Who's managing the Yankees these days, Neville Chamberlain?
If you're familiar with history, Chamberlain was Prime Minister of Britain from 1937 to 1940. In September 1938, desperate to avoid letting Britain get into a second world war with Germany after the horrors of the first one (1914-18), he flew to Munich for a conference with his ally, President Edouard Daladier of France, and his potential opponents, Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany and Prime Minister Benito Mussolini of Italy.
Chamberlain came back, stepped off the plane at Croydon Airport (London's main airport before Heathrow opened), saw the reporters, and announced that he had a peace agreement that would give Hitler exactly what he wanted: The territory in Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland, whose main ethnic group was not Czechs or Slovaks, but Germans.
Chamberlain to the British press, captured on newsreel footage: "This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine. Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you: 'We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.'"
Later that day, Chamberlain stood outside 10 Downing Street, the official London residence of the Prime Minister, and again read from the document, and added, "My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now, I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds." (His line is usually misquoted as "Peace in our time.")
You know who disagreed? The enemy. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop asked Hitler why he would sign such a document, when he really wanted war after all. Hitler's response told all: "Oh, don't take it so seriously. That piece of paper is of no further significance whatever."
You know who else disagreed with Chamberlain's proposal, and his postconference assessment? A former Cabinet official who had since been disgraced, and was working his way back up to prominence: To the House of Commons, this man said, "England has been offered a choice between war and shame. She has chosen shame, and will get war." His name was Winston Churchill.
Within one year, World War II was underway.
On Tuesday night, Red Sox starter Jon Lester cowardly and purposely hit Yankee batters Mark Teixeira (who, fortunately, and contrary to the fears of many including myself, was able to play last night) and Russell Martin (who didn't play last night, although it was due to a previous injury that was aggravated, not the HBP).
I don't want to call him "Jon (Mo) Lester." Not because I didn't think of the name. (I didn't.) Not because he is a molester. (He's not -- as far as I know.) But because, to a Yankee Fan, "Mo" means Mariano Rivera, and the classless bastard Lester is not fit to receive that nickname.
Did Yankee manager Joe Girardi retaliate? Of course not. And he let David Ortiz, the big fat lying steroid cheater, hit yet another home run off the Yankees. Still, did Girardi retaliate? Not a chance.
No sooner do I (and many others) demand retaliation for the upcoming next game -- to be held last night -- that we find out... Hey, guess what? Joba Chamberlain? The Yankee pitcher most likely to retaliate? He's going on the Disabled List!
Are you fucking kidding me?
And "Bad A.J." showed up. A.J. Burnett (6-4) allowed 8 runs (7 earned) in less than 6 full innings. The Yankees fell behind 7-0, including another home run by Big Sloppy. They closed to within 7-4, including Alex Rodriguez's 624th career home run off the senile Tim Wakefield (3-1).
But Boone Logan was no help, and Lance Pendleton, for the first time as a Yankee, really didn't have it in the 9th, allowing this sequence: Homer to the banjo-hitting Carl Crawford, double to the banjo-hitting Marco Scutaro, and homer to J.D. Drew. And, to add insult to the mountain of insults and a few injuries, who got the save? His 1st of the season? Ex-Yankee Alfredo Aceves.
Final score, Scum 11, Good Guys 6.
Joe Girardi is letting The Scum walk all over his team. There's no sense of fighting back. Girardi probably thinks there's no sense in fighting back.
If Billy Martin were managing this team, there's be a whole lot of red-socked motherfuckers in the hospital right now.
Billy Martin was a Winston Churchill type. Okay, he wasn't fat, and he had hair. But he was short, drank a lot, fought back, and had the complete loyalty of his troops and his nation.
All Joe Girardi needs is an umbrella (which Chamberlain always carried, and thus made a symbol of appeasement and cowardice) and a piece of paper, which bears Terry Francona's signature (and maybe also Bud Selig's) as well as his.
Peace is better than war. But more dear than peace is justice.
The Yankees have fallen out of 1st place, although they are even with The Scum in the loss column. The series concludes tonight. CC Sabathia against Super Punk, Josh Beckett. Gee, ya think there's gonna be an HBP or two?
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1 hour ago
1 comment:
It is time for Cashman, and Girardi to be fired, also why is Cervelli still on this team, The Yankees can get better catching from some beer league catcher than what Cervelli has given them, I fear that with the Death of George the Yankees being a contender has died along with them.
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