IV Championship Game. EB had won the Conference title in 1984, Stevens in 1985. This game would go a long way toward deciding the 1986 edition.
Stevens went into the game with a 22-game winning streak, and it was their Homecoming, on Halloween, with 5,000 green & gold fans baying for our Green & White blood. It was not to be, as Da Bears spoiled the Halloween party 17-12. What a fantastic game. What a fantastic night.
EB won its last 2 games, then waited for the results on Thanksgiving, as we wrapped up our season earlier. Stevens lost to crosstown rival Edison High, thus throwing the title to us. They then lost the State Final to Middletown North, ending their bid for 3 straight.
Stevens had long been our most difficult opponent, but, historically, have been succeeded by Piscataway. Conference realignment means we don't even play them every season anymore. And, the way the calendar worked out, EB would not play on Halloween again for 17 years.
October 31, 1987: Nicholas Foligno is born in Buffalo, New York, where his father Mike was an All-Star right-winger for the Sabres. Nick, a center, is now the Captain of the Columbus Blue Jackets. Brother Marcus is now a left wing for the Minnesota Wild, having previously played for the Sabres.
October 31, 1988: Cole David Aldrich is born in Burnsville, Minnesota, and grows up in Bloomington, both suburbs of Minneapolis. A member of the University of Kansas team that won the 2008 National Championship, the center was Big 12 Conference Defensive Player of the Year the following season. He spent the 2013-14 and 2014-15 seasons with the Knicks, and now plays in China.
Also on this day, Jack Riewoldt (apparently, his entire name) is born in Hobart, Tasmania. He plays for Richmond Football Club in the Australian Football League, helped them win the Premiership in 2017 and 2019, and has been named All-League 3 times. No, he is not nicknamed "The Tasmanian Devil."
October 31, 1991: Bad weather hits the U.S. A storm over the New England States became known as "The Perfect Storm," inspiring a feature film of that title. That storm killed 13 people. It also caused another storm to, literally, stop cold over the Midwest, resulting in a Halloween Blizzard that dumped up to 3 feet of snow and killed 22 people.
October 31, 1992: Rutgers plays Virginia Tech in a Halloween Homecoming thriller, in the next-to-last game at the old Rutgers Stadium. The stars were quarterback Bryan Fortay of East Brunswick, running back Bruce Presley of Highland Park, tight end Jim Guarantano of Lodi, and receiver Chris Brantley of Teaneck. RU won on the final play, 50-49. Yes, that score is in football, not basketball.
Also on this day, Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the 1633 verdict of the Inquisition on Galileo Galilei -- 359 years later.
Galileo (nearly always referred to by his 1st name) recanted his belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun. As with Luther and "Here I stand," there was no contemporary record of him having added, "E pur si muove" -- that's the Italian version, usually listed in Latin as "Eppur si muove," meaning, "And yet, it moves."
Born in 1564, the same year as William Shakespeare, and having rewritten the map of the solar system with his telescope in 1609, as Shakespeare's playwriting career was winding down and the Jamestown Colony was struggling, Galileo lived until 1642, the year the English Civil War began.
October 31, 1994, 25 years ago: The NFL's oldest rivalry is played in a chilly, windy Halloween rainstorm at Soldier Field in Chicago, broadcast on Monday Night Football. ABC's announcers got it right:
Frank Gifford, former New York Giants running back: "Guys, we've got some weather. This is about as bad as I've seen it in a long time."
Al Michaels, never a pro athlete, acknowledging the holiday: "I don't know whether we should've dressed up as the Three Stooges or the Three Frozen Turkeys tonight!"
Dan Dierdorf, former offensive tackle for the St. Louis Cardinals, 2 years away from joining Gifford in the Pro Football Hall of Fame: "Some people think we're the Three Blind Mice. Tonight, I think it's the Three Drowned Rats!"
ABC later put up a film from the October 25, 1976 Monday Night Football game between St. Louis and Washington at a rainy, muddy Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, a game Gifford broacast and Dierdorf played in. The Redskins won it 20-10.
For this game, both teams wear "throwback uniforms" (with modern protection, of course) as part of the NFL's 75th Season celebration. The Chicago Bears wear the 1925 uniforms made famous by Red Grange. The Green Bay Packers wear the 1936 uniforms of Cal Hubbard and Don Hutson.
The Packers lead 14-0 at halftime. Then, a long-overdue ceremony is held, as the Bears retire the Number 40 of running back Gale Sayers -- on what would have been Brian Piccolo's 51st birthday -- and the Number 51 of linebacker Dick Butkus.
Both were drafted by the Bears in 1965, and played into the early 1970s, and sometimes looked as if they were the only decent players on the team. But both battled knee injuries and became all-time legends. Walter Payton, who succeeded Grange and Sayers as the Bears' greatest running back, was also on hand.
Introducing the honorees was Mike McCaskey, grandson of Bears founder George Halas and son of owners Virginia and Ed McCaskey, who was seen as having broken up the great Bear team of the 1980s. He was heavily booed.
After the ceremony, the crowd, held to 47,381 due to the weather, almost disappears, not wanting to stick around to see a mediocre Bears team get beat. Which they do, as the Packers win, 33-6.
October 31, 1997: The Washington NBA team makes its debut under the Wizards name, having dropped "Bullets" because of the District of Columbia's reputation as "the murder capital of America."
Chris Webber and Juwan Howard, formerly of the University of Michigan's "Fab Five," combine for 32 points, but it's not enough, as the Wiz fall to the Detroit Pistons, 92-79 at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Grant Hill leads all scorers with 25 points, and Lindsey Hunter adds 23.
Also on this day, Marcus Rashford (no middle name) is born in Manchester. The forward helped Manchester United win the FA Cup in 2016, and, within days, scored on his England debut, and became the youngest England player ever to do so. Already, Man U's idiot fans were calling him "the next Thierry Henry." Despite that exaggeration, he also helped Man U win the Europa League in 2017. He helped England reach the Semifinal of last year's World Cup, its best performance in 28 years.
October 31, 1998: Elmer Vasko dies at age 62. "Moose" was an All-Star defenseman for the Chicago Blackhawks, winning the Stanley Cup with them in 1961. Despite playing 13 seasons in an era where hockey team owners wouldn't spring for mouthguards, let alone team dentists, he never lost a tooth in an NHL game.
Also on this day, within the Star Trek chronology, Harmon Buck Gin Bokai is born in the Marina del Rey section of Los Angeles. A switch-hitting shortstop, Buck Bokai debuted with the London Kings in 2015, not yet 17 years old, and led them to one of the greatest seasons in baseball history, presumably winning the World Series. In 2026, he broke Joe DiMaggio's record of a 56-game hitting streak.
In 2032, he led the Kings to another Pennant, but they lost the World Series to the Yankees in 6 games. He continued to play until 2042, at age 44, and hit a home run in Game 7 to win the Series for the Kings. But only 300 people paid to attend, and Major League Baseball suspended play, never to return.
While never specified, a reason could be that, according the Star Trek chronology, World War III had been waged since 2026, with an eco-terrorist attack that killed 37 million people, and would continue until 2053, devastating Earth, and making professional sports a luxury the world could not afford. By the time Bokai died in 2132, age 134, Earth had rebuilt as a near-utopian society.
The 2026 breaking of DiMaggio's record was cited by Data (Brent Spiner) in the 1988 Next Generation episode "The Big Goodbye," but he was interrupted before he could give the player's name. In the 1993 Deep Space Nine episode "The Storyteller," Bokai's name was mentioned, and Ricardo Delgado, who worked on set design for the show, decided that, since Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) was a fan of baseball and eventually worked to revive interest in it, he should have a baseball card in his office. Delgado had Greg Jein, a model maker for the show, pose in a uniform, and the character was named after the title character in the 1984 movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.
For a later episode in 1993, "If Wishes Were Horses," a simulation of Bokai appears on the station, interacting with Sisko and his son Jake (Cirroc Lofton). The Bokai simulation was played by Keone Young, who bore a striking resemblance to Jein.
In real life, the Kansas City Royals won the 2015 World Series. As of the conclusion of the 2019 season, DiMaggio's record still stands, and there are no plans to expand MLB, although the Yankees and the Red Sox played 2 games against each other at the London Olympic Stadium this past June, and the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals will play there next June, in the hopes of boosting Britain's minimal interest in the sport.
Whether we have a World War III by 2026 is pretty much up to Donald Trump, and to those who could stop him if they have the will. Two of the big problems I have with the Star Trek mythos is the spectre of World War III and its resultant death of baseball.
I prefer to think of the 1994-95 science fiction series Space Precinct, which takes place in 2040, and shows no sign of a worldwide war, but does show the Yankees playing Game 1 of the World Series against the Yomiuri Giants at a Tokyo Dome that is absolutely packed.
October 31, 2000: Ring Lardner Jr. dies in New York at age 85. The son of the legendary sportswriter Ring Lardner, and brother of sportswriter John Lardner, he was the last survivor of the Hollywood Ten, screenwriters blacklisted for their Communist ties in 1947.
Ring Lardner Jr. was not a threat to America's national security. He worked on the screenplays for Woman of the Year, Laura, Brotherhood of Man and Forever Amber. Eventually, his reputation was restored, and he won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, for turning Dr. Richard Hornberger's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors (published under the name Richard Hooker) into the 1970 film M*A*S*H.
He had nothing to do with the TV show based on it that debuted in 1972. He did, however, get a tribute on an episode of The West Wing that aired a few months after his death.
