Tuesday, February 23, 2021

America In the 21st Century: Was It All Agatha All Along?

So, everything that's gone wrong the last few years...

* All the people we loved who died too soon?
* A much-encompassing war that never seems to end?
* Two nasty recessions?
* Cheating teams winning sports titles?
* The horrible superhero movies made by Zack Snyder?
* Trump becoming President, and all the crap he pulled over 4 years?
* COVID-19?
* The wacko weather?

All of it? Who's been messing up everything?

Was it all Agatha all along?

I gotta say, previously only knowing Kathryn Hahn from Crossing Jordan, this is a big jump, but she pulls it off.

Of course, messing with someone's head this much, knowing that the head in question is already not right, that's some sick shit. WandaVision is pretty dark, in spite of the tributes to happy, silly sitcoms.

But what are superhero stories if not escapism?

In the immortal words of William Shatner, "Get a life, will you, people? It's just a TV show."

A fun TV show. Escapism. Something to take your mind off the things that are messed up in real life.

There's no real Agatha.



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