Three games have come and gone since I last posted. Don't worry, my computer didn't melt in the heat. (108 degrees in Newark yesterday -- hottest day in New Jersey history. New York City got up to 104; Philadelphia, 102.)
Thursday night, CC Sabathia went the distance, allowing just 2 runs on 5 hits and 4 walks -- but it wasn't enough, as James Shields stopped the Yankees cold, allowing just 1 run, on a double by Robinson Cano. To make matters worse, the Yankees couldn't score off Kerosene Kyle Farnsworth in the 9th.
Tampa Bay Rays 2, Yankees 1. So the Yankees only split the 4-game series in St. Petersburg. WP: Shields (9-8). SV: Farnsworth (19). LP: Sabathia (14-5 -- breaking a streak of 8 straight winning decisions.)
The Yankees went from scoring just 1 run on Thursday night to scoring 9 on the Oakland Athletics last night.
How many times did they score, Ed Rooney? "Nine times."
In the 3rd inning.
This after 5 in the 2nd.
This after allowing 2 in the 1st 2. It was 0-2, then, next thing you knew, it was 14-2.
But then, just like that, it was 14-7. It ended 17-7.
WP: Hector Noesi (2-0), pitching very well in relief of Phil Hughes, who did not have it at all. LP: Trevor Cahill (8-9). Yankee home runs were hit by Nick Swisher (his 11th) and Mark Teixeira (his 26th, a grand slam in the 3rd).
It was 100 degrees at first pitch, and still, 46,921 fans came out to Yankee Stadium II. Yankee Fans are nuts. Sometimes, that's a good thing. This time, I don't know.
Seventeen runs last night. If only we could've taken 2 and applied them to the night before, and 2 more and applied them to today. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way (as the Yankees found out back in the 1960 World Series).
A.J. Burnett started, and a daylight start usually means "Good A.J." Not today: "Bad A.J." wilted in the heat, not getting out of the 6th inning. Cory Wade got the last out, holding the A's to 3-1. Swisher homered in the bottom of the 6th, and the Yanks looked like they could come back from a 3-2 deficit.
But then, Yankee manager Joe Girardi did something no one but a fool would do.
He brought Boone Logan in to pitch the 7th.
How does that old Hank Williams song go? "It's Boone Logan, I could cry."
Logan gave up a home run, and, as Ol' Hank would say, "There's a tear in my beer." True, it was to Yankee Legend (now with the A's) Hideki Matsui, but that didn't make a difference. It was now 4-2 A's.
The Yankees threatened in the bottom of the 9th. They got men on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out. A hit would tie it. But Teixeira juuuust got under a pitch, moving the runners over, scoring Brett Gardner to make it 4-3 and moving Derek Jeter to 3rd, but now there were 2 outs, and Robinson Cano grounded out to end it.
The Yankees had won 11 straight against the A's, and 25 of their last 29 against them. Not this time.
WP: Rich Harden (2-1). SV: Andrew Bailey (11). LP: Burnett (8-8).
To make matters worse, The Scum keep winning. They're playing the Seattle Mariners this weekend at Fenway, and the M's are pathetic, tonight's game will be their 14th straight loss. They're sinking faster than the Titanic, and there hasn't been this much whooping of Bostonians on mariners since the original Tea Party in 1773. (At least, unlike the politicial idiots who call themselves the Tea Party, most of the idiots at Fenway Park, drunk like their 1773 forebears, are Democrats. Politics trumps sports -- but I still hate the Red Sox.)
Tomorrow, the Yankees close out the series with the A's. Bartolo Colon pitches against Gio Gonzalez.
The Red Bulls managed a home draw tonight against the rather imaginatively named FC Dallas, with Thierry Henry getting the equalizer in the 85th minute. Not great news, but I'll take it.
The last Interlull is here
43 minutes ago
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