Also on this day, Willow Camille Reign Smith is born in Los Angeles, the daughter of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. She made her film debut in 2007, with her father in I Am Legend, and had a hit song in 2010 with "Whip My Hair." She released albums in 2015 and 2017.
October 31, 2001: Game 4 of the World Series. It's not just Halloween -- the 1st time a Major League Baseball game has been played on the day, due to the 9/11 postponements -- it's also a night of a Full Moon. During batting practice at Yankee Stadium, Arizona Diamondbacks 1st baseman Mark Grace, who so long played for the Chicago Cubs without winning a Pennant and is enjoying his 1st World Series, can be seen on the official Series highlight film looking up, and saying, "Full Moon! You know what that means: Strange things happen!"
The Yankees trail the Diamondbacks 3-1 in the bottom of the 9th, and are about to fall behind in the World Series by the same margin of games. This is due in large part to the fine pitching of Curt Schilling, who was asked about the "mystique" of Yankee Stadium. He said, "Mystique, Aura, those are dancers in a nightclub." (Three years later, pitching for Boston, he would prove he was still not intimidated by Yankee Stadium, saying, "I can't think of anything better than making 55,000 Yankee fans shut up.") Schilling had outpitched the Yankees' Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez. Grace had homered for the Snakes, Shane Spencer for the Yankees.
Byung-Hyun Kim, a "submarine" style pitcher from Korea, tries to close the Yankees out. But Paul O'Neill singles, and, after Bernie Williams strikes out, Tino Martinez comes to the plate as the Yankees' final hope. Tino electrifies the crowd by slamming a drive toward the right-center-field Bleachers. The home run ties the game, and sends it into extra innings.
On the video, a fan in the front row of the Bleachers tries to catch the ball, but it bounces off his hand. Now, imagine you are that fan: Are you excited that the Yankees have come back in this World Series game, or are you mad that you were unable to catch this historic homer (and probably hurt your hand in the process)?
As the clock strikes midnight, for the 1st time ever, Major League Baseball game is played in the month of November. It is the bottom of the 10th, and Derek Jeter steps to the plate against Kim. A fan holds up a sign saying, "Mr. November." Michael Kay, broadcasting this game for the Yankees, has asked, "How did he know to hold up that sign for Jeter?" The answer is easy: He didn’t hold it up specifically for Jeter. Jeter was just the batter when the clock struck 12, making him the first batter for whom it could be held up.
At 12:03 came a typical Jeter hit, an inside-out swing to right-center, and it just... barely... got over the fence for a game-winning home run. Kay yells out, "See ya! See ya! See ya!" Yankees 4, Diamondbacks 3. The Series was tied. The old ballyard was shaking. The "Yankee Mystique" had struck again. It is hits like this that got Jeter the nickname "Captain Clutch."
The next night, the 1st game to officially be played in the month of November, a fan made up a sign that said, "BASEBALL HISTORY MADE HERE" on what looked like an ancient scroll. Another fan made up a sign that said, "MYSTIQUE AND AURA APPEARING NIGHTLY." (Two years later, in what became known as the Aaron Boone Game, that same fan made up one that said, "MYSTIQUE DON’T FAIL ME NOW." It didn't.)
Also on this day, French skier Régine Cavagnoud dies, 2 days after a training accident in Pitztal, Austria. Although she had competed in 3 Winter Olympics, she had never won a medal. However, just 7 months before her death, she won the World Championship in the women's super giant slalom, or Super-G, in St. Anton, Austria. She was 31.
October 31, 2002: The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association votes 9-6 to prohibit the use of metal bats in the state high school tournament in 2003. Twenty-five of 40 leagues will switch to wood for the regular season. The State is the 1st to outlaw metal bats. In this particular case, Massachusetts is ahead of the curve in baseball.
October 31, 2003: The Chicago Bulls honor former general manager Jerry Krause with a banner at the United Center, as if they were retiring a uniform number for him. They beat the Atlanta Hawks, 100-94.
Also on this day, East Brunswick beats South Brunswick 28-0.
October 31, 2004: The Minnesota Timberwolves, owned by Glen Taylor, offer Latrell Sprewell a 3-year, $21 million contract extension, substantially less than what his then-current contract paid him. Claiming to feel insulted by the offer, he publicly expressed outrage, declaring, "I have a family to feed... If Glen Taylor wants to see my family fed, he better cough up some money. Otherwise, you're going to see these kids in one of those Sally Struthers commercials soon."
He declined the extension, and, having once more drawn the ire of fans and sports media, had the worst season of his career in the final year of his contract -- maybe the worst "contract year" in the history of sports.
In the summer of 2005, the Denver Nuggets, Cleveland Cavaliers and Houston Rockets all expressed interest in signing Sprewell, but no agreements were reached. Spree never played again, his career over before his 35th birthday.
The former All-Star has never been hired in any capacity by any basketball team since. By 2008, through his own stupidity, he had fulfilled his own prophecy: He was bankrupt, his mansions foreclosed on and his yacht repossessed.
Sprewell's contract rejection was the last notable event of October 2004, a truly futzed-up month in sports, following the Boston Red Sox cheating their way to a World Series win and the delay (and eventual cancellation) of the new NHL season.
Things would soon get worse for the NBA as this new season dawned: The Malice at the Palace was coming, and the Finals would be played by, perhaps, the last 2 teams that Commissioner David Stern wanted in them: The Detroit Pistons, the defending champions and Malice participants; and the San Antonio Spurs, whose Tim Duncan may have been the most boring superstar in American sports history. Detroit and San Antonio: 2 "small markets" who did very little to boost TV ratings, although the Finals, won by the Spurs, was very well-played.
Gee, maybe Stern didn't fix as many titles as we thought he did.
October 31, 2006: John Stiegman dies in Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey at age 83. He was a Princeton native and a good football player, a tackle in those days of 2-way football, but he didn't play at Princeton University, instead going to Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. There, he was also a member of the hockey, lacrosse and swim teams.
After graduating and serving in World War II, he became an assistant coach at Princeton University, including coaching 1951 Heisman Trophy winner Dick Kazmaier. But in 1956, he went up the Lincoln Highway, and became the head coach at Rutgers, then Princeton's arch-rival. He coached there for 4 seasons, and in 1958 got them to an 8-1 record, finishing 20th in the last Associated Press poll, RU's highest ranking to that point.
In 1960, he went in the other direction, to Princeton's other, and remaining, big rival, the University of Pennsylvania. He was less successful there, and served as an assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh and Iowa Wesleyan. He had 1 more season as a head coach, 1973 at Iowa Wesleyan, and 1 more year as an assistant, 1974 at Army. His final head coaching record was 37-53, 22-15 of it at Rutgers.
Also on this day, NCIS airs the episode "Witch Hunt." Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and his team have to find the kidnapped daughter of a Marine officer. This episode is notable for Dr. Abby Sciuto appearing in costume as Marilyn Monroe. This is not as odd as you might think, because, while Abby's hair is jet-black, her portrayer, Pauley Perrette, is a natural blonde.
October 31, 2008: For the 1st time since conference realignment in 1975, my alma mater, East Brunswick High School, plays New Brunswick in football, at Memorial Stadium in New Brunswick. Both teams had recently won State Championships in their respective enrollment groups, but both were struggling this season.
This was the 1st time I had ever had to go through a security checkpoint at a high school football game, despite having previously gone to games at Memorial Stadium, and also to games in Perth Amboy, Paterson and Bayonne. Apparently, there'd been an increase in local gang activity. East Brunswick got an early lead, and hung on to beat New Brunswick 26-21.
After the game, I walked to the New Brunswick train station -- not fearing for my safety -- and took a train to New York, so that I could take the overnight bus to Boston. I like to do that at this time of year, to see the changing of the leaf colors in New England, and also because, while I despise its sports teams, I like Boston as a city. Nothing particularly eventful happened to me in Boston, and I got home okay.
But before I could get on the Greyhound out of Boston, I saw New York on Halloween Night. I didn't get to see the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade (that had happened earlier), but I saw lots of costumes. The Dark Knight was still in theaters, so there were a lot of Batman-themed costumes. I saw 4 Jokers, 3 Batmen, and 1 Catwoman -- an incredibly tight Catwoman costume made of rubber. Worn by a man. Some things cannot be unseen.
Outside Port Authority Bus Terminal, I saw a guy on a bicycle. He was wearing a Superman costume. Why would Superman need a bike?
Also on this day, Louis "Studs" Terkel dies in his Chicago house, a few days after a fall there. He was 96. The legendary lawyer, actor, radio host and writer did not quite live long enough to see fellow Chicagoan Barack Obama elected as the 1st black President, but had spoken with him a few days before, and had publicly said he was sure Obama would win.
Studs played legendary Chicago Herald-Examiner sportswriter Hugh Fullerton, one of the men who helped expose the Black Sox Scandal from the 1919 World Series, in the film dramatization of Eliot Asinof's book about it, Eight Men Out.
He also did voiceovers for the work of Fullerton and other sportswriters, and sat for an interview, in Ken Burns' 1994 Baseball miniseries, mentioning that, at age 17, he was at Wrigley Field for Game 1 of the 1929 World Series, when Connie Mack surprised everybody by starting Howard Ehmke over Lefty Grove, getting 13 strikeouts from him, to lead the Philadelphia Athletics over the Chicago Cubs. Studs called it "a rueful memory of loss."
October 31, 2009, 10 years ago: Game 3 of the World Series, at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Alex Rodriguez's fly ball in the right-field corner becomes the subject of the 1st instant replay call in World Series history. The Yankee 3rd baseman's hit, originally ruled a double, is correctly changed by the umpires to a home run after the replay clearly shows the ball going over the fence before striking a television camera and bouncing back to the field.
It figures that A-Rod's 1st World Series home run would be controversial. But it does help make the difference, as the Yankees win, 8-5, and take a 2-games-to-1 lead in the Series, retaking home-field advantage after the Phillies won Game 1.
Also on this day, Sam Zell sells the Chicago Cubs to Tom Ricketts. At last, the Cubs have an owner with both the means and the desire to win the World Series.
Also on this day, soccer teams Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur play a North London Derby that I like to call "45 Seconds of Hell."
The game is scoreless until the 43rd minute, when Robin van Persie scores for Arsenal. It takes about 40 seconds to restart the game, and almost immediately, Cesc Fàbregas takes the kickoff, goes through Spurs' defense like a hot knife through butter, and scores. Dispirited, Spurs have nothing for the rest of the game, and Arsenal win, 3-0.
This game is treasured by Arsenal fans, a.k.a. Gooners (a takeoff on the club's nickname, the Gunners), even though both Fàbregas (in August 2011) and van Persie (in July 2012) would whine their way off the team: The former to his former club Barcelona, the latter to Manchester United.
Cesc was largely forgiven for his treachery by Gooners, until Barcelona no longer wanted him, and he begged Wenger to take him back. Wenger refused, because treason is forever. Then Cesc signed with Chelsea, and Arsenal fans finally woke up to his treachery, and began calling him "the Snake." RVP, or "the Dutch skunk" as the author of Arseblog has dubbed him, has never been forgiven. (Like Ashley Cole, he also gets called "Judas.")
October 31, 2010: Game 4 of the World Series. Southpaw pitcher Madison Bumgarner and catcher Buster Posey of the Giants become the 1st rookie battery to start a World Series game since Spec Shea and Yogi Berra appeared together for the Yankees in Game 1 in 1947.
The freshmen do not disappoint, as Bumgarner, just 21, becomes the 4th-youngest pitcher to post a Fall Classic victory, limiting the Texas Rangers to 3 hits while throwing 8 strong innings; and Posey contributes to the Giants' 4-0 win in Arlington with an 8th-inning home run.
Bumgarner and Posey. Two young men with a lot of promise in baseball. I wonder whatever happened to them...
Also on this day, Maurice Lucas dies of cancer at age 58. The power forward was known as "The Enforcer" to his Portland Trail Blazer teammates, as they won the 1977 NBA Championship. He would walk up to center Bill Walton and said, "Who do you want me to kill tonight?"
It was a joke, of course, but Walton admired him so much, he named his own son Lucas. Like his father, Luke Walton would win 2 NBA titles as a player, and another as an assistant coach with last season's Golden State Warriors. He was named interim head coach as Steve Kerr took time off for a non-life-threatening medical reason, and is now the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers.
A Pittsburgh native, Maurice Lucas had reached the 1974 NCAA Championship game with Marquette University, and after leaving the Blazers, played a season each with the Nets and the Knicks, before returning to the Blazers and retiring in 1988. A 4-time All-Star, the Blazers retired his Number 20. He lived long enough to see that, but has not yet been elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. He should be.
Also on this day, The Walking Dead premieres on AMC, based on the graphic novel series of the same title.
Also on this day, General Motors discontinues the Pontiac line of cars, founded in 1926. The brand had produced the Catalina in 1950, the Le Mans in 1961, the GTO in 1964, and the Firebird in 1966.
Ronny & the Daytonas had a big hit with the song "GTO" in 1964, but the best-known Pontiac car is the black Firebird Trans Am, used as a "blocker" by Bo "Bandit" Darville (played by Burt Reynolds) for the truck full of beer driven by Cledus "Snowman" Snow (Jerry Reed) in the 1977 film Smokey and the Bandit; and converted into KITT, the Knight Industries Two Thousand (voiced by William Daniels) and driven by Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) in the 1982-86 TV series Knight Rider.
October 31, 2013: Johnny Kucks dies of cancer at a hospice in Saddle River, Bergen County, New Jersey. He was 80. Born in Hoboken and raised in Jersey City, he pitched 5 seasons for the Yankees, winning 4 Pennants and the 1956 and 1958 World Series, including pitching a shutout against the Brooklyn Dodgers in Game 7 in 1956. In that game, he became the last pitcher to pitch to Jackie Robinson, who retired in the ensuing off-season. He later became a stockbroker, living in Hillsdale, Bergen County.
October 31, 2014: Brad Halsey dies from a fall from a cliff near his home in New Braunfels, Texas, outside San Antonio. He was only 33, and had been dealing with mental health issues and drug abuse, although an autopsy showed no drugs or alcohol in his system.
Halsey pitched for the Yankees in 2004, was included in the trade that brought Randy Johnson from the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2005, and pitched for them for a year, and then the Oakland Athletics in 2006. He's remembered as the starting pitcher in the July 1, 2004 13-inning classic between the Yankees and Red Sox, and for giving up Barry Bonds' 714th home run, tying him with Babe Ruth on the all-time list.
He was sent down to the minors to start the 2007 season, and injuries short-circuited his career. His career record was 14-19. He pitched in independent leagues in 2009 and 2010. The Yankees re-signed him for 2011, but he washed out in Double-A. He never threw another professional pitch, and began his figurative descent, which ended in a literal descent. A sad story.
Also on this day, due to a scandal that echoes the one at Penn State 2 years earlier, the football team at Sayreville War Memorial High School in Middlesex County, New Jersey has its season cancelled, and its remaining games forfeited.
This was supposed to be the day of its game against neighboring East Brunswick, my alma mater. This enables E.B. to get enough wins to make the State Playoffs for, so far, the only time in the 2010s. They have a shot at it in 2019. Sayreville quickly recovered, as if the whole thing had never happened. But it did.
October 31, 2015: Game 4 of the World Series at Citi Field. Tim McGraw, country music superstar and son of Met legend Tug McGraw, both sings the National Anthem and throws out the ceremonial first ball. As far as I know, no person has ever been given both honors at a major league game.
Michael Conforto's home run gives the Mets a 2-0 lead in the 3rd inning, and another Conforto homer in the 5th makes it 3-1. He is the only Met ever to hit 2 home runs in a World Series game. As late as the top of the 8th, they lead the Kansas City Royals 3-2.
But for the 4th straight game -- actually, the 5th, since they did it in Game 5 back in 2000 -- the Mets blow a lead in a World Series game. Tyler Clippard walks the 1st 2 Royals in the 8th. With Jeurys Familia brought in to pitch, Daniel Murphy, the Mets' biggest postseason hero thus far, makes a key error that allows the tying run to score. Mike Moustakas singles home the go-ahead run, and the Royals tack on another. Yoenis Cespedes, the other big Met hero of the season, gets doubled off 1st base following a soft line drive to end it, in a 5-3 Royals win.
The Mets had thrilled the baseball world the last 3 months. Now, they were clowning their way to an ignominious defeat.
Also on this day, Rutgers loses 48-10 to Wisconsin at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison. Who's the money-grubber -- or the masochist -- who thought that RU joining the Big Ten was a good idea?
Also on this day, Duke University hosts the University of Miami in an Atlantic Coast Conference Game in Durham, North Carolina. After scoring a touchdown and a 2-point conversion, Duke led 27-24 with 6 seconds left on the clock. All the Blue Devils had to do was not allow a touchdown on the final play, and they would beat the Hurricanes.
Duke squibbed the kickoff, thinking that the clock would run out during Miami's return. But it only got to the Miami 25-yard line, and the 'Canes tried to copy "The Play," the lateral-filled play that allowed the University of California to beat arch-rival Stanford in 1982.
After 3 laterals, the ball was held on the Miami 3-yard line. Mark Walton tried a 4th lateral. Photographs showed that his knee hit the turf before he let the ball go. But no official whistled the play dead. Eventually, Miami made 8 laterals. The last got to Corn Elder, who got 2 key blocks, and had a clear path to the Duke end zone.
When he got to the Duke 16, his teammate Artie Burns threw a block that caused the line judge to throw his penalty flag. Elder got into the end zone, but the officials decide to check the instant replay. They declared that all 8 laterals were legal, no Miami ballcarrier had been legally tackled, and the illegal block made by Burns was actually a legal one. So Elder's touchdown stood, and the final score was Miami 30, Duke 27.
This became known as "The Debacle In Durham." The ACC later ruled that Walton was down, and that the illegal block was, in fact, illegal. They refused to overturn the game's result, but they suspended the entire officiating crew for 2 games.
Now, if it was Duke basketball, a lot of people wouldn't have minded seeing them get screwed. But Duke football has been far less successful, and has offended far fewer people.
October 31, 2017: Game 6 of the World Series is played at Dodger Stadium. The Los Angeles Dodgers stay in the Series by beating the Houston Astros 3-1, thanks to a home run by Joc Pederson, his 3rd of the Series, and Tony Watson outpitching Justin Verlander.
Oddly, while Dodger Stadium was hosting its 9th World Series, it was about to host its 1st Game 7. Only once before, since moving to Los Angeles in 1958, have the Dodgers gone to Game 7 of a World Series, winning in Minnesota in 1965. They went to 6 in 1977 (lost to the Yankees), 1978 (lost to the Yankees again) and 1981 (beat the Yankees); to 5 in 1974 (lost to Oakland) and 1988 (beat Oakland); and were in 4-game sweeps in 1963 (beating the Yankees) and 1966 (losing to Baltimore).
Also on this day, 8 people are killed in the Tribeca section of Lower Manhattan, as Sayfullo Saipov drove a Home Depot rental truck through helpless riders on a bike path. The suspect was heard by witnesses to yell, "Allahu akbar!" -- Arabic for, "God is great!" This is a frequent cry for men in acts of terrorism. He was finally captured after fleeing the truck and being shot by a police officer.
A year earlier, Donald Trump told us, "I have a plan to wipe out ISIS in 30 days." This day was Day 284 of his Presidency. Also, it's worth pointing out that this happened not just while he was President, but in New York, in his hometown.
You know who was President for 8 years without something like this happening in New York? Barack Obama, the black guy with the Arabic name that Trump said was a Muslim from Kenya. It didn't happen in Honolulu, where Obama was born, either. Or in Chicago, where Obama lived.
Trump has pulled U.S. troops, protecting the Kurds, out of northern Syria, leaving them the choice of being massacred by Turkey or by a resurgent ISIS. He betrayed them, and has allowed the resurgence of the ISIS he said he had a plan to wipe out in 30 days. In his Presidency, this is Day 1,014.
October 31, 2269, 150 years from now: If we accept the convention that the last 3 digits, plus the decimal point, of the "Stardates" on Star Trek represent a percentage of the year thus far passed, then the episode "The Way to Eden," Stardate 5832.3, takes place on this date.
There is no mention of Halloween on this episode. Indeed, aside from the mention of a Christmas party in the 1st season episode "Dagger of the Mind," no Earth holidays were mentioned in the canonical 79 episodes of "The Original Series."
But that doesn't mean there aren't some weird costumes. This episode features the "Space Hippies," rescued by the crew of the USS Enterprise when their ship is in trouble. They are looking for Eden, a planet that evokes the Bible's tale of the Garden of Eden -- but their request to go there is refused, since it's in Romulan space, which is illegal for Federation ships to enter.
The space hippies manage to take over the Enterprise, and find the planet they're looking for, but the results are less Dante's Paradiso, more his Inferno, and the Romulans have nothing to do with it -- indeed, they don't even show up.
The space hippies call Captain Kirk (William Shatner) "Herbert" -- in 20th Century layman's terms, a square. But they dig Spock (Leonard Nimoy) -- or, as would be said by Trekkies in the years between the show's 1969 cancellation and its 1979 film revival, "I grok Spock."
Originally, the female lead of the space hippies was supposed to be Joanna McCoy, daughter of Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley), and she was supposed to put the make on Kirk, thus causing friction between "Jim" and "Bones." This idea was rejected, and she was changed to Irina Galliulin (Mary Linda Rapelye), an ex-girlfriend of Ensign Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) from their school days in Russia.
This led to confusion when I was a kid, because a record and comic book based on Star Trek showed "Uhura" as a blonde, having taken the image of Palmer. It showed the Animated Series character M'Ress, depicted as an anthropomorphic cat, as being humanoid, but with blue skin and dark hair, making her look a little like Uhura. It also showed George Takei's character, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, not as Japanese, but as black -- possibly having confused his name as "Zulu."
October 31, 1967: After 11 seasons of the Cy Young Award being given to the most valuable pitcher in both Leagues, each League has a winner. The NL winner is announced as Mike McCormick of the San Francisco Giants. The AL's winner will be Jim Lonborg of the Pennant-winning Red Sox.
Also on this day, Robert Matthew Van Winkle is born in Dallas. In 1990, he created the persona of Vanilla Ice, a white gangbanging, drug-selling rapper from Miami. If he had simply said at the start that this was a character he was playing, he might have gotten away with it. But once it was revealed that he was a suburban kid who had actually ripped off Queen's "Under Pressure" for "Ice, Ice, Baby," the 1st rap song to hit Number 1 on Billboard magazine's Hot 100, he was doomed.
He has since "come back hard," recording hardcore rap and metal albums, to mixed results from critics and indifference from the public. In other words, no matter what form of music he records, he sucks.
But earlier this year, to celebrate the completion of the HBO series Game of Thrones, the YouTube channel JOE put together a series of clips where many of the characters seem to be singing "Ice, Ice, Baby." And while he had to replace "Miami" with "Winterfell," and make a few other adjustments, he found a way to make it sound like they were saying "bikinis" and "Lamboghinis," and other modern words and names. He called it, after the series of books by creator George R.R. Martin, "A Song of Vanilla Ice and Fire."
October 31, 1968: Antonio Lee Davis is born in Oakland, California. After going undrafted out of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), he played pro basketball in Athens and Milan before signing with the Indiana Pacers. He was an All-Star for the perennial Playoff contenders and Knick nemeses, although they didn't reach the NBA Finals until after he left. He played for the Knicks in the 2005-06 season. He is now an NBA studio analyst for ESPN.
His daughter Kaela Davis played basketball at South Carolina, helping them win this year's women's National Championship, and now plays for the WNBA's Dallas Wings. His son Antonio Davis Jr. plays at the University of Central Florida.
October 31, 1969, 50 years ago: Lee Artis Woodall is born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, hometown of the school for Native Americans that launched Jim Thorpe to stardom. Lee also became a football player, a linebacker who won Super Bowl XXIX as a rookie with the San Francisco 49ers and made 2 Pro Bowls.
Also on this day, Wal-Mart is incorporated in Benton, Arkansas. Eventually dropping the hypen and renaming itself Walmart, it is one of the most despicable companies in the world.
October 31, 1970: East Brunswick defeats Cedar Ridge of Old Bridge, 29-0. Cedar Ridge was in its 2nd season of varsity football, and had yet to win a game.
Also on this day, Stephen Christopher Trachsel is born in Oxnard, California. In 1996, the Chicago Cubs pitcher was named to the All-Star Team. On September 8, 1998, Steve gave up Mark McGwire's steroid-aided 62nd home run.
But just 20 days later, he was the winning pitcher for the Cubs over the San Francisco Giants in the Playoff for the NL Wild Card berth. Since the Cubs only made the Playoffs 4 times in the 61 seasons between 1946 and 2006, this makes him a Wrigleyville hero for all time. He also pitched for the Mets, winning the NL East with them in 2006. He now lives outside San Diego.
October 31, 1971: Ian Michael Walker is born in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. The goalkeeper, son of Watford goalkeeper Mike Walker, was a mainstay for North London soccer team Tottenham Hotspur, and kept a clean sheet in their win over Leicester City in the 1999 League Cup Final. He is now the goalkeeping coach for Shanghai SIPG, and helped them win China's league in 2018.
Only 1 "Spurs" goalie has won a trophy for them since, Paul Robinson in the 2008 League Cup.
October 31, 1972: The Philadelphia Phillies trade 3rd baseman Don Money and 2 others to the Milwaukee Brewers for 4 pitchers‚ including Jim Lonborg and Ken Brett. This was one of those rare baseball trades that works out well for both teams.
Lonborg was a key cog in the Phillies developing a pitching staff that would reach the Playoffs 6 times in 8 years from 1976 to 1983, though Lonborg retired after 1978. Money helped stabilize the Brewers and make them a contender by 1978 and a Pennant winner in 1982, and trading him allowed the Phillies to make room for the best player in the history of Philadelphia baseball, Mike Schmidt.
Also on this day, Gaylord Perry of the Cleveland Indians is named AL Cy Young Award winner. His brother Jim, of the Minnesota Twins, had won it 2 years earlier. The Perrys remain the only brothers to both win the Cy Young.
Also on this day, Bill Durnan dies of diabetes-induced kidney failure. He was only 56. He won 6 Vezina Trophies as the NHL's top goaltender, played in the 1st 3 official NHL All-Star Games starting in 1947, and won the Stanley Cup with the Montreal Canadiens in 1944 and 1946.
He lived long enough to be elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame while still alive. In 1998, The Hockey News named him Number 34 on their list of the 100 Greatest Hockey Players.
Also on this day, Matthew James Sutherland Dawson is born in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England. Matt Dawson played club rugby for Northampton Saints, and was a member of the England side that won the 2003 Rugby World Cup. He is now a pundit for the BBC.
October 31, 1973: David Michael Dellucci is born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The outfielder was a member of the Arizona Diamondbacks team that beat the Yankees in the 2001 World Series, and of the Yankee team that won the 2003 American League Pennant. He was released by the Toronto Blue Jays in 2009 and retired. He now works as a color commentator on baseball broadcasts, and is married to The Price Is Right model Rachel Reynolds.
Also on this day, Timothy Christopher Byrdak is born in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn, Illinois. He pitched for both teams involved in the 2015 World Series, debuting for the Royals in 1998 and concluding with the Mets in 2013. In between, he pitched for the Baltimore Orioles, Detroit Tigers and Houston Astros. He has now returned to the Chicago suburbs, and teaches and coaches in high school.
October 31, 1976: José María Gutiérrez Hernández is born in Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain. "Guti" was a midfielder who starred for Real Madrid as they won Spain's La Liga in 1997, 2001, '03, '07 and '08; and the Champions League in 1998, 2000 and '02. He later worked with Real Madrid's youth team, and is now an assistant coach with Istanbul, Turkey team Beşiktaş, with whom he played the 2010-11 season.
October 31, 1979, 40 years ago: Billy Cannon Jr. follows in his father's footsteps, sort of, 20 years to the day after his father's "Halloween Run." Playing for Broadmoor High School in Baton Rouge, he returned a punt 89 yards for a touchdown, leading them to a 20-18 win over... his father's alma mater, Istrouma High School.
A safety, he went to Texas A&M, and was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys. But his career ended 8 games into his rookie season, 1985, as a tackle he made damaged his neck and forcing him into early retirement at age 22. He sued the Cowboys for negligence, and the case was settled out of court.
Also on this day, Simão Pedro Fonseca Sabrosa is born in Constantim, Portugal. Better known by just his first name, pronounced like "Simon," Simão is a winger who led Lisbon's Benfica to the Taça de Portugal (Portuguese Cup) in 2004 and the Primeira Liga in 2005, Spain's Atlético Madrid to the UEFA Europa League in 2010, and Istanbul's Beşiktaş to the Turkish Cup in 2011.
He represented Portugal at the 2006 and 2010 World Cups. Now retired, he is a studio analyst for Portuguese network Sport TV.
October 31, 1980: "The Night the Cylons Landed." That's the title of this 2-part episode, which has a Halloween storyline, of Galactica 1980, the ill-fated sequel to the original version of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica, which aired on ABC on April 13 and 20, 1980.
As with E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial 2 years later, landing on Earth on or near Halloween helps to prevent a panic, since everyone believes the aliens are simply people in costumes. This also worked for the "transgenics" on a 2001 episode of Dark Angel, taking place in the year 2020.
October 31, 1981: Having already blown a shot at the Central Jersey Group IV Playoffs in last week's loss to Cedar Ridge, East Brunswick loses again, 29-22 to Edison, which was favored anyway, and ended up winning the Middlesex County Athletic Conference title.
Also on this day, Michael Anthony Napoli is born in the Miami suburb of Hollywood, Florida. Now the 1st baseman is best remembered for his time with the Red Sox, with whom he made the 2012 All-Star Game and won * the 2013 World Series. He also won an AL West title with the 2009 Los Angeles Angels, a Pennant with the Rangers in 2011, and a Pennant with the Indians in 2016. He is now under contract with the Cleveland Indians, but missed the 2018 season due to injury.
October 31, 1982: Tomáš Plekanec is born in Kladno, Czech Republic. A center, he played 15 seasons with the Montreal Canadiens. In 2014, he was named Captain of the Czech team at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. He is now playing in his hometown with Rytíři Kladno (Kladno Knights), whose owner, general manager and star player is the 47-year-old Jaromír Jágr.
Also on this day, William Daryl Bajema II is born in Oklahoma City. A tight end, Billy Bajema was a member of the Baltimore Ravens when they won Super Bowl XLVII. He is now the assistant coach at John Marshall High School in Oklahoma City (not his alma mater), under head coach Rashaun Woods, who was his teammate at Oklahoma State.
October 31, 1983: George Halas dies at age 88. He was the founder of the Chicago Bears, for all intents and purposes the founder of the NFL, and even a pretty good player by the standards of his time. As part of their 100th Season celebrations, the Bears named him to their 100 Greatest Players.
He was formerly the winningest coach in NFL history (324), and no coach in the history of professional football has won as many league championships, 8: 1921, 1932, 1933, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946 and 1963.
To put it another way: When he was first involved with the NFL, the President was Woodrow Wilson, Chicago was best known as the site of America's most famous fire, most people didn't yet have cars or telephones, there were no objects being launched into space by any nation, radio broadcasting was a few weeks away from being introduced, movies were silent, the Yankees had never won a Pennant, the NHL was new, there was no professional basketball to speak of, and professional football was a small-time thing.
When he was last involved with the NFL, the President was Ronald Reagan, there had been 4 different British monarchs and 7 different Popes, Chicago was known as the home of Al Capone and Mayor Richard J. Daley and his demonstrator-beating cops, pretty much everybody had telephones, pretty much everybody who didn't live in a city where it wasn't necessary had a car, many even had personal computers, space shuttles were being launched and returned, the Yankees had won 33 Pennants, the and NFL was a titan of television and America's favorite pro sports league.
One of his last acts as owner was to hire former Bears star Mike Ditka as head coach, and Ditka would lead them to a 9th World Championship in 1985. When asked by Bob Costas in the locker room after that Super Bowl XX if he thought of "Papa Bear," he said, "I always think of Coach Halas."
This was in spite of Halas having a reputation for being cheap, which led a younger Ditka to say, "George Halas throws nickels around like manhole covers." It was also Halas' cheapness that kept the Bears in Wrigley Field, with a football capacity of just 47,000, in spite of Soldier Field having over 65,000 seats and lights, because he didn't want to pay the rent the City of Chicago was demanding. The Bears didn't move there until 1971, when the money available to teams on Monday Night Football, which couldn't be played at then-lightless Wrigley, more than offset the cost of the rent.
In spite of his infamous penuriousness, when the aforementioned Brian Piccolo got sick, Halas paid all his medical expenses and for his funeral. He died on what would have been Piccolo's 40th birthday.
An NFL Films documentary from 1977, Their Deeds and Dogged Faith, showed Halas walking through the Bears' practice facility at suburban Lake Forest, Illinois (the main building is now named Halas Hall), and announcer John Facenda said it was "like visiting Mount Vernon and seeing George Washington still surveying the grounds."
The NFC Championship Trophy is named for him, and, after his death, the Bears put the initials GSH, for George Stanley Halas, on their left sleeves. Unique among NFL teams, they have retained this tribute to their founder on their uniforms. (Even the Pittsburgh Steelers didn't keep Art Rooney's initials on a patch for more than one season.)
He had planned to hand the team over to his son George Jr., but "Mugs" predeceased him in 1979. Upon Papa Bear's death, his daughter Virginia handed control to her husband, Ed McCaskey. Unfortunately, Big Ed handed a lot of control over to his and Virginia's son, George's grandson, Mike McCaskey, who ran the franchise into the ground before Big Ed took it back and handed it over to another son, George Halas McCaskey.
Big Ed has since died, but Virginia is still alive, and is the sole owner of Da Bears. At 95, she is, as was her father before her, the oldest owner in the NFL. She and son George McCaskey have entrusted team president Ted Phillips with operational control.
October 31, 1985: Luis Javier Guerra is born outside Dallas in Denton, Texas. A relief pitcher, Javy Guerra debuted with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2011, and has bounced around, until arriving this past August 4 with the Washington Nationals, whom he helped win the World Series. His career record currently stands at 11-12.
October 31, 1986: East Brunswick High School plays John P. Stevens High School of Edison in football. The last 2 years, Stevens had beaten EB in the Central Jersey Group IV Championship Game. EB had won the Conference title in 1984, Stevens in 1985. This game would go a long way toward deciding the 1986 edition.
Stevens went into the game with a 22-game winning streak, and it was their Homecoming, on Halloween, with 5,000 green & gold fans baying for our Green & White blood. It was not to be, as Da Bears spoiled the Halloween party 17-12. What a fantastic game. What a fantastic night.
EB won its last 2 games, then waited for the results on Thanksgiving, as we wrapped up our season earlier. Stevens lost to crosstown rival Edison High, thus throwing the title to us. They then lost the State Final to Middletown North, ending their bid for 3 straight.
Stevens had long been our most difficult opponent, but, historically, have been succeeded by Piscataway. Conference realignment means we don't even play them every season anymore. And, the way the calendar worked out, EB would not play on Halloween again for 17 years.
October 31, 1987: Nicholas Foligno is born in Buffalo, New York, where his father Mike was an All-Star right-winger for the Sabres. Nick, a center, is now the Captain of the Columbus Blue Jackets. Brother Marcus is now a left wing for the Minnesota Wild, having previously played for the Sabres.
October 31, 1988: Cole David Aldrich is born in Burnsville, Minnesota, and grows up in Bloomington, both suburbs of Minneapolis. A member of the University of Kansas team that won the 2008 National Championship, the center was Big 12 Conference Defensive Player of the Year the following season. He spent the 2013-14 and 2014-15 seasons with the Knicks, and now plays in China.
Also on this day, Jack Riewoldt (apparently, his entire name) is born in Hobart, Tasmania. He plays for Richmond Football Club in the Australian Football League, helped them win the Premiership in 2017 and 2019, and has been named All-League 3 times. No, he is not nicknamed "The Tasmanian Devil."
October 31, 1991: Bad weather hits the U.S. A storm over the New England States became known as "The Perfect Storm," inspiring a feature film of that title. That storm killed 13 people. It also caused another storm to, literally, stop cold over the Midwest, resulting in a Halloween Blizzard that dumped up to 3 feet of snow and killed 22 people.
October 31, 1992: Rutgers plays Virginia Tech in a Halloween Homecoming thriller, in the next-to-last game at the old Rutgers Stadium. The stars were quarterback Bryan Fortay of East Brunswick, running back Bruce Presley of Highland Park, tight end Jim Guarantano of Lodi, and receiver Chris Brantley of Teaneck. RU won on the final play, 50-49. Yes, that score is in football, not basketball.
Also on this day, Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the 1633 verdict of the Inquisition on Galileo Galilei -- 359 years later.
Galileo (nearly always referred to by his 1st name) recanted his belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun. As with Luther and "Here I stand," there was no contemporary record of him having added, "E pur si muove" -- that's the Italian version, usually listed in Latin as "Eppur si muove," meaning, "And yet, it moves."
Born in 1564, the same year as William Shakespeare, and having rewritten the map of the solar system with his telescope in 1609, as Shakespeare's playwriting career was winding down and the Jamestown Colony was struggling, Galileo lived until 1642, the year the English Civil War began.
October 31, 1994, 25 years ago: The NFL's oldest rivalry is played in a chilly, windy Halloween rainstorm at Soldier Field in Chicago, broadcast on Monday Night Football. ABC's announcers got it right:
Frank Gifford, former New York Giants running back: "Guys, we've got some weather. This is about as bad as I've seen it in a long time."
Al Michaels, never a pro athlete, acknowledging the holiday: "I don't know whether we should've dressed up as the Three Stooges or the Three Frozen Turkeys tonight!"
Dan Dierdorf, former offensive tackle for the St. Louis Cardinals, 2 years away from joining Gifford in the Pro Football Hall of Fame: "Some people think we're the Three Blind Mice. Tonight, I think it's the Three Drowned Rats!"
ABC later put up a film from the October 25, 1976 Monday Night Football game between St. Louis and Washington at a rainy, muddy Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, a game Gifford broacast and Dierdorf played in. The Redskins won it 20-10.
For this game, both teams wear "throwback uniforms" (with modern protection, of course) as part of the NFL's 75th Season celebration. The Chicago Bears wear the 1925 uniforms made famous by Red Grange. The Green Bay Packers wear the 1936 uniforms of Cal Hubbard and Don Hutson.
The Packers lead 14-0 at halftime. Then, a long-overdue ceremony is held, as the Bears retire the Number 40 of running back Gale Sayers -- on what would have been Brian Piccolo's 51st birthday -- and the Number 51 of linebacker Dick Butkus.
Both were drafted by the Bears in 1965, and played into the early 1970s, and sometimes looked as if they were the only decent players on the team. But both battled knee injuries and became all-time legends. Walter Payton, who succeeded Grange and Sayers as the Bears' greatest running back, was also on hand.
Introducing the honorees was Mike McCaskey, grandson of Bears founder George Halas and son of owners Virginia and Ed McCaskey, who was seen as having broken up the great Bear team of the 1980s. He was heavily booed.
After the ceremony, the crowd, held to 47,381 due to the weather, almost disappears, not wanting to stick around to see a mediocre Bears team get beat. Which they do, as the Packers win, 33-6.
October 31, 1997: The Washington NBA team makes its debut under the Wizards name, having dropped "Bullets" because of the District of Columbia's reputation as "the murder capital of America."
Chris Webber and Juwan Howard, formerly of the University of Michigan's "Fab Five," combine for 32 points, but it's not enough, as the Wiz fall to the Detroit Pistons, 92-79 at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Grant Hill leads all scorers with 25 points, and Lindsey Hunter adds 23.
Also on this day, Marcus Rashford (no middle name) is born in Manchester. The forward helped Manchester United win the FA Cup in 2016, and, within days, scored on his England debut, and became the youngest England player ever to do so. Already, Man U's idiot fans were calling him "the next Thierry Henry." Despite that exaggeration, he also helped Man U win the Europa League in 2017. He helped England reach the Semifinal of last year's World Cup, its best performance in 28 years.
October 31, 1998: Elmer Vasko dies at age 62. "Moose" was an All-Star defenseman for the Chicago Blackhawks, winning the Stanley Cup with them in 1961. Despite playing 13 seasons in an era where hockey team owners wouldn't spring for mouthguards, let alone team dentists, he never lost a tooth in an NHL game.
Also on this day, within the Star Trek chronology, Harmon Buck Gin Bokai is born in the Marina del Rey section of Los Angeles. A switch-hitting shortstop, Buck Bokai debuted with the London Kings in 2015, not yet 17 years old, and led them to one of the greatest seasons in baseball history, presumably winning the World Series. In 2026, he broke Joe DiMaggio's record of a 56-game hitting streak.
In 2032, he led the Kings to another Pennant, but they lost the World Series to the Yankees in 6 games. He continued to play until 2042, at age 44, and hit a home run in Game 7 to win the Series for the Kings. But only 300 people paid to attend, and Major League Baseball suspended play, never to return.
While never specified, a reason could be that, according the Star Trek chronology, World War III had been waged since 2026, with an eco-terrorist attack that killed 37 million people, and would continue until 2053, devastating Earth, and making professional sports a luxury the world could not afford. By the time Bokai died in 2132, age 134, Earth had rebuilt as a near-utopian society.
The 2026 breaking of DiMaggio's record was cited by Data (Brent Spiner) in the 1988 Next Generation episode "The Big Goodbye," but he was interrupted before he could give the player's name. In the 1993 Deep Space Nine episode "The Storyteller," Bokai's name was mentioned, and Ricardo Delgado, who worked on set design for the show, decided that, since Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) was a fan of baseball and eventually worked to revive interest in it, he should have a baseball card in his office. Delgado had Greg Jein, a model maker for the show, pose in a uniform, and the character was named after the title character in the 1984 movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.
For a later episode in 1993, "If Wishes Were Horses," a simulation of Bokai appears on the station, interacting with Sisko and his son Jake (Cirroc Lofton). The Bokai simulation was played by Keone Young, who bore a striking resemblance to Jein.
In real life, the Kansas City Royals won the 2015 World Series. As of the conclusion of the 2019 season, DiMaggio's record still stands, and there are no plans to expand MLB, although the Yankees and the Red Sox played 2 games against each other at the London Olympic Stadium this past June, and the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals will play there next June, in the hopes of boosting Britain's minimal interest in the sport.
Whether we have a World War III by 2026 is pretty much up to Donald Trump, and to those who could stop him if they have the will. Two of the big problems I have with the Star Trek mythos is the spectre of World War III and its resultant death of baseball.
I prefer to think of the 1994-95 science fiction series Space Precinct, which takes place in 2040, and shows no sign of a worldwide war, but does show the Yankees playing Game 1 of the World Series against the Yomiuri Giants at a Tokyo Dome that is absolutely packed.
October 31, 2000: Ring Lardner Jr. dies in New York at age 85. The son of the legendary sportswriter Ring Lardner, and brother of sportswriter John Lardner, he was the last survivor of the Hollywood Ten, screenwriters blacklisted for their Communist ties in 1947.
Ring Lardner Jr. was not a threat to America's national security. He worked on the screenplays for Woman of the Year, Laura, Brotherhood of Man and Forever Amber. Eventually, his reputation was restored, and he won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, for turning Dr. Richard Hornberger's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors (published under the name Richard Hooker) into the 1970 film M*A*S*H.
He had nothing to do with the TV show based on it that debuted in 1972. He did, however, get a tribute on an episode of The West Wing that aired a few months after his death.
Also on this day, Willow Camille Reign Smith is born in Los Angeles, the daughter of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. She made her film debut in 2007, with her father in I Am Legend, and had a hit song in 2010 with "Whip My Hair." She released albums in 2015 and 2017.
October 31, 2001: Game 4 of the World Series. It's not just Halloween -- the 1st time a Major League Baseball game has been played on the day, due to the 9/11 postponements -- it's also a night of a Full Moon. During batting practice at Yankee Stadium, Arizona Diamondbacks 1st baseman Mark Grace, who so long played for the Chicago Cubs without winning a Pennant and is enjoying his 1st World Series, can be seen on the official Series highlight film looking up, and saying, "Full Moon! You know what that means: Strange things happen!"
The Yankees trail the Diamondbacks 3-1 in the bottom of the 9th, and are about to fall behind in the World Series by the same margin of games. This is due in large part to the fine pitching of Curt Schilling, who was asked about the "mystique" of Yankee Stadium. He said, "Mystique, Aura, those are dancers in a nightclub." (Three years later, pitching for Boston, he would prove he was still not intimidated by Yankee Stadium, saying, "I can't think of anything better than making 55,000 Yankee fans shut up.") Schilling had outpitched the Yankees' Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez. Grace had homered for the Snakes, Shane Spencer for the Yankees.
Byung-Hyun Kim, a "submarine" style pitcher from Korea, tries to close the Yankees out. But Paul O'Neill singles, and, after Bernie Williams strikes out, Tino Martinez comes to the plate as the Yankees' final hope. Tino electrifies the crowd by slamming a drive toward the right-center-field Bleachers. The home run ties the game, and sends it into extra innings.
On the video, a fan in the front row of the Bleachers tries to catch the ball, but it bounces off his hand. Now, imagine you are that fan: Are you excited that the Yankees have come back in this World Series game, or are you mad that you were unable to catch this historic homer (and probably hurt your hand in the process)?
As the clock strikes midnight, for the 1st time ever, Major League Baseball game is played in the month of November. It is the bottom of the 10th, and Derek Jeter steps to the plate against Kim. A fan holds up a sign saying, "Mr. November." Michael Kay, broadcasting this game for the Yankees, has asked, "How did he know to hold up that sign for Jeter?" The answer is easy: He didn’t hold it up specifically for Jeter. Jeter was just the batter when the clock struck 12, making him the first batter for whom it could be held up.
At 12:03 came a typical Jeter hit, an inside-out swing to right-center, and it just... barely... got over the fence for a game-winning home run. Kay yells out, "See ya! See ya! See ya!" Yankees 4, Diamondbacks 3. The Series was tied. The old ballyard was shaking. The "Yankee Mystique" had struck again. It is hits like this that got Jeter the nickname "Captain Clutch."
The next night, the 1st game to officially be played in the month of November, a fan made up a sign that said, "BASEBALL HISTORY MADE HERE" on what looked like an ancient scroll. Another fan made up a sign that said, "MYSTIQUE AND AURA APPEARING NIGHTLY." (Two years later, in what became known as the Aaron Boone Game, that same fan made up one that said, "MYSTIQUE DON’T FAIL ME NOW." It didn't.)
Also on this day, French skier Régine Cavagnoud dies, 2 days after a training accident in Pitztal, Austria. Although she had competed in 3 Winter Olympics, she had never won a medal. However, just 7 months before her death, she won the World Championship in the women's super giant slalom, or Super-G, in St. Anton, Austria. She was 31.
October 31, 2002: The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association votes 9-6 to prohibit the use of metal bats in the state high school tournament in 2003. Twenty-five of 40 leagues will switch to wood for the regular season. The State is the 1st to outlaw metal bats. In this particular case, Massachusetts is ahead of the curve in baseball.
October 31, 2003: The Chicago Bulls honor former general manager Jerry Krause with a banner at the United Center, as if they were retiring a uniform number for him. They beat the Atlanta Hawks, 100-94.
Also on this day, East Brunswick beats South Brunswick 28-0.
October 31, 2004: The Minnesota Timberwolves, owned by Glen Taylor, offer Latrell Sprewell a 3-year, $21 million contract extension, substantially less than what his then-current contract paid him. Claiming to feel insulted by the offer, he publicly expressed outrage, declaring, "I have a family to feed... If Glen Taylor wants to see my family fed, he better cough up some money. Otherwise, you're going to see these kids in one of those Sally Struthers commercials soon."
He declined the extension, and, having once more drawn the ire of fans and sports media, had the worst season of his career in the final year of his contract -- maybe the worst "contract year" in the history of sports.
In the summer of 2005, the Denver Nuggets, Cleveland Cavaliers and Houston Rockets all expressed interest in signing Sprewell, but no agreements were reached. Spree never played again, his career over before his 35th birthday.
The former All-Star has never been hired in any capacity by any basketball team since. By 2008, through his own stupidity, he had fulfilled his own prophecy: He was bankrupt, his mansions foreclosed on and his yacht repossessed.
Sprewell's contract rejection was the last notable event of October 2004, a truly futzed-up month in sports, following the Boston Red Sox cheating their way to a World Series win and the delay (and eventual cancellation) of the new NHL season.
Things would soon get worse for the NBA as this new season dawned: The Malice at the Palace was coming, and the Finals would be played by, perhaps, the last 2 teams that Commissioner David Stern wanted in them: The Detroit Pistons, the defending champions and Malice participants; and the San Antonio Spurs, whose Tim Duncan may have been the most boring superstar in American sports history. Detroit and San Antonio: 2 "small markets" who did very little to boost TV ratings, although the Finals, won by the Spurs, was very well-played.
Gee, maybe Stern didn't fix as many titles as we thought he did.
October 31, 2006: John Stiegman dies in Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey at age 83. He was a Princeton native and a good football player, a tackle in those days of 2-way football, but he didn't play at Princeton University, instead going to Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. There, he was also a member of the hockey, lacrosse and swim teams.
After graduating and serving in World War II, he became an assistant coach at Princeton University, including coaching 1951 Heisman Trophy winner Dick Kazmaier. But in 1956, he went up the Lincoln Highway, and became the head coach at Rutgers, then Princeton's arch-rival. He coached there for 4 seasons, and in 1958 got them to an 8-1 record, finishing 20th in the last Associated Press poll, RU's highest ranking to that point.
In 1960, he went in the other direction, to Princeton's other, and remaining, big rival, the University of Pennsylvania. He was less successful there, and served as an assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh and Iowa Wesleyan. He had 1 more season as a head coach, 1973 at Iowa Wesleyan, and 1 more year as an assistant, 1974 at Army. His final head coaching record was 37-53, 22-15 of it at Rutgers.
Also on this day, NCIS airs the episode "Witch Hunt." Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and his team have to find the kidnapped daughter of a Marine officer. This episode is notable for Dr. Abby Sciuto appearing in costume as Marilyn Monroe. This is not as odd as you might think, because, while Abby's hair is jet-black, her portrayer, Pauley Perrette, is a natural blonde.
October 31, 2008: For the 1st time since conference realignment in 1975, my alma mater, East Brunswick High School, plays New Brunswick in football, at Memorial Stadium in New Brunswick. Both teams had recently won State Championships in their respective enrollment groups, but both were struggling this season.
This was the 1st time I had ever had to go through a security checkpoint at a high school football game, despite having previously gone to games at Memorial Stadium, and also to games in Perth Amboy, Paterson and Bayonne. Apparently, there'd been an increase in local gang activity. East Brunswick got an early lead, and hung on to beat New Brunswick 26-21.
After the game, I walked to the New Brunswick train station -- not fearing for my safety -- and took a train to New York, so that I could take the overnight bus to Boston. I like to do that at this time of year, to see the changing of the leaf colors in New England, and also because, while I despise its sports teams, I like Boston as a city. Nothing particularly eventful happened to me in Boston, and I got home okay.
But before I could get on the Greyhound out of Boston, I saw New York on Halloween Night. I didn't get to see the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade (that had happened earlier), but I saw lots of costumes. The Dark Knight was still in theaters, so there were a lot of Batman-themed costumes. I saw 4 Jokers, 3 Batmen, and 1 Catwoman -- an incredibly tight Catwoman costume made of rubber. Worn by a man. Some things cannot be unseen.
Outside Port Authority Bus Terminal, I saw a guy on a bicycle. He was wearing a Superman costume. Why would Superman need a bike?
Also on this day, Louis "Studs" Terkel dies in his Chicago house, a few days after a fall there. He was 96. The legendary lawyer, actor, radio host and writer did not quite live long enough to see fellow Chicagoan Barack Obama elected as the 1st black President, but had spoken with him a few days before, and had publicly said he was sure Obama would win.
Studs played legendary Chicago Herald-Examiner sportswriter Hugh Fullerton, one of the men who helped expose the Black Sox Scandal from the 1919 World Series, in the film dramatization of Eliot Asinof's book about it, Eight Men Out.
He also did voiceovers for the work of Fullerton and other sportswriters, and sat for an interview, in Ken Burns' 1994 Baseball miniseries, mentioning that, at age 17, he was at Wrigley Field for Game 1 of the 1929 World Series, when Connie Mack surprised everybody by starting Howard Ehmke over Lefty Grove, getting 13 strikeouts from him, to lead the Philadelphia Athletics over the Chicago Cubs. Studs called it "a rueful memory of loss."
October 31, 2009, 10 years ago: Game 3 of the World Series, at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Alex Rodriguez's fly ball in the right-field corner becomes the subject of the 1st instant replay call in World Series history. The Yankee 3rd baseman's hit, originally ruled a double, is correctly changed by the umpires to a home run after the replay clearly shows the ball going over the fence before striking a television camera and bouncing back to the field.
It figures that A-Rod's 1st World Series home run would be controversial. But it does help make the difference, as the Yankees win, 8-5, and take a 2-games-to-1 lead in the Series, retaking home-field advantage after the Phillies won Game 1.
Also on this day, Sam Zell sells the Chicago Cubs to Tom Ricketts. At last, the Cubs have an owner with both the means and the desire to win the World Series.
Also on this day, soccer teams Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur play a North London Derby that I like to call "45 Seconds of Hell."
The game is scoreless until the 43rd minute, when Robin van Persie scores for Arsenal. It takes about 40 seconds to restart the game, and almost immediately, Cesc Fàbregas takes the kickoff, goes through Spurs' defense like a hot knife through butter, and scores. Dispirited, Spurs have nothing for the rest of the game, and Arsenal win, 3-0.
This game is treasured by Arsenal fans, a.k.a. Gooners (a takeoff on the club's nickname, the Gunners), even though both Fàbregas (in August 2011) and van Persie (in July 2012) would whine their way off the team: The former to his former club Barcelona, the latter to Manchester United.
Cesc was largely forgiven for his treachery by Gooners, until Barcelona no longer wanted him, and he begged Wenger to take him back. Wenger refused, because treason is forever. Then Cesc signed with Chelsea, and Arsenal fans finally woke up to his treachery, and began calling him "the Snake." RVP, or "the Dutch skunk" as the author of Arseblog has dubbed him, has never been forgiven. (Like Ashley Cole, he also gets called "Judas.")
October 31, 2010: Game 4 of the World Series. Southpaw pitcher Madison Bumgarner and catcher Buster Posey of the Giants become the 1st rookie battery to start a World Series game since Spec Shea and Yogi Berra appeared together for the Yankees in Game 1 in 1947.
The freshmen do not disappoint, as Bumgarner, just 21, becomes the 4th-youngest pitcher to post a Fall Classic victory, limiting the Texas Rangers to 3 hits while throwing 8 strong innings; and Posey contributes to the Giants' 4-0 win in Arlington with an 8th-inning home run.
Bumgarner and Posey. Two young men with a lot of promise in baseball. I wonder whatever happened to them...
Also on this day, Maurice Lucas dies of cancer at age 58. The power forward was known as "The Enforcer" to his Portland Trail Blazer teammates, as they won the 1977 NBA Championship. He would walk up to center Bill Walton and said, "Who do you want me to kill tonight?"
It was a joke, of course, but Walton admired him so much, he named his own son Lucas. Like his father, Luke Walton would win 2 NBA titles as a player, and another as an assistant coach with last season's Golden State Warriors. He was named interim head coach as Steve Kerr took time off for a non-life-threatening medical reason, and is now the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers.
A Pittsburgh native, Maurice Lucas had reached the 1974 NCAA Championship game with Marquette University, and after leaving the Blazers, played a season each with the Nets and the Knicks, before returning to the Blazers and retiring in 1988. A 4-time All-Star, the Blazers retired his Number 20. He lived long enough to see that, but has not yet been elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. He should be.
Also on this day, The Walking Dead premieres on AMC, based on the graphic novel series of the same title.
Also on this day, General Motors discontinues the Pontiac line of cars, founded in 1926. The brand had produced the Catalina in 1950, the Le Mans in 1961, the GTO in 1964, and the Firebird in 1966.
Ronny & the Daytonas had a big hit with the song "GTO" in 1964, but the best-known Pontiac car is the black Firebird Trans Am, used as a "blocker" by Bo "Bandit" Darville (played by Burt Reynolds) for the truck full of beer driven by Cledus "Snowman" Snow (Jerry Reed) in the 1977 film Smokey and the Bandit; and converted into KITT, the Knight Industries Two Thousand (voiced by William Daniels) and driven by Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) in the 1982-86 TV series Knight Rider.
October 31, 2013: Johnny Kucks dies of cancer at a hospice in Saddle River, Bergen County, New Jersey. He was 80. Born in Hoboken and raised in Jersey City, he pitched 5 seasons for the Yankees, winning 4 Pennants and the 1956 and 1958 World Series, including pitching a shutout against the Brooklyn Dodgers in Game 7 in 1956. In that game, he became the last pitcher to pitch to Jackie Robinson, who retired in the ensuing off-season. He later became a stockbroker, living in Hillsdale, Bergen County.
October 31, 2014: Brad Halsey dies from a fall from a cliff near his home in New Braunfels, Texas, outside San Antonio. He was only 33, and had been dealing with mental health issues and drug abuse, although an autopsy showed no drugs or alcohol in his system.
Halsey pitched for the Yankees in 2004, was included in the trade that brought Randy Johnson from the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2005, and pitched for them for a year, and then the Oakland Athletics in 2006. He's remembered as the starting pitcher in the July 1, 2004 13-inning classic between the Yankees and Red Sox, and for giving up Barry Bonds' 714th home run, tying him with Babe Ruth on the all-time list.
He was sent down to the minors to start the 2007 season, and injuries short-circuited his career. His career record was 14-19. He pitched in independent leagues in 2009 and 2010. The Yankees re-signed him for 2011, but he washed out in Double-A. He never threw another professional pitch, and began his figurative descent, which ended in a literal descent. A sad story.
Also on this day, due to a scandal that echoes the one at Penn State 2 years earlier, the football team at Sayreville War Memorial High School in Middlesex County, New Jersey has its season cancelled, and its remaining games forfeited.
This was supposed to be the day of its game against neighboring East Brunswick, my alma mater. This enables E.B. to get enough wins to make the State Playoffs for, so far, the only time in the 2010s. They have a shot at it in 2019. Sayreville quickly recovered, as if the whole thing had never happened. But it did.
October 31, 2015: Game 4 of the World Series at Citi Field. Tim McGraw, country music superstar and son of Met legend Tug McGraw, both sings the National Anthem and throws out the ceremonial first ball. As far as I know, no person has ever been given both honors at a major league game.
Michael Conforto's home run gives the Mets a 2-0 lead in the 3rd inning, and another Conforto homer in the 5th makes it 3-1. He is the only Met ever to hit 2 home runs in a World Series game. As late as the top of the 8th, they lead the Kansas City Royals 3-2.
But for the 4th straight game -- actually, the 5th, since they did it in Game 5 back in 2000 -- the Mets blow a lead in a World Series game. Tyler Clippard walks the 1st 2 Royals in the 8th. With Jeurys Familia brought in to pitch, Daniel Murphy, the Mets' biggest postseason hero thus far, makes a key error that allows the tying run to score. Mike Moustakas singles home the go-ahead run, and the Royals tack on another. Yoenis Cespedes, the other big Met hero of the season, gets doubled off 1st base following a soft line drive to end it, in a 5-3 Royals win.
The Mets had thrilled the baseball world the last 3 months. Now, they were clowning their way to an ignominious defeat.
Also on this day, Rutgers loses 48-10 to Wisconsin at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison. Who's the money-grubber -- or the masochist -- who thought that RU joining the Big Ten was a good idea?
Also on this day, Duke University hosts the University of Miami in an Atlantic Coast Conference Game in Durham, North Carolina. After scoring a touchdown and a 2-point conversion, Duke led 27-24 with 6 seconds left on the clock. All the Blue Devils had to do was not allow a touchdown on the final play, and they would beat the Hurricanes.
Duke squibbed the kickoff, thinking that the clock would run out during Miami's return. But it only got to the Miami 25-yard line, and the 'Canes tried to copy "The Play," the lateral-filled play that allowed the University of California to beat arch-rival Stanford in 1982.
After 3 laterals, the ball was held on the Miami 3-yard line. Mark Walton tried a 4th lateral. Photographs showed that his knee hit the turf before he let the ball go. But no official whistled the play dead. Eventually, Miami made 8 laterals. The last got to Corn Elder, who got 2 key blocks, and had a clear path to the Duke end zone.
When he got to the Duke 16, his teammate Artie Burns threw a block that caused the line judge to throw his penalty flag. Elder got into the end zone, but the officials decide to check the instant replay. They declared that all 8 laterals were legal, no Miami ballcarrier had been legally tackled, and the illegal block made by Burns was actually a legal one. So Elder's touchdown stood, and the final score was Miami 30, Duke 27.
This became known as "The Debacle In Durham." The ACC later ruled that Walton was down, and that the illegal block was, in fact, illegal. They refused to overturn the game's result, but they suspended the entire officiating crew for 2 games.
Now, if it was Duke basketball, a lot of people wouldn't have minded seeing them get screwed. But Duke football has been far less successful, and has offended far fewer people.
October 31, 2017: Game 6 of the World Series is played at Dodger Stadium. The Los Angeles Dodgers stay in the Series by beating the Houston Astros 3-1, thanks to a home run by Joc Pederson, his 3rd of the Series, and Tony Watson outpitching Justin Verlander.
Oddly, while Dodger Stadium was hosting its 9th World Series, it was about to host its 1st Game 7. Only once before, since moving to Los Angeles in 1958, have the Dodgers gone to Game 7 of a World Series, winning in Minnesota in 1965. They went to 6 in 1977 (lost to the Yankees), 1978 (lost to the Yankees again) and 1981 (beat the Yankees); to 5 in 1974 (lost to Oakland) and 1988 (beat Oakland); and were in 4-game sweeps in 1963 (beating the Yankees) and 1966 (losing to Baltimore).
Also on this day, 8 people are killed in the Tribeca section of Lower Manhattan, as Sayfullo Saipov drove a Home Depot rental truck through helpless riders on a bike path. The suspect was heard by witnesses to yell, "Allahu akbar!" -- Arabic for, "God is great!" This is a frequent cry for men in acts of terrorism. He was finally captured after fleeing the truck and being shot by a police officer.
A year earlier, Donald Trump told us, "I have a plan to wipe out ISIS in 30 days." This day was Day 284 of his Presidency. Also, it's worth pointing out that this happened not just while he was President, but in New York, in his hometown.
You know who was President for 8 years without something like this happening in New York? Barack Obama, the black guy with the Arabic name that Trump said was a Muslim from Kenya. It didn't happen in Honolulu, where Obama was born, either. Or in Chicago, where Obama lived.
Trump has pulled U.S. troops, protecting the Kurds, out of northern Syria, leaving them the choice of being massacred by Turkey or by a resurgent ISIS. He betrayed them, and has allowed the resurgence of the ISIS he said he had a plan to wipe out in 30 days. In his Presidency, this is Day 1,014.
October 31, 2269, 150 years from now: If we accept the convention that the last 3 digits, plus the decimal point, of the "Stardates" on Star Trek represent a percentage of the year thus far passed, then the episode "The Way to Eden," Stardate 5832.3, takes place on this date.
There is no mention of Halloween on this episode. Indeed, aside from the mention of a Christmas party in the 1st season episode "Dagger of the Mind," no Earth holidays were mentioned in the canonical 79 episodes of "The Original Series."
But that doesn't mean there aren't some weird costumes. This episode features the "Space Hippies," rescued by the crew of the USS Enterprise when their ship is in trouble. They are looking for Eden, a planet that evokes the Bible's tale of the Garden of Eden -- but their request to go there is refused, since it's in Romulan space, which is illegal for Federation ships to enter.
The space hippies manage to take over the Enterprise, and find the planet they're looking for, but the results are less Dante's Paradiso, more his Inferno, and the Romulans have nothing to do with it -- indeed, they don't even show up.
The space hippies call Captain Kirk (William Shatner) "Herbert" -- in 20th Century layman's terms, a square. But they dig Spock (Leonard Nimoy) -- or, as would be said by Trekkies in the years between the show's 1969 cancellation and its 1979 film revival, "I grok Spock."
Originally, the female lead of the space hippies was supposed to be Joanna McCoy, daughter of Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley), and she was supposed to put the make on Kirk, thus causing friction between "Jim" and "Bones." This idea was rejected, and she was changed to Irina Galliulin (Mary Linda Rapelye), an ex-girlfriend of Ensign Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) from their school days in Russia.
The episode was written by Arthur Heinemann and Dorothy C. Fontana. Fontana had frequently written for television using the name "D.C. Fontana," to hide the fact that she was a woman, which had previously gotten her scripts rejected on the spot, regardless of quality. This time, she used a pen name that would go down in television history for a very different reason: "Michael Richards."
This was also one of the episodes in which Elizabeth Rogers played Lieutenant Palmer, a communications officer, for those times when Nichelle Nichols couldn't play Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, the regular Chief of Communications, due to singing engagements. Officially, no first name was mentioned for Palmer, but non-canon Trek novels have named her Elizabeth for her portrayer.
This led to confusion when I was a kid, because a record and comic book based on Star Trek showed "Uhura" as a blonde, having taken the image of Palmer. It showed the Animated Series character M'Ress, depicted as an anthropomorphic cat, as being humanoid, but with blue skin and dark hair, making her look a little like Uhura. It also showed George Takei's character, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, not as Japanese, but as black -- possibly having confused his name as "Zulu."
